Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MΣGΔŦŖΘЙ, May 21, 2017.

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  1. I always feel better after seeing a Team member reply to a thread, and this thread was a great one for it. Hopefully some fixes come through soon. The chat is probably the biggest issue we contend with right now as let's face it, we are so used to having it that it is hard to function without it. It is a means of general communication, coordination, and security. Time is right behind it but if they can get that time issue fixed before the chat comes back, I doubt any of us would complain about it.
  2. Hello MΣGΔŦŖΘЙ

    Thank you
    Baracus for taking the time to answer some of the questions asked, and thank you all for assisting with this thread.
    We ask if you the Original Poster have any further questions/concerns or may we close?

    Take Care.
  3. BandaHill

    BandaHill User

    That's a really bad idea!
  4. Game works fine for me?! :D...
  5. Pinks54

    Pinks54 User

    ŦЯ¥_MΞ DarkOrbit needs to fix the front page in many areas .... Here's an example of a problem on the front page ....
    The [BECOME FRIENDS} link isn't operational from any point of
    reference to a pilots external profile page [[One of you has rejected the friendship request!]] . I've never sent requests friend requests nor can I receive requests because the messaging center icon is missing on my front page , so I can't answer a request if I tried . My pilot profile settings are open to anyone so that can't be the permission settings problem. Since the chat client is disabled for the [Refractions Zone] that is an issue because the DO chat client will block a users IP thus forcing players to request their IP to be reinstated. Looks like I' have to go to a Free Image uploader in order to be able to display hosted url images to show exactly what I am talking about . Another problem I experience is that there are certain high-end profile players while I am in battle with ship warp to other ships while I am in a fight with them , is that possible? [removed]. Start with the front page . 2 things I would like to see in my hanger is my current list of active boosters and time remaining on the listed active boosters and current active missions ... :(

    Accusations are not permitted-SE
    Last edited by moderator: May 23, 2017
  6. maybe a more substantial GIFT should be given to the communities since these errors are effecting so many
    the 2k G energy was nice! but that doubled would make alotta peeps happier ferure!!!

  7. Thank you for the response Ron, AKA Baracus. I will say this much I have played this game since 2009 and started this noob account simply out of curiosity to see what new players are going through on a daily basis. First observation is when the three new ships where introduced absolutely no consideration was given to both the new nor the old players. Old players are not going to do over 260 to 300 gates to get enough oil to get one of the new ships. New players tried but the npc's hit so hard that most don't last 5 minutes in the gate. I know you are trying to breath new life into a game that has been around since 2006 and believe it or not many of the really old players come into our ts and tell us they are just waiting to see what happens with the current situation. I'm not sure who comes up with the requirements for new items being introduced into the game but you need to tell them the requirement for the three new ships pretty much killed it before it started. People on this game are really good at doing to math and once the word got out of the number of gates required just to get 450 oils it killed the desire to get the ships.
    -Lockraven- likes this.
  8. DO is horrible at communicating. All ya'll have to do is post stuff on the announcements IN A TIMELY FASHION to let us know something is up. Here's a thought too.. if you ban an account how about shooting an email to the address on file telling people that they are banned and for how long.. might reduce the grief a bit. How about actually doing something about the cheaters? For YEARS you all denied they existed and threatened anyone who said they did. Now it's no secret but you still do nothing.. is the rumor that DO OWNS at least one of the bot servers have some truth to it? You layer more garbage updates on top of garbage.. I never had more fun on the game than I did on the old client with 3 gates, no sep, no bio, no rsb.. but we all know that doesn't pay the bills. Well look what your greed has done to the game .. US West used to have 1200 people on for Spaceball.. we're lucky now to have 100. Oh ya.. while chat is down I won't be doing anything more than logging in to sell rocks. I sure as hell won't be spending any money. Cya when you pull your heads out.
  9. Amen !

    I do thank you for your reply Baracus.
    We do like to know these things.
  10. usreed

    usreed User

    Unable to login Adobe is not working for my game and the Google app is not compatible
  11. batata

    batata User

    I shall call your atencion to a point, imagine for a second they fix everything in the game and corret every bug, what are u left with? a game with broken gameplay!
    U always ranting about bots but did u stop to think why they exist in the first place? because the game is boring! The gameplay consists of being instapoped by random ufes and farm by doind horrendosly boring things, thats why new players dont stay and is something devs should care for instead of new noob gear like that this is sparta drone or those new ridiculous ships.

    Exatly!! I dont get why they dont just open a goddam OS server, it would solve so many things and its so simple to do.
    They could monetyse on cosmetics if they added a chance factor to it or if it was a rent system.
  12. Rossi

    Rossi User

    how to improve DO:
    1. Ban boters and cheaters
    2. Merge servers so there would be more people online
    3. Make the reward from npc 10 times bigger or something. The game over the years became at least 60 times more expensive, when it started - apis, zeus, pilot bio, havocs, hercules, pet, lf-4, upgrades, and now better lf-4, spartan drones shpis etc. Yet the reward is still the same over the 10 years! The new players are just not being able to compete with players that play the game for a years.
    4. More uridium from purchases. The same problem like in #3. 330k U (1320k U during the best HELIX) for ~85 €? You need at least 100 millions Uridium to be able to compete against UFE and fight with them equally! That means pay over 6400 € to just play your game on normal level! Have anyone ever seen a more expensive game? I know I didin't!
    5. Better quests and better rewards. The quest are srsly not worth doing. In the time you make them, you can do at least 20 times more of everything not to mention how boring they are!
    6. Comunicate with your players. Read/listen what people say to you and what is bothering them!
    7. Update the events or make a new one from idea threads. I mean who even do TDM, Spaceball, Capture the Beacon etc. nowadays? It's just waste of time!

    I loved this game. I have been playing it since there were just alfa/beta/gamma gates and only x4 and instashield w/ smartbomb and the best ship was goliath! When I started playing it, I was addicted to this game. I could wait to come home and start the game, talk on the chat/teamspeak with players and have the best time (when I was not outside). There used to be 10k players online in one server during the "rush hour". And now? Chat/teamspeak is dead, few people are online, even in the biggest and most traffic servers! You have to kick somebody over the phone even to turn the game on and play with you... It's sad. even though, you could do somehething about it!
  13. 1, 2, 5 and 6 agree.
    3. You have double GG reward at sunday with bonus discount on clicking gates, also chanse to get havoc and hercules is better. By duing kappa for hercules you will get some lf4, its possible close zeta for like 100k uridium with premium+rabat+weekend discount and gate give you 48k ur, 100 LogDisc and 50booty basicly logdisc is free and ammo you will make in gate so you can go back on map making uridium.
    4. If you want uridium go and play. 35k uridium you can make by duing QZ 60min. 50k by shoot cubikon alone, around 20k ur with x2 ammo on boss kristallon in x-7 map, 30k uridium each player in LOW gate if you go as 3. They just need make more option to get uridium or update curent because I think for playing gate reward shouldn't be lower than 60k ur per hour if you use x4 ammo (LOW gate reward double).
    5. Daily quest for tetrathin is ok, quests for lvl are ok but they should make quest which will give you uridium reward and 0 ep/honor like kill 100 boss kristallon on for 51200 uridium, you also get 51200 just from them overall its like you been kill 100 cubikon alone but isn't boring fly in circle all time.
    There is also option make a event: Your ammo and time wurth double during prime time 19:00-22:00 all npc you kill on map including low gate give double reward.
    7. Spaceball is still decent event it motivate players go in PVP map and from cargo box you can colect like 200 jump credits in 3 hours if you push ball and 3 speed all time.

    P.S. game optimisation is still terible for as you say 10k players online at 1 server, even for 50 moving object in screen is terible.
  14. Bring more Developers on Darkorbit or hire news but with experience no ?
  15. batata

    batata User

    3) Requires payment and 100k is still a toon of uri
    4/5) Requires u to be ufe already.
    So nope, his sujestions are ok
    7)yup spacebals is decent (is the only viable way to close gates for free) but is frequently sabotaged by ufes so a boost in the number of boxes would be welcome.
    Merging servers wount bring more people online. The only thing that will happen is ufe bashing lowers until there is no new players. After that ufe will stop playing again for not having fodder so nope bad idea.
  16. Rossi

    Rossi User

    3) You still have to spend so much money, even double gates and rebate won't help you.

    4) You think starting players are able to do QZ? Not to mention you need x3/x4/sab ammo for that, and newbies don't have that. Cubikon is the same deal. New player without proper equipment is not able to solocube.

    5) Rewards from quest must be MUCH MUCH MUCH higher so the starting player had a decent equipment for a start. Servers are laggy during prime time. And with double rewards in that time, it would be down and couldn't log in like on Sundays on GE1.

    6) Newbies don't need jump credits, nor a UFE players. And during the time you get that ball to your gate you will make more uridium than you get from cargo.
  17. Really men, you play this game as long as I do and you saying this. Till you could see that this game isn't made to make everything in few weeks of playing, you need to play a year if you play for free and thats the fact but you must agree that now is 10 times easier than me and you where get our first LF4, there where group of 4 players, now you can do most of things with 7 strong ally. They did great job by helping new players you must agree with that.
  18. batata

    batata User

    "They did great job by helping new players you must agree with that" Mmm something is not right here... Mmm Ha! i know what:
    They did great job by helping buyers you must agree with that. There i corrected for u :D
  19. nhy1320

    nhy1320 User

    1,2 agree.
    3 or just make everything cheaper because I remember when I started to play DO I went to the shop and when I saw the prices my first thought was to just quit the game.
    4 just like at my number 3 so that most of the things could be acsesible for new players that want to be ufe in a week.
    5 for me the normal missions uri rewards are just to low feels like it should be somewhere around 1000 uri.
    6 feels like no mans sky they are (the mods at BP) are taking the cash and running.
    7 i come to the spaceball I get killed in 5 sec, TDM no players waiting, capture the beacon new records got killed in 20 sec.
    overall its afun game it just needs to do a lot of fixing and for some reason reminds me of Tanki online (that game is also becoming more pay to win).
    Edit: forgot to mention we need a much Much MUCH bigger auction.
  20. batata

    batata User

    Lets ask Semyon Kirov to be CM of Darkorbit :D