How to get a cool name in darkorbit

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by endermancraze543, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. M!tzs^^n

    M!tzs^^n User

    Its the person that makes the name cool.
  2. Too true
  3. kool,to know.I reckon mine is kool enough and my signature :)--
    Odin® likes this.
  4. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Yep . :) I recognize them all heck Maudel22 started out in my old clan yrs ago when she was a Noob. Chixonator did a dang good job on the siggy ™-Me-262-Schwalbe-™
  5. Hi All,

    Yes, your name looks cool and most people can't read it. I have written to people in this forum that has "The Cool Name" but I try to pick out the part of the name I can understand. I think it is more trouble than it is worth. I want a name that someone who can read and see it to understand it. I'm a little dyslectic and it is hard enough as it is. Why make it worse.

    In the game there are contact/group/individual icons to talk to other players. Not counting email the game has. If you want to say Hi or something and the person has a Cool Name. How can you contact that person?

    Have fun and good luck,

  6. I love my name and it's style, had it for years :3 Cause I'm awesome... :p
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
  7. theMatriiX

    theMatriiX User

    It doesn't work anymore :( Cant use special characters.