Open Beta Feedback Domination / AChat

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Baracus, Jul 11, 2017.

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  1. all the main events seem to be for UFE ships, come on guys somebody in a fe ship wont last 10 seconds in a battle map against a UFE ship,
    so well done you just got rid of all the new players again.
    bring back the days when it took 6 ships to kill a cube,
  2. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Surely it won't last 10 seconds, it won't last even 3...
    batata likes this.
  3. batata

    batata User

    I think 0.5 seconds is a safe approximation :p
  4. IamJarska

    IamJarska User

    Hey, this issue/bug is regarding the new AChat. Also one issue that appeared in the old chat as well as in the new chat.

    So, let's get right in to it.
    Every time I log in to the game and open chat/or if it's open already, it's blank. I can't see anything and the only thing to make it work is to jump through a portal. Sometimes I think that waiting solves the issue but as far as I'm aware, jumping through a portal solves it.
    Another issue pretty much concerning opening and closing the chat. If I close the chat and then open it again, I have to scroll down to see the last message. Shouldn't it go to the last message by itself?

    Second issue I'm having is "Group" tab. When someone groups me or when I group someone, I have to do the same thing to get the group tab appear which is, jumping through a portal. Nothing else fixes that and it's just getting annoying, especially if you are fighting and you just can't go to the nearest portal to jump.

    Last but definitely not least as this is probably the most annoying issue that also appeared in the old chat, at least for me.
    So, when I full-screen mode on and open the chat or just pretty much talk in it, I can't use my mouse's wheel to scroll the chat. I have to drag the thing on the right side.

    That's all, thanks.
    I don't know if anyone else have similar issues but these are the issues I'm having.
  5. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Same thing here, if I log off with chat open and log back in, most of the time I'll get an empty window until I close it and relog or port jump.
    The scrolling also behaves the same but I remember on old chat that it was hard to read older messages as anything typed would auto scroll the window to newest message. Maybe it's a feature and would certainly be nice to have a preference controlling this behavior.
    As for the wheel scroll, it probably has similar problems just as zoom in/out ship feature if you use in-game button to go full screen.
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