[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Obviously you were not playing in 2012-2013 when they banned all botters in DO. There was only 3 of us i could find playing on the maps, but it only took a couple weeks and the maps were full again. I ask do you honestly believe that it's ok for the botters to take general titles and top ten placements from players that have played honestly over the years and have never cheated or shared accounts? This is the reason why I don't hardly play DO anymore it just discussed me that all my hard work has gone down the toilet cause DO refuses to ban or at least punish these players. These players are an insult and as i said before if it's ok to bot then DO only needs to let us all know and we can stop farming and putting money into DO instead i will pay for a bot and let it go maybe come back in a month or so be able to have anything i want in the game for free, but DO says no it's not OK to bot this is cheating and they will be punished. Well how about telling this to all the players that don't cheat that know who all the clans and players are that cheating that are getting ahead and this has been going on for months now with promises from DO that they will do something about it. As well we all know DO has known who of these players are cheating and have not yet done anything to these accounts most of them are the same accounts DO didn't ban when they were caught cheating to get the oil for the new ships, NO DO just takes the oil from them and the ships and says you players are very bad please don't do that again. It's not the banning that is going to kill the game it's the fact DO is insulting the fair playing players that going to be the end of DO.
  2. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    1)I did start playing DarkOrbit in 2012 actually, I took a 4-year break and came back in late October 2016.

    2)That's a difficult question, but since I don't care about I suppose you know the answer...

    3)Well, just you complaining here. I'm not saying that I don't understand you or your complain, but c'mon man, do you understand how much time or money it takes for an average player who plays 1 hour a day to get 500m honour?

    4)You can go try botting if you want, just keep in mind that you are at risk of getting your account deleted. I know rank 4 in my server does account sharing and he is yet to get banned xD, though I really don't care whether he will get banned or not.

    5)JKeep hoping, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel : P

    6)I can agree with that, to some degree... while botters do not kill the NPCs, they do participate in PvP battles and SB. So some people leaving the game permanently ( even though they are honest ) will do little difference.
  3. Botter's do kill NPC. I see the same one on two servers daily, every time I log on.
  4. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Yeah, don't worry, I read all the messages in the last 6 pages.
  5. so, mr. solid_eye what is your comments on alien boters now in x-7 maps? they do that 3 months already in my recollection, what steps did the developers do to address the problem? how long in your estimate they can get rid of this? i believe you hired best programmers after 1 of your game developer find another job..? wait the boters are the top 10 and are active players and they were the one who really pay and buy doublers and stuff from d.o... are you ready to BAN them?I mean the programmer not you..but pls as a mod. plsease extend..thanks..
  6. "Mr" :eek::D:p May want to check that profile again. LOL

    How do you expect her to give those answers when Baracus skirts around it in Twitch constantly, and the last lead would not even talk about it. Ask me and that one was the reason all this got out of hand. At least now they at least acknowledge the issue. But don't expect much more until the lawyers have finished hammering out all the details with the response. European courts can be quite rough when a case gets in there so the best thing to do for DO is make sure they have the bases covered for a complaint before they get in there. Of course you could try going that route now to complain about how hard it is to play with the bots roaming around.o_O
  7. Rossi

    Rossi User

    When they asked you in survey, if they should legalize botting, you can already see, they are not planning on banning them. At least not in the upcomming months–year.
  8. Just go to 1-3 and =you will find the same 4 botters all day long. Its fun to kill them. like shooting fish in a bowl. they can only go so far free kills. easy...lol. But I wish they would catch them instead. So, I kill them 5 times and go on. The more people that come to get them they less they will get killing NPC.
  9. In defense of D O they have stated that the interference of Bot Killers make it harder to detect these people. Every time you kill one it breaks the time the account is in detection and has to be restarted. YES you can see them in the maps all of the time, but remember you are not dealing with HUMAN detectors, a computer will only register what it can compute and a REPAIR equals a RE-LOG no matter how long they are actually off the map. The best thing to do IF you want them REMOVED is leave them alone or at least not destroy them as the time they are required to repair damage does not reset the time they are under detection.

    You do have to remember that D O needs to make sure they have a true paper trail of the activities of th BOT before they can LEGALLY remove the account as MOST botters will also contact their Bank Card companies to get them to prosecute the THEFT of their funds for closing the account without the proof, and the Card Companies ALWAYS sides with their Customers over the Merchant/Company (just ask your boss about chargebacks they receive annually).
  10. So you are basically justifying bots because URI costs too much? I've NEVER botted...I worked hard to build my account. Spent minimal money and I got a lot of hours into my ship on my main. I understand your logic about making uri competitively priced against botting but that means giving it away and a BUSINESS like BP is not running DO as a charity. By that logic every product and service should basically give away their products and go out of business for lack of profits (profits allow reinvestment in the product).​
  11. batata

    batata User

    No, im not trying to justify anything. I just took that argument i saw sometimes used by bots to develop the idea.
    Maybe its "giving it way" but this beneficts everyone.
    I actualy expect an increase in revenue if they implement that.
  12. Selling URI and things like premium is their revenue stream, I don't see DO reducing prices. The same folks who bot for URI bot for rank too. A ton of folks in the upper ranks have botted at least part of the time. In fact, I know a couple who primarily bot and the script seems to pass them by. Botting hurts the game. It's cheating. It drives people like me to stop spending. I'll never bot but my wallet is closed and when my premium runs out I will make a decision. Playing without premium makes this game suck badly. I see no scenario where DO cuts normal URI costs unless as a last ditch effort to prolong the life of this game.
    -uberpaul- likes this.
  13. I see most botters are taking over top spots fast i mean i have played for 5 years and paid lots of money to get to where i am at and i have never cheated or used a bot but in the last 2 months all the players using bots are going to take all the top positions and i hear they have unlimited uri heck they just run the bot 5 days a week and the other 2 days they play doing gates. I wonder how much Uri and Ammo they have free from DO and they have done nothing not only that the equipment upgrades they will keep and equipment i mean even if DO bans them they will just do it again the only players this actually hurts are the paid players cause they feel cheated from DO cause they do nothing about it. They say they have to let the detection system catch them but really come on are you telling us they are so out of touch with bots that they don't know who is using them? I think they know but i am not going to assume anything as to why they don't atleast take all there uri and honor away, if they want them to stay and play they will still have all there equipment and upgrades and ammo why should they get to keep their rank when it's all accumulated from using the bot. Enjoy
  14. neoonoma

    neoonoma User


    3)It seems like you really think they can ban anyone they see on the maps and has that "mechanical" movement. They can't just go around and ban anyone they see moving like a bot. It has been mentioned numerous times by numerous people here on this thread. And also, they can't remove their honor and uri if they can't prove they are a bot. And no one said that they should keep their equipment, upgrades and ammo.

    Please remember this thread is moderated.-Deter
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 28, 2017
    batata likes this.
  15. batata

    batata User

    If they already profit from selling premium (which is the only thing bots buy together with doubler) imagine if botters started to buy uri ON TOP of that, see were i am going ? ;)
    "The same folks who bot for URI bot for rank too"
    Not necessarly. They bot bc it is the only viable option to actually play without wasting much money. Also they are going to add a (maybe) bot-proof rank so u shouldnt be to woried about this.
    "Botting hurts the game"
    Well, actually it doesnt. Bots are by far the most abundant players and most of them buy premium and/or doubler, thus they keep the population high while providing a steady source of revenue. Also "bots" are a machine not programed to kill players (discount Shuasneguer) in such a way that they dont harm new players in any way as they dont care or maybe even know about rank, contrasting with those ufe buyers that ruin every single event, shoot every single player and are imortal with their cheat-like dmg and spaceball shields.
    "Playing without premium makes this game suck badly"
    This makes me wonder. U say that playing without premium (which is a paid feature) sucks badly, this in a game presented as "free to play". Why do u feel cheated by botters and not by BP ? I personaly do, especially after they transformed a game i liked to play in this... thing... and go on insisting in not creating an OS version.
  16. Bigpoint should take action on bots...faster new methods must be made and take action because we all know already this things even before..
  17. Come on it's not hard to know players can't play 24/7 and these players are so don't give me that, if you think they can't find out who is cheating it's easy when you shoot the bot 1 time and they don't fight they run to portal and jump in wheel then jump back and if your there it waits till your gone then it goes back out and only kills lesser aliens first do i need to tell you more? but i'm sure there will be another response and i know you think your being mature about this and trying to come up with a response that would justify the fact they may not be bot's but then if it's not a bot then how can DO say if we kill the bot's they can't be detected them or we could be ban for killing them, then i guess what their really saying is we should have are own bot detection system in place before we kill anyone or we simply shouldn't kill anyone then it's as if DO doesn't even exist. Just my thought's enjoy the game :)
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.
  18. Still waiting for the shared and sold accounts to get a ban. On our server just in the top 100 several accounts have changed countries and sexes. But hey its hard to catch them. (Harder if they are people close to Bigpoint)

    Matter of fact its interesting how many accounts get shared on the server. We watched people run marathons on events. No issues from BP on 20+ runs 7 days a week. I have seen several in b-maps just going side to side with the pet picking up boxes.

    When. When will the special toolbar users and group hacks get banned? Google is your friend BP. So if you see the Group assault tool that *YOU* enabled by messing with the group boosters maybe its time to eliminate boosters or at least shared boosters. At this point its not even playable if certain folks are in the maps.

    Personally I just want my keys to stay defined when I run into a specific player.
    HALOJOHN likes this.
  19. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    First of all I want to say that I am not trying to seem mature or any crap like that. I try to think logically. And don't take everything I say as an insult or attack but try to listen to me.
    What I will say may sound crazy but it's exactly like that; even if someone plays 24/7 you can't ban them for account sharing no matter how obvious it is. Just like a Discord Moderator said that you can't ban someone for having 1 billion seprom no matter how obvious it is that they bugged them. You need to have solid proof about it not just the basic human logic.
    And by the way, I get shot at many times while I am farming by people who think I am a bot and get annoyed by the idea of someone botting. Because if they knew I am a player behind the screen they would just chase me all the way until I run to the gate but they do not chase me. They shoot me and wait for me to fly away from the NPC.
    As for the "don't shoot them because it ruins the script's work"; I really don't know. Sounds like a lame excuse, though I could be wrong since I have no idea about coding.
    Banning for killing them is pushing, which also works wrong.
    batata and PSK~SUNDANCE like this.

  20. Amen Marc.
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