[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. They used to have post about how much people they ban during ban stage on old forum, I was take time and calculate how much in total, was over 500.000 accounts in last 7 years thats ALOT.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017


    they used to post every other week on bot bann but u dont see any post now y ?
  3. Well tbh bot was trash, it used to shoot npc always on same range 500 if good remember, this days move of ship which shoot npc is really really random, most of things bot doing is random what can actually be player. Only thing bots can be ban for is account sharing because there is no way 30days 24/7 1 person stay awake and play but since account running on same IP that might be brother, not sure is it allowed or not but its how it is.
    Mistakes are opportunity, is bot creator make mistake that is opportunity for DO to caught bot used, till then you will see them fly around.
  4. I agree optimus its the work of bot developers, good that big point make event every week to keep update there game so that bot cant connect easy and after a week another event just a descent event and wrap up last day for big event to keep the game fresh from the bone.
  5. I didn't really think about it, but yes every time its something new bot is down


    yeh keep new things coming out fed up of picking useless cargo up and pet walking past boxes
  7. actually its really had for bot maker make script for colect thing that spin and change color really fast because its mostly based on pixel, if pixel change really fast and position is unstable bot will colect maybe 1 of 20 what is bad for bot. I believe darkorbit stop with box event couse can't prevent bot for colect it. Box like that might cause lag to player couse its moving object but you have option to turn it off so you get more stable fps if you fight and turn it on to colect.
    I really miss event where you could get:
    5-10 PLT-8
    20-25 uber rockets
    30-40 helstrom rockets
    20-25 sar-02 rockets
    Ice rockets
    This kind of box I hope will come around next xmas or maybe event soon.
  8. Well after many years i finally had enough. Logged on a couple weeks ago to find more botters on the maps than actual real players. Thought about popping them but decided why should i waste my time chasing after other peoples bots while they sit around watching the tv. If the botters arent bad enough, its the trolling on chat and botters boasting about how they got so much uri they dont know how to spend it all. The botters are destroying this game worse than ever and DO are just standing back watching the players leaving in their droves without a care in the world. In response to dark orbits signal that the botters will be dealt with in the next few weeks the botters in chat they are saying that they are now in such large numbers that they couldn't all be banned, unfortunately they probably have a point.

    Sadly because of this i no longer actually enjoy the game so am leaving. For my last action on the game i want to change my name to "Quit - the botters win", can a cm just confirm that this name will be allowed and isnt breaking any of the games terms and conditions?
  9. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    The bots don't win, and we won't advocate as much, so the name would probably be put down for a change then.



    9.00am just finished twelve hour shift log on takes ages to connect low and behold 3 bots in 1-2 just grinding lord streuners and the rest do the have a 24/7 quest ?if not pop into map follow them then bann them this is taking the P
  11. this isnt bot that is just player who doing his own things and don't care about you flying after him
  12. so how you address bot usage Solid_Eye? like killing aliens? Is it not that by observing alone you will know the player is botting? I know you are an old hand in dark orbit..Please dont answer that your script is working... Is it not computerized ? the programs? why is that it takes too long to identify bot usage like alien killers? Please educate me...This happen even before so why you cant do it fast now? c'mon we are in information age...? Does it mean that your programmers are not too good? or you afraid that the bot users? are the one also active plyers and are the one also buying stuff from you , so make it to balance the penalties...?becoz when you ban the botters you loose significant money too?
    ▼Iron_Mongrel▼ likes this.
  13. I won't name names here... nor server. I have played for around 10-11 years on my main.
    I don't spend so I grind and have gotten up there on npc kills solely from effort....never botted. So, killing npcs is the one thing I can be competitive in as I stopped spending over general boredom of the game and disgust over bot/cheat prevalence etc

    A few days ago, a player blew past me on the alien kill list out of nowhere. Never heard of the player. So I checked stats...

    Played 3 years
    Playing time: 2700 hours
    NPCS killed: 1.5 million

    That's 555 aliens killed per hour -- 13,320 in 24 hrs -- if they played 24 hours a day. Have seen a couple other examples of that lower down the list.

    This is why my wallet is closed to DO. I'm not calling this player out, I'm calling DO out to step it up.

    Guys with impossible skills (beyond game limits) and constant botting from others... Gotta pay to win or sleep while your ship plays for you.
    MCCs another issue. Lotta friends left for similar causes. Some, like me, stick out of stubbornness.

    Just looking around this game and shaking my head. Why would any new player stick around unless they were drawn to sociopath orbit's environment of bash and bot.

    Good luck with the server merge... bringing all the low rent crowd into one place.
    I used to love this game. Now I find it more of a bad habit. Maybe there's a 10-step program for fixing a DO addiction.
  14. Anthe

    Anthe User

    Shoot them down...Just like i used to LOL
  15. [​IMG]look what I found
  16. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    *I* don't address it, as far as dealing with them or banning them goes. As is, they have to rely on their detection system, and as I've said before, at this point in time yeah it could do with some improving or catching up. However, that's from where I am, and I'm not working on the script, etc - that's all a bit beyond me.

    As far as how long it can take - DO isn't the only one who does updates. People bot to further their accounts to whatever end, and if the account is getting caught and banned right away they aren't going to choose whatever bot to do their dirty work. So the illegal programs are doing their own updates as well to try and get away without being detected, so DO has to ensure their system does detect such changes, and the back and forth goes on.

    Where it comes to losing money for banning cheaters, it's not really the concern or the case. There are probably people who cheat & also spend money, sure, but all in all, DO still loses money to ill-gotten gains, so letting them carry on really doesn't do them any favors.

    At the moment we don't really have an update on the whole thing to pass on beyond that OP has said they don't really mean to talk about it before they're ready. To that end, we wait to see what's in store - because those that do get detected still get permanently banned. Just because they aren't now doesn't mean it won't come. DO warned people it would happen before & plenty enough didn't take it seriously, just seems some need to learn the lessons again.

  17. Its about time they sort this out i used to pay a bity but know am sick of getting owned by low life players who i have never heeard of are low in ranks but are ufe or hit you with ridiculous amounts. I have played 10 - 11yrs only just got UFE took me ages but i dont play nowhere near as much as i used too.
    Sick off idiots in chat accusing me of stuff never a cm / sm on really gets my goat have never cheated or botted wouldnt know how to or risk account ban.
    My question is i have reported a certain player numerous times in chat and to support nothing ever gets done its now got to the point where i may as well quit!!!.
    I used to love this game it used to relax me not anymore this certain piece of scum loves winding me up nothing gets doen if i didnt know better i would think he was on the support side cos something isnt right !!!
    Once i complain in chat room should i be getting feedback from a cm/sm cos never hear anything !!!

    Proper annoyed - 1 x honest loyal player!!!
    OILDAILY likes this.
  18. The game progresses differently as the time moves on. If you are doing good, legitimately, you get accused. Unfortunately there are those with child like mentalities that will accuse anyone they fail to pop, because lets face it, they always pop everyone they attack.

    The bad thing is I can log into different servers and see the same player botting along with the same name. You can have war with the player and they will bot right next to you like it is nothing. Then later when they are actually playing will say they are just very a "dedicate player." I am dedicated but a couple of hours is just too much for me anymore and these players never get off the server. I know, I know, some players get on here and can play for 12 hours. I have done it myself. I play at home, work, library, relatives home... Thank goodness I have a yard to cut, actual work to do, and family. More than that, thank goodness I still have all that.

    DO needs a team that flies around seeing what is really going on. Who knows, they may have something already in the works that has listed all of the botter's for future termination. They have already mentioned in the Twitch that they are checking out all the legal issues, which is good for all. They can't just take it for granted that nobody will challenge them in court over a game. As stated by Solid Eye, some botters/cheaters may be spending real money also. This spending of money will be the justification they try to use for why their account should never be terminated for any reason, and lawyers greed will keep the legal process moving even when their lawyer knows it is a looser case.
  19. batata

    batata User

    U all think banning bots all together doing nothing else is an awesome idea but lets see some things here:
    First if u just ban them they are going to come back with a different acount. If u manage to ban bots and cheats forever the game will lose 90% of the players and all left will be some ufes that dont even need to buy anything.
    So clearly this is not the solution, lets find a better one:
    The point of botting is that it gets u uri cheaper than legit ways. It is said that a bot which costs 15 € /month can get u 100k uri/day (presumably with doubler). That means bots get u 3100000 uri for 15 € + 6.5 € (ie bot/npc killa + doubler). So in order to inutilize bots u just need to make a uri pack such that the proporcion is better than 144200 uri/€ . After that u can then ban the bots or erase their acounts, implement that pack and BOOM no more bots!!! :eek::eek::D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes: Also u can make a paid feature that bypass´s gates so u just have to craft them and u get all rewards right away (including the aliens) to further inutilize bots that also do that.
    Of course i dont belive in a single word above, as long as players fell the need to cheat, derived from the ridiculous farming required to get ufe, they will always find new solutions to that problem every time devs close a loop hole or just quit if its not possible.
  20. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Welp, since I am reading all your rants here guys I am going to add my rant too xD c:
    And since I am typing this in 5:15 AM don't be too harsh on me for mistakes as I'm not going to proofread the message c:
    On to the point...
    95-97% of the active players are UFEs and from those UFEs, 90% of them bot. If they ban them you know what will happen, right? xD
    Well, I am going to let your imagination run wild about the answer to this question... : P
    Until my next rant, cya...
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