[UI] Full NPC rewards for all group members

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BestGArenEUW, May 24, 2017.

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  1. Hello,

    I notice, that everyone, who damages an NPC, will get the full amount of pirate hunter points. IMO this should work for the Uri rewards too, because even now some Ufes invite non-Ufes only for the pirate points.

    Nowadays the selfish Ufe don't want to be in a group with newbies, because the rewards are distributed "fairly", although the Ufes did the most damage. They don't want to waste their ammo for some newbies, so they prefer killing NPCs solo instead of working in a group.

    What if everyone in a group, who damage the NPC (EDIT: you must attack it, being attacked doesn't count for the reward), receive the full rewards? Under the logic of selfishness, they should invite everyone, even newbies, to their group.
    (More group members => more damage and Uri without decreasing your Uri rewards). This new mechanic for distribution of the rewards would encourage NPC killers. Playing on a crowded servers would be advantageous. No one needs to clear the cubi map for solo cube.

    EDIT: The rewards for cubes in a group are lowered to 600 uri per group member. Kamikaze kills won't give all group members the full rewards.

    What do you think about the idea?

    best regards

    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  2. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Hm, everyone to get the full rewards would probably be considered too good. I would say a more realistic suggestion would be for Uridium rewards to still get reduced, but not reduced as much. Just for example say a full outfit would get 700~ Uridium each from a Cube, then most people still wouldn't really be bothered since not much loss(well unless are greedy).

    Although even if 700~ Uridium each was just for a 4 man outfit, still would be much better than how it is currently(which of course this would be even more likely of a change). Also of course this is a simple/obvious good change, I would of expected them to make such a change by now if they were that willing to.

    *I focused mainly on Uridium from Cubes, but generally is the same for the rewards from other aliens. To get the full rewards would probably be too good, and of course then if you're not in a group you are at a clear huge disadvantage/not fair. (as a mostly or to a certain degree solo player I don't like that idea, not that I shoot aliens for Uridium personally though at least at the moment)
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  3. The exception should be only for some NPCs, which have too much Uri e.g. the Cube. Besides Cubes are a bit more complicated on a crowded server, because they spawn only around every 15 min and lure more enemies while you are low.

    But I don't care, if everyone gets the full Uri reward of Lordakium, which normally isn't worth killing.

    Just wait for some server merges and see, how crowded your server become :p Good chance for groups.
    Kyro likes this.
  4. The one thing you are forgetting about the splits for Group, you do not need to damage NPC to get credit for the KILL/REWARD, you just have to be taking damage or in a fight to earn the kill/reward so the smart groups fly in a map killing everything in sight while looking for their main target (UBK is main objective but kill everything else until someone finds UBK) then assist in killing it including the trash that accumulates for added rewards.
  5. batata

    batata User

    Awesome idea, npcs rewards are a sad joke. This idea would help in that while promoting team work.