[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    2013 banwave was godlike xD. from having 50+botters on each map, it went down to having like 1-2 legit players on them xd...
    neoonoma likes this.
  2. Well then I just hope we get another one ASAP, this would also be a great opportunity to start a new page on the fresh, merged servers with no cheaters and only fair players (would also be so satisfying to see all the "top players" lose their silly accounts and possibly make new ones to complain on xD)
    Blue~Lazer likes this.


    bang on my friend^^^
  4. batata

    batata User

    Looking at the game today i can see how efective that ban wave was. Bots are not a problem, they are the result of a problem thus banning them doesnt fix the problem. Thats why some months after they ban bots it will be exactly the same, the fundamental problems are still here uncorrected and i can see they will remain that way forever.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
  5. Fundamental problems, meaning the bots returning? You know since that is the point of this thread.
  6. batata

    batata User

    No , fundamental problems that induce players to bot or leave like the ridiculous grind or the lack of moderation between players. As i said bots are not a problem, they are the consequences of a problem.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
  7. Ya cheat, Ya should be GONE........period....................
    Blue~Lazer likes this.
  8. Blue~Lazer

    Blue~Lazer User

    pay for getting things easier but still a grind, or play for free and have a bigger grind .. no matter how we choose to play, there are no excuses to cheat. they gain literally everything for free and let a program work for them while everyone else has to slog it out and sleep as well while the cheats go to sleep but still work their accts via a program. not to mention, everything i have worked for legitimately for over the years on my account gets wasted against cheats like the autolockers and god knows what programs they work with as some just seem invincible. they may not be botters but theyre still a cheater. i dont mind losing to someone playing honestly and with more skill than myself, but i despise these sort of players. if u dont like losing, dont play. simple. if you dont like the progressive grind to appreciate what youre building up, find another more laid back game like solitaire or farmville. at the end of the day, no matter what, to play this game you AGREE to the RULES before you can even log on and play. this isnt a game meant to be completed in a month or 2 .. its a progressive game. to be done over a long period of time. if we all built up in a month or so , we would all quit within 6 months from boredom and dark orbit would just die a death. theres just no excuse for it other than lazyness. bot to build, autolock then to gain kills. no skill when you cheat and then get trash talked at because they killed you. hellloooo ... but you used a program. no skill there matey. anyway, botters, autolockers or whatever and sympathisers .. all the same. losers . theyre whats killing this game off. not the grind. id sooner spend 10 years building ( although i am ufe now ) than lower myself to the gutter . as an after thought .. you mention fundamental problems .. only problem i see from this now is bigpoints lack of permanently banning these players who are so open about what they do , on the maps, on youtube , in chat and on social media . even 1 of their team openly admits on his youtube channel that he built up ALL his ships with a bot, was active on these forums and now hes a damn team member? we stick to the rules. BIGPOINT SHOULD AS WELL.
    MyBigi likes this.
  9. batata

    batata User

    Ok first of all i have no idea why u think i like battle cheats but just so u know i dislike them and i also think they should be banned.

    "theyre whats killing this game off. not the grind"
    Hahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahah is it? Funny thats not what i have read in many of the "why im i quiting DO" posts but anyway since u love that utopic DO without bots were colecting 1734653413 paladium is much funnier than pvp explaine me why most of the players dont chare that 100 years of boring grind is gr8 ideology bc i would be glad to hear. (Just for curiosity, are u a free player?)

    "if we all built up in a month or so , we would all quit within 6 months from boredom and dark orbit would just die a death"
    Interesting, so rather than pvp, intence grind is what keeps us here? Well maybe u are right but if thats the case tell me why ufes that indeed got ufe in 1 month are still here after more than 6 months? (Btw if DO is about grind tell me about that "this is a pvp game" i heared so many times)

    "only problem i see from this now is bigpoints lack of permanently banning these players"
    They did, long ago. See how much better DO has become? So much players on maps, so much people to play with...

    But once and for all my point is that them fixing the game and making it enjoyable to play whould be much more efective than just baning people that want to have fun but are confronted with ridiculous p2w. And dont tell to me that the utopic DO without bots is awesome for everyone bcs thats a big lie. 3 second pvp, gate bashing for rank, p2w ... give me a breake!! This game is about pvp/pve(in group) not grind.
    neoonoma likes this.
  10. Blue~Lazer

    Blue~Lazer User

    you have your opinion as do i and others have theirs. ive also read why ppl quit .. i also know ppl who quit and why .. some say cost, some say grind and some say the cheats. but i know alot more who say they would return if this game was cheat free and cleaned up over anything else that is wrong with it. u ask if im a free player .. define ur term of free? i used to buy 1 , and the odd occasion 2 mil uri per month up to a few yrs ago. along with rebate and premium. now i just pay for prem and rebate. my uri i earn killing bks, bbks etc. but i dont mind chilling in the maps grinding as u call it. i find it relaxing , so i dont find it a grind. i know bp did a clean up in 2012. i was around to happily see it. yes maps emptied for a while, but at least for the short term you knew you were fighting an honest fight and newbies that started wanted to join in in chat and needed help rather than allow a program do the work for them. i dont get why you think this is a pay to win game.. it isnt . many things have been added to get things easier than before and you dont need to spend to get it. and you can play happily freely without spending in groups or solo. the this is a pvp game quote comes up with the trash talkers who laugh in the faces at those much much weaker than them when theyve just died trying to do what we would find maybe an easy task but to them really difficult and wish theyd been left to carry on their task rather than be easy fodder and you know it. if this wasnt also a farming or grinding as u put it game, then it would just be a constant shoot em up / beat em up game would it not? and maybe bots on the game is what you want and what YOU yourself find awesome, but myself and many others dont agree. but am i calling you a liar for your own opinion? no. im not. as i said, you have your opinion, and i have mine. neither 1 is right or wrong, its just our preferences.

  11. Is it me or did we just go in a complete circle for no reason? With this I can say I am done with this portion of the thread. It was a waste at the 923830 and post 923926 tells me I have been wasting my type here.
  12. batata

    batata User

    Bots and battle cheats are very diferent, i completed no circle. I have no problems with npcs kiling other npcs, i did just fine in ge1 with alot of them and i was able to do my missions just fine (that was until some full hercules surgeon came and started shooting 3 flax players out of the space). Im not fine though with battle cheats thats a diferente story, u cant just say they are the same thing even if they both are called cheats, just no.

    Look i dont mind grinding as well, its relaxing some times, for me a mix of 50% each like it was on the old client is just fine. But the amount of grind they ask to become ufe is insane. It would be fine if there was a system to prevent ufes from bashing the lowers but there is none u just need an ufe ship asap. The thing is: u start playing and then after 3 mounths u get a fe ship but u find out that there is almost nobody with similar stats to fight with and that guys that do 10x your dmg are free to kill u such that your 3 mounths work is worth 0.5 secons in a fight. That stinks.
    "and maybe bots on the game is what you want and what YOU yourself find awesome"
    No i dont. What i said is that i think banning them is pointless, i dont go around sujesting every one i see in front of me to start boting. I stated that if u have alot of pigeans messing your rooth, cleaning the mess over and over again (the bots) rather than geting reed of the birds (the problem) is pointless. Bots want to play the game but are not in the moth to wast 3k hours colecting paladium and they are right, nobody should bc that is ridiculous.
    "i dont get why you think this is a pay to win game.. it isnt"
    I know all the gate probability and double reward thing but just try to get ufe for free and tell me if it was fun. Yes i dont even say if it took long just tell me if it is fun and then u will understand what im talking about. You know without premium and uri buying things get very diferent. And before u say that paid user should get things faster, yes i agree. But making it impossible (realisticaly) to get it for free hell no. A game needs free players as well.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 18, 2017
  13. The thing is before when i started playing there was no lf4 day no double rewards no discount on EE none of this existed, and yes i put money into the game but this is the thing it doesn't make you invincible to be ufe right away there are many aspects of the game you will have to understand before you can compete in pvp or even the event gates. The thing for players to learn right away is to group up and help each other to complete missions and get rewards, also joining a good clan and being a good clan member will help. Botting just throws the game into a out of control spin. Players that use money cause they prefer not to use all their time earning uridium feel ripped off by the botters, for instance rewards for cargo get dropped payout for killing aliens get dropped and when they find a cheat and abuse it the players who farm and the players who buy uridium want to stop either playing or buying uridium cause they feel cheated by DO for not banning them. Players that abused the bug for the oil for instance held off the event for a few weeks while DO fixed the problem and they just got their ships taken away and their oil, but for sure these players that didn't get banned are surely the same players today who are using the alien killing bot and charging ahead of everyone else for months now. Enjoy this is just my opinion i am sure others have different ones.
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.
  14. Lets take a moment and speak about good old day. Before 2011 there wasn't npc kill bot but there was bot which spawn bigboy and you where push and get rank points, thats fair ?
    Cargo reward stay the same only on cubikon is changed for bifenon so you can craft new lf4, its kinda fine but cargo used to compensate promerium you spend to kill it.
    For oil bug they ban people but not perma, was few weeks and they take some exp and honor from them if good remember.


    Just blatant cheating with npc bots being allowed to do so at will. Don't give me that old bull about let the scripts capture them because it's clearly not gonna happen. All those ships that have botted to ufe in no time just proves that bugpoint's are clueless to deal with them. Then you've got the box bots that have done so to ufe and don't need to bot any more because they got what they need without getting caught.
  16. Rossi

    Rossi User

    soooooo, are they ever gonna ban bots or we can forget it and just deal with it? Because if so, I am done with this game forever!
    I am not going to spend hours of my life and play next to boters that steals my npc's. In GE1, 95 % of players on x-7 are boters! And I haven't seen anything done!

    What the hell is so hard to catch them? Just SELECT the players, that plays 6-12 hours straight with no pause/day for a week and BAN them forever! Nobody can play for that long! Even if somebody would be behind the account, it's probably shared and it's violation, so the account should be punished with BAN!

    I seriously don't understand the BP logic! I know the maps would be empty, but at least there would be no cheaters and then the server merge would make sense! I play this game since 2009 and when I see that that boters have everything in few weeks, it makes me furious! They buy premium, they buy the bot and that's it. You can't kill them, because they will almost everytime run away before you get to them (in past you could at least kill them). You can't kill the ones in your company, because they are clanless. So what the hell are the normal players supposed to do?!

    Are we supposed to start bot as well?! When I see colonels and even chief colonels bot, it's just unbelievable! I used to be almost a colonel, now thanks to botters, I am just a major! After 8 years in this game!!!

    They won't see a dime from me until they do something with the boters! For now on, I will just log in, send ores and that's it! (btw: 65 parts in Kappa, spend 50k Uri and got only 21 parts! Nice probability, when you don't even get multi for 5k Uri 5 times! It all just goes downhill to HELL!)

    I wish good luck to all fair players that still play this bot "game".


    i agree with you my friend they pushing rank .and going back to building gate hi had 51 parts fot kuiper gate cost me 80k uri to build wots that all about ?
  18. Unfortunately or luckily the so called DO scripts works great and will catch the bots in the mean time continue to play and work diligently and please please spend money on the game because i am not spending any so please pick up my slack....lol
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  19. Before all of the lag destroyed my ability to play the game, I would play for 12-16 hours with just a few minutes stop to drain the bladder. I could eat while playing and taking a minute about every 6-8 hours to wiz would be on the maps 16 hours a day as I only sleep about 5 hours (normally). I never shared the accounts and NEVER used any CHEATS. I would box in x-8 while killing the StreuneR's and picking up all cargo and Bonus Boxes seen while building my ship to FE (as that was the best you could get), it was cheaper to BUY the BO2's and LF-3's with the Uridium collected over the amounts spent in TRADE, hoping not to be outbid as you LOST your credits at that time. The only thing I was missing was the Pilot Points to be a TRUE FE ship.
  20. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    They did capture/bann them all in the past, just give DO time, they will do it again.

    No one believed that they would be banned in the past... but BUMM all banned.... just wait.
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