[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Notorious

    Notorious User

    I am very worried to see that the words bots, bugs, exploits and cheats have been added to the spam filter. This topic is arguably the most important issue in the game, and in a thread I was trying to create to ask for more transparency on the issue, I was shocked to find out that Dark Orbit had actually decided the censor the words instead and therefore block me from posting it.

    Pretty outrageous if you ask me.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
    -NNC-JO-HH-€°Λ- and OILDAILY like this.
  2. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Part of that is because of forum spammers/scammers who would annually try to flood the forums. So some posts, and new members, are moderated in that we have to approve them before they go visible to everyone.

    This means all that scam/spam stuff doesn't affect the community as much.

    It's not just like the subject is censored from the forum, clearly you just posted the words right there in your post & we have this thread still ongoing.

    Kyro likes this.
  3. skeith

    skeith User

    Unless BP change their policy a downloadable client will not help aganist bot fight.

    One important thing people should do nowadays is think about the posibility that your oponent is more talented than you. I insist on:
    1st.- There are no autolocks. And if there are is only a little few users. If someone clicks you pretty fast is maybe due to his skills/luck. There is also people playing with high resolution screens.
    2nd.- There are no damage scripts / shield scripts
  4. About autolock, if your enemy fly linear and use emp, count 3 sec and click on same location where u last time been shoot on him, thats really easy, looks like autolock but u need just little bit effort to do it and enemy must be bad.
    Do a lot of infiltration, after a few hours of doing it you will be able by looking on minimap know where you need click on map to click target in cloack, its "skill/training".
    Luck, luck is when you random in big like spaceball click on enemy who just go in cloack couse of simple reson, you clicked on map to move your ship.
    You can make your minimap small or big as you wish and use the one on which you can easy by looking on minimap be able click something on map.

    About dmg/shield/hp scripet, they are not exist, you think he has it but simple explanating is group of 8ppl on same map with BO2 boosters and you got 55% dmg, 55% hp and 110% shield booster.
  5. So those players who used this kind of bots and cheats will get permanently banned? Sure?
  6. skeith

    skeith User

    Complety according with you
  7. Notorious

    Notorious User

    Can we have a talk about potential punishments for the wave of NPC bots - if we're even going to see any punishment of any kind?
  8. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    There's not really much room for "potential punishments" - I mean, darkorbit gets their detection together, catches them and it's automatic account termination. There's no lesser bans for that

  9. Notorious

    Notorious User

    So just to confirm, for the NPC botters, we can expect account termination?
  10. skeith

    skeith User

    If they are detected they will get a permanent ban
  11. but the real question is when will they get detected full clans of them on gb2
  12. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    'When' ultimately is the question as I think everyone is waiting to see when the sweep everyone's more or less holding out for will really clean house. I do know the team are on it, but beyond that we can really only wait.

    But yes, anyone cheating & detected by the script is account terminated, NPC bots, macros, what have you - if it's third party software, it's not permitted. It's just all summarized as "bots" generally



    solid eye when they do the sweep so called.can we have a break down on servers how many people been banned not world wide regards gb1
  14. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    ultimately that will be up to them. We have only ever gotten the overall number, not a breakdown at all.
    It doesn't mean it can't ever happen, but I wouldn't count on it over much, and maybe at the very most until after server merges as that should mean a smaller list to break down between than what we currently would see.

  15. Found one where I could reply. Question I have a player telling me to quit Farming him. Not a clue so looked it up on Google. It said farming credits. I have nearly 80-billion credits - I have them because I hardly every use them. I focus on Honor (rank 5 in DO) and Experience Points. He said that if I keep doing that he was going to have my account banned. Not sure if he is a DO employee or not, or md, or not. But he also added something about the Scrub Board - not a clue what that is either. Looked on Google could not find that so not sure what context is was being used in. I follow all of the rules in dark Orbit because I don't want to lose Honor Points. Anybody that can enlighten me would be most appreciated.


    ok solid eye thank you keep us all in the loop my friend gb1
  17. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Honestly, it sounds like someone who thinks getting popped more than a couple times automatically means you're "pushing kills", that's not how it works.
    I would highly doubt he's a moderator, much less an actual DO employee.

    OILDAILY, you're welcome:) As soon as the team is ready to let us know more about what's going on with all that I'm sure they'll let us know. I can't imagine the importance of all this is lost on them, especially as often as we all write them about it ;)

  18. Appreciate it - went back 5 days and saw that I popped him once. BTW - I have been popped so many times my the same player rhan you can shake a stick at. I don't report any of them because it has made me a much netter player. Thanks for the info.
  19. Is "pushing" even possible? @Solid_Eye I killed a ship cause he respawned at the portal multiple times so I just killed him until the warning said "this space pilot is too weak for you", then I decided to stop because it's pointless for me to continue.

    And any good news on bots? On my server bots are definitely rare, but when I do come across them I do admit it makes my day cause it's basically a free kill that I don't have to waste RSB with.
  20. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Yes pushing is possible. Some people just decide to cheat their quests, rank or what have you - even right now trying to cheat the influence points.

    About the only news we have on the bot situation is that they're working on it.

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