[UI] Darkorbit OS1 reasons and ideas to open a pre-bio server

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by batata, May 2, 2017.

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  1. batata

    batata User

    After (and if) DO team merge servers there will be more room to create such a server than now when we have 50 or more servers.
    An overhaul new server would be an exelent oportunity to change the pay-to-win status of the game to a free/fun-to-play game.

    Why to open an old school server and why is it better than the corrent DO:


    It is widely acepted by the comunity that the old DO had better gameplay. This is simply because the time/griding necessary to achive pvp able status was much less than now. Lets face it the most funny part of the game is pvp and in corrent days gamers seek a fast pvp enabling time, nobody is in the moth to spen years in the process. After all u could pvp in a full mp1/fl2/lf3 mix just fine provided u knew what u were doind. Even max level was not so overpowered that it created a big disparity between new and veteran players. The low dmg enabled more skill based battles as the extended time required to kill someone enabled the use of more items (smt, ish, emp, pld ,,,) than now. Also the laser dmg was comparable to the readly available rocket dmg making the diference in power between and old and new player even smaller. Moreover the pve required to get ammo needed to pvp was balanced (ie ~ 50/50).


    This is a space related game but the corrent cartonish graphics have nothing to do with it. It is my opinion that the old graphics were better as they were the perfect balance between fiction and reality. Nowadays it is corrent practice (for some reason) for devs to put cartonish graphics in the games, the gaming comunity in general likes classic (aka adult like) graphics better, by providing the old DO graphics more players would be atracted to the game (given that there are very few mmos without childish graphics).

    Server characteristics:

    Basicaly DO just before bio, with 3d high detail old client graphics. Obviously the old 500 uri to repair would be changed to what we have now as that was maybe the only thing wrong about the old DO. Assembly could also have a place in such a server same as the ability to own more than one ship.
    The old weapons range should also be restored as it was part of the skill factor lacking today.
    As an experiment i would sujest the removal of the lock (aka that red circle) and make it so u have to orientate your ship in order to hit a target).


    Given the strong free-to-play nature of such a server u (and big.) may be asking how will such a server generate revenue? The anwser is very simple: cosmetics ! Those cosmetics contrary to now would be available only by chance (just like lf4s are now).
    In order to understand why i sujest u read this:


    Well i think this is enouth to express myself (and to probably bore u alot) so i will now just leave this to your consideration, please feel free to express your opinion.

    Batata out
    Last edited by moderator: May 2, 2017
  2. I don't like the idea. why moce backwards when you can move forwards?
    ]_Excalibur_[ likes this.
  3. batata

    batata User

    I find it amusing when call the process of losing 90% of game population by adding overpowered and pay to win ufe gear and cartonish graphics "moving foward". So u know before there was an old school server called uridium wars, it had WAY MORE players than the pay to win orbit. Unfortunatly it was closed in favor of the failed money making scam we have now, the rain-bow orbit reloaded here :D
    So i wouldn´t exactly call opening an old school server "moving backwards" in fact its general opinion (should u read reviews about the game, all of them basicaly say "it was a good game but now is (removed)") that opening it would be moving (extreamly) foward.
  4. Bosanac

    Bosanac User

    In my opinnion, they don't need to open a new server. They should just implement some stuff that has already been suggested, and remove the broken stuff or make a better use of it. When it come to graphics and stuff like that, everyone has a different opinnion on it, but in the end, the developers need to start to listen to the community or just say " we don't care, we want money... ". They just need to give us their statement...
  5. batata

    batata User

    I agree that transforming this client back to the old one aka "remove the broken stuff" is more efective than just creating a server apart, but the problem is there are people who spend 10k dolars in it and, even if the game turned 10^99999999 times better, they whould be pretty pissed off if their equipment got removed.
    "When it come to graphics and stuff like that, everyone has a different opinnion on it, but in the end, the developers need to start to listen to the community"
    If u see ytb u will note that the vast majority of them uses 2d :D because it doesn´t look so cartonish as the current 3d.

    "In my opinnion, they don't need to open a new server. They should just implement some stuff that has already been suggested"
    This is more like a psycologic thing, yes there are very good ideas that would balance the game even with the ufe junk in it, the problem is old players will come back only if the server is listed "old school" because they dont belive any update can save this version.

    " we don't care, we want money..."
    They pretty much say that all the time (althoug they dont say it directly).
  6. Bosanac

    Bosanac User

    Well, it's up to BP to decide what to do.

    About 3D, i'm using 2D anyways hahahahaha.
  7. implement stuff or events or quests that is achievable by active player not just by a setting player like king..
  8. batata

    batata User

    Made my day :D :D :D :D :D
    May i sujest u play 2d with the old client music? U will be blown away by the gameplay :D

    "implement stuff" like the flying triangle and the new lasers...?

    "achievable by active player not just by a setting player like king.." Not if it takes 40 years for a free player to get them like now :(
    Bosanac likes this.
  9. when i look at reviews of darkorbit, most of them are not saying go back to the old, or "the game was good", why say it's a game in need of improvement, but dosn't all games need that? every1 can fine a thing they don't like about a game.
    so try to look at all reviews and not just those that have the same "mind" as you.

    i don't really get why you keep calling the grafik cartoonish, when it's in fact just trying to move with the times. saying the grafik in do is carttonish, because it's not mostly sharp lines, is like saying all cars get ugly because the get curs and not sharp lines.
  10. batata

    batata User

    Im not saying round is ugly, take the old bigboy 4 exp it was roundish but steel very cool. Now take tartarus or those new ships and drone designes, if that load of garbage isn´t cartonish i srsly dono what is.

    "so try to look at all reviews and not just those that have the same "mind" as you"
    I whould like to see those reviews that define todays game as good cus i havent seen any.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  11. That is an outright lie. Uridium Wars closed because it was against Facebook policy for BP to run anti bot scripts on Facebook. Because of that, and the high numbers of box botters and alien botters in Uridium Wars, BP was forced to close that game down because they were making no money there since everybody cheated.

    Learn some fatcs before posting lies.
  12. batata

    batata User

    Lol yeah that may be the oficial reason but the true is another story :rolleyes:. Also get other argument diferent from bots please, u ufes are going mental about them.
  13. I'm not UFE, and that is the truth whether you care to admit it or not. The game you are asking for is dead and gone, move on.
  14. OrbitGuru

    OrbitGuru User

    the issue with pay to win folk gap to free to play now is how big it is. back when the game was fun even with pay to win people the only real difference was rank and ammo. the game only took about a month or 3 to get FE and to pay to be FE was only about 200$ (on mega) also you could do the exact math since each lf3 is 10k uri, each b02 is 10k uri, so 620k uri for a full set (31 back in the day) of those 2 and you got a goli maxed out, you could grind pretty quick with a good clan to get credits for drones and a ship.

    where as the price to be Ufe these days is impossible to get an exact number on because bp decided to make everything literally a gamble so the price is more like 1500-5000 for full lf4s/hercs/havocs

    now what really cause that gap is just how hard it is for a free player to get that. like this new gate that you have to get craft materials to get, literally a week to possibly get enough for 1 attempt and which you would need 50-60 attempts to maybe possible hope to get enough for 1 of the 3 ships. not to mention lf4s which you need to do gates with a 30%ish chance to get 1 for... i'll stop there i think you got the idea how hard Ufe is for a free player. where wallet warriors buy all that effort out the way.

    as for their art style? i dont like it either, but i wouldnt call it cartoonish. id call it stupid. they have them with an aerodynamic sort of look with what looks like things made from chunks of car grills and jet engines which is entirely stupid since in space there is no air so no point of an air intake so no function of a jet engine.. im aware space travel isnt real but you should look into actual theories of space travel before you design a ship for it so it at least looks believable

    if they would fix the pay/free to play gap and set up a good system (such as the one in my post a week or 3 ago) for everyone to fix that, then advertise this game to bring noobs back, this game might not die
    batata likes this.
  15. batata

    batata User

    Well said !
    "jet engines which is entirely stupid since in space there is no air so no point of an air intake so no function of a jet engine"
    If the ship is designed to be an ssto then it makes sence but the new graphics are garbage.
    But u know i think even if it was easy to get it steel woulnt fit in the game, atleast not without new alines and a matching system to care for gear diference in pvp.

    Interesting, what to u call to 20000Kdmg orbit here ? alive ? :D:D:D Good joke. And i dont think it would be "dead and gone", should the devs open one it would have way more players then this nonsense for sure.