[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Because not everyone who abused the cheat is in the auction - the team are working on it and as soon as we have more information we'll make it available.

    Same for the bots, etc, except we've covered the "why we [mods] don't just ban them" time and again through this thread, and others.



    solid my friend get in a ship with all your crew and get in maps see wots going on i have played this game .since september 2009 getting fed up now of bots scripts i pay for doubler rebate and prem and have done since 2009 .lets get shut of cheats please regards gb1 server
  3. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    We have no hand in dealing with the cheats, that's entirely DarkOrbit's game/dev team - again, not the moderating teams.

    We report to them that it's a top priority and all that entails, but we are not the ones who ban or decide who cheats. No amount of me sitting in any map on any server, or any of my colleagues, is going to change that. DarkOrbit have to keep persuing their efforts against those cheating in the game, and there is evidence they are legally required to have to be able to terminate the accounts and then uphold the bans.



    give me your plod ship i will show u same old cheats time after time wont post names no point regards
  5. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    What Solid_Eye says is sadly true. Can you imagine the scenario when a player who has spent a lot of cash on the game is banned for botting because of the opinion of a human moderator? They would be likely to accuse he/she of bias even though I'm entirely sure the moderator team is not, that is why they need empirical proof in code that an account is cheating so in the event it was taken to court that proof could be provided. As players we can all see what happens and we know they are cheating but where is the evidence a court would accept? They could just say "I drank a lot of coffee, so I shot lordakias for 48 hours"

    I do see a massive increase in NPC bots especially on my GE1 account, almost as bad as before the big ban waves a few years back - the NPC missions should be rewritten as "Kill x NPCs if you are lucky enough to find one not already being shot by a cheat" and the dev team certainly need to up their game with the detection scripts.
  6. bots are rife, so are damage and shield scripts, and DO do as usual, nothing, the same players have been botting for months on gb2.
  7. skeith

    skeith User

    Damage and shield scripts does not exist.
  8. Had it not happened where it killed JPB and someone blatantly used something that we *ALL* can find with google. Well kool-aid is cheap, hell I once believed it but had it explained to me and then demonstrated by a retired player.

    When a vengie in a suicide parks in front of you and rips through your shields on BOTH configs and you barely move their config... Must be lag right?
  9. apetown.

    apetown. User

    Its possible only via [removed] to "hack" dmg and shd.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 2, 2017
  10. That is different, [removed]
  11. The cover up is swift. Almost as swift as wallets closing have been over here.

    Guess unless you know what to 'google' you wont find out what is being used against you in the forums.
    βridezilla♥ likes this.
  12. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    We don't promote illegal means, so yes we're going to remove names of cheats or such from the forum. It's as simple as that.

  13. In all fairness "Evidence" doesn't mean jack to DarkOrbit, I've sent in clips, others have sent in clips, they do nothing, they claim it could have been edited. It's dumb.
    TomaYakov likes this.
  14. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    as I said, "certain evidence". If they could use video evidence it would be another story, but they can't, and there's literally nothing support can do about that.



    so forget server merge.make game downloadable might get rid of all these cheating scum/brought accounts /scripts hacks ect
    meatpill-Warlord likes this.
  16. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    That's not up to us either. In any case they've spoken some about the game being downloadable before. If/whenever it happens, it's a ways further down the road than server merge, and some of the other actions they can take against illegal play in the meantime.



    its easy solid eye one server under the queens bed trust me will never get hacked regards gb1 player
  18. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    I'm sure she'll rent the space^_^


    lol but thanks for a quick reply faster than support .keep up the good job my friend
  20. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    you're welcome:)
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