Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MΣGΔŦŖΘЙ, May 21, 2017.

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  1. How about fixing the game instead of having a Helix and MHH everyday? People are quitting left and right.
    Broken chat, bugs in the game, bugs in drone formation, bugged box doubler, and then events for three new ships for oil that no one in there right state of mind would ever attempt.
    I understand you are trying to improve the game but right now US1 is dead due to so many issues I can't put into this one message.
  2. Before pirate event I counted exactly 23 players, including myself, online during prime time of the evening. There are a few more on for event, but not many. Sad.
  3. SANCTUM18

    SANCTUM18 User

    Same situation in US3 ... years ago there used to be tons of people playing during spaceball and i couldnt even see the boxes that sb drops and now we need people to be able to push the ball to the corners. No one has gotten into the TDM matches in 2-3 years, right now there are probably 20-30 online players in the whole server. Even if they merge the US servers, there will be 90-130 people online +the ones that hear that servers have merged. I dont know how long some certain things can take too long to fix.

    There used to be a game called XBlaster from Bigpoint and Darkorbit is following the same lead as them. They shut down the game without any announcements in one day without refunding a single buck. If they cannot get some things straight, the high ups might put an end and say stop wasting time and money for this program.
  4. They are going to fix it.
  5. Lol, fixing....Should be developing a totally new platform...It's 2017 now!
  6. They would also need to fix the server times back up...
  7. Weekend in us1 again!!! Woohoo!! What we get? We get lags! When i say darkorbit you say lags! Darkorbit..
  8. im not spendin a single penny on a broken game plus a dead server hah
    Bigpoint needs 2 get it 2gethr or theyre gonna miss out on $
  9. .soaps.

    .soaps. User

    sucks. cant even find a group to join for hades cause [REMOVED] chat
    Last edited by moderator: May 23, 2017
  10. dang my main server i played since 07.. 10 years later from 3500 players on daily on USA1 to 20 lmao.. shoulda left it how it was after bio.. woulda still been populated. we need RADOVAN8 (high admin0 fix the game bro or even Piratelee
    *i just returning from like a few years to see how this game ending up.. sad
  11. ttt-Benny

    ttt-Benny User

    This is getting crazy. Game is so messed up. Ill will be back on when everything is fixed and i dont loose connection going to uba. Geez kix.
  12. OG_Failed

    OG_Failed User

    If people have known about the issues with uba, refraction zone idk they continue to jump into them and them come to complain. Just don't jump into it
  13. I posted in the dark orbit revealed post.
    It was deleted. wow all I was trying to do was reveal dark orbit.
    the revelation was " FIX THE GAME"
    It was a rainy day today so I had full intentions of playing.
    Took a couple minutes to log in.( usually 25-30 seconds)
    Took a minute for each back page to load. ( usually 15 seconds)
    Tried auction, took 45 seconds+ to bid. (usually takes 10 seconds max.)
    Tried to finish building a gate and was told over and over that I had no spins nor uri, WRONG!
    Entered battle screen and no damn chat.
    What is the use of playing a game for comradery if you can not communicate.
    These glitches have been appearing every weekend for quite sometime now.
    Magically the game improves on Monday am.
    DO takes players money on the weekend SO why is someone NOT working on the many problems with this game, over the weekend??
    There needs to be a summary post of ALL the glitches that have been "forwarded" to support.
    This is a long list.
    A weekly summary should then be posted as to what has been fixed and what remains.
    DO takes money 24/7 so DO should be working on the PROBLEMS 24/7.........
    Just my humble opinion.................
  14. .ΛĊΞ.

    .ΛĊΞ. User

    Just quit playing like I did. There are far better games out there with better customer support.
  15. The game is dead and there is no bringing it back. Even if DO merge servers, which will probably never happen, i bet there will still be less than 500 active players on that server. DO/BP hunger for money has ruined the game, all the new stuff and events they are bringing out to the game now is to squeeze that last little bit of money from the players before the game is completely dead or shut down. At first, the major problem with the game was a lot of lag; now, hardly anything works correctly. I play on USA west, and I came back to the game last week after like 3/4 months of not getting on, and at first, chat wasn't working. Now, I can't even jump from page to page on the back page without getting a white screen that says ERROR. Simply, there are too many problems in the game. Even if they fix all the problems, the game will never get back to as active as it once was or even a fraction. 5 years back, the game was competitive, and if you put some time into the game, you can get strong. Now, the only way to become 'elite' is to spend $1000s. No one will want to play on a new account. And even if people would play, there is no advertisements or anything for this game that will bring new players into the game, so the only way new people can find out about this game is if regular players tell others about it irl.

    It's sad that the game has fallen this much, it is a great game, but I don't see any way back for it.
    Pinks54 likes this.
  16. My chat s not working its black. Anybody facing same issues.

  17. Chat hasn't worked in about a week on US1, and if you go read this : http://www.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/us-side-chat.119132/#post-921016 , it appears they are not going to fix it. Seems like it says they will just be waiting to implement the new chat. This is deplorable, most of the time there are less than 40 players on US1, and not one of us can communicate in game. Not every person has the ability to use Teamspeak or like services.

    I have never been one to down the Devs/owners etc, but I'm starting to feel like many others, that maybe all of us players are being strung along with false hopes. Fixing chat and increasing server populations by merges or whatever methods should be a higher priority before you lose what players you have left.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  18. Baracus

    Baracus Community Team Team Darkorbit

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to stop in and say a few things regarding the current situation of our game. First things first, we are also not happy with the way recent feature implementation has gone. It's no secret that the latest events were not released with the standards that we hold ourselves to. We can make a million excuses as to why this happened, but I can easily sum it up and say we failed to deliver in the way that we know we can. We know this is frustrating for all of our players, but I would like to stress that is not acceptable to us either. I would like to respond to the issues that I currently see as the main pain points.

    Time issues (especially on the North American servers)
    • The fix that we deployed 2 weeks ago did not work as we intended, so we worked together with the main tech team here at BP. We have found a fix, and are currently testing it. It should go live tomorrow.
    Server Merges
    • These are definitely happening, but will take around 6 months to complete. It is quite a complicated process, and we want to be absolutely sure all accounts are safe.
    Lags on Weekends
    • This is an issue we have been dealing with for a while, and there is no one fix. The lags can be caused by many different issues, but we have managed to identify 2 areas where can make changes in order to boost performance. The first was the movement of the data center (will help once everything is properly configured), and the second will be some changes to the overall way the GG's work. This does not mean the way they actually work will change, but we have a few ideas on the table to make sure that all activity is not funneled into one GG. This is one major cause of the lags on weekends.
    Broken Chat
    • None of the fixes we deployed for the global chat servers has worked as a permanent fix. A chat is still being implemented, but we are finally moving into the testing phase.
    I have to say that I completely understand your frustration with the current situation, but all I can ask is that you remain patient as we work through our current list of issues. We do have amazing plans for the future of our game, but we completely realize that we have to fix what we currently have in order to have a chance to move forward with all of you. Thanks for all of your support up until this point, and I hope to see all of you somewhere in space very soon.

    Best regards,

    Ron, AKA Baracus
  19. Hello Ron. AKA Baracus
    Thank you for your response.
    A lot of the " frustration with the current situation " is caused by DO not communicating enough with the players.
    This causes the "wound" to "fester" in the community.
    I feel better this am AFTER reading your post and it is nice to have an answer other than " closed because support all ready knows"
    Again..... Thank you for your summation.
  20. ŦЯ¥_MΞ

    ŦЯ¥_MΞ User

    I suggest a complete shutdown of the game until everything is fixed. Maybe allow purchases on the back page but nothing else. The benefits are that the developers would fix the game at a faster pace and players would see a significant difference in quality after logging back on. The disadvantage is no DO for some time.
    Last edited: May 22, 2017
    Pinks54 likes this.