[SC] Is there a way to get seprom faster?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Demo-, Sep 22, 2017.

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  1. -Demo-

    -Demo- User

    Hi i just wanted to know if there is anyother way o get seprom than to wait 4 days"skylab" just to get 9k for 1 hour pvp...
  2. Once you fully upgrade seprom, it makes 9k in 2 days. Its set up this way so nobody is just shooting forever nonstop. That said, a lot of players, me included have over a million seprom on lasers. Depending on what you are doing the seprom should stack up on your lasers, but if you have some hard core playing time, you will eventually run out.
  3. ramnik

    ramnik User

    i think q zone gives you 500 sep ;)
  4. Some of the NPC's give Seprom in the Gates (Epsilon is one). But the best way to accumulate the Seprom is to ship it every day whether you play or not. A level 20 SkyLab will generate 4536 a day.
    PSK~SUNDANCE likes this.
  5. Pop a few of those Bots out there lol. Sometimes you get 1k plus Sep outta those cheats :p


    "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe it"
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL and neoonoma like this.
  6. -Demo-

    -Demo- User

    I just learned that there was a seprom bug exploit a couple of months back and now people have at least half a billion seprom upp...How is that fair for me??? i have to literally take breaks from the game just to amass few seprom for some pvp...how it that fair??

    P.s I have to wait 2 days for 9k seprom and i burn them in 1 hour...and since i only like doing pvp i have to take 2 days break...
  7. It's not fair at all. To the best of my knowledge most of those cheats that used the exploit where penalized but meh, I don't really believe they where.

  8. -Demo-

    -Demo- User

    I know at least 2 people braging about it in chat that they only got 30 days ban and some % of exp removed...
  9. 30 day ban and loss of EXP is not nearly harsh enough if ya ask me.. they know and knew it was an exploit. Deleted accounts is the ONLY way to punish this type of cheating I think. But hmmm we still have bots and probably always will. I don't think Big Point really cares but that's just what I think.

  10. -Demo-

    -Demo- User

    I just think that it's silly i have to take 2 days of break from the game because of that


    i mainly box with my bio and pet protocols and i have managed to amass 25 mill semp on lazers
  12. I agree. They should increase the Sep Refinery and storage. I pvp only and yep less money for Big Point when I know I'll have no Sep so I don't bother to spend.

    But, they are the experts :confused:



    FT u play gb1 ?
  14. Help me understand this, you only PvP, everyone is complaining about how empty the maps are, the only targets to be found are 2 shot kill noobs, and you fire 90K laser ammo in one hour. I did a test on my account, killing NPC's using x1 ammo, I fired about 50K on an hours time. This was shooting everything that accumulated around me and I did not have to search a map for a target. I honestly think you are getting more play time than you want to admit to and even though YOU prefer to PvP you could always do some gates to get FREE ammo for your PvP battles. Not to mention that I seldom see anyone hunting solo so you would be communicating with other players which would also use some of your "hour' play time.

    I also believe that part of the reason for the recent ship/formation additions was to give an increase in damage/defense so there is less need for the boost from Seprom for the PvP battles and an increased STRATEGY to be applied to your fighting style, switching formations and configs, using more passive defensives (emp's and mines), using specialty rockets.

    You also started the thread saying it takes 4 days to get 9k to change it to 2 days in this quoted post so either you have not built the SkyLab to FULL potential (level 20) or you are trying to fabricate reasons for the supposed need to increase the receipt of Seprom. When you kill another player do you collect their cargo drop? I have received Seprom from some drops I have collected, flying thru maps and not having any NPC's in the map that give Seprom, so some players carry Seprom instead of assigning it to the Shields or Ammo upon Transfer to the ship.
  15. -Demo-

    -Demo- User

    What are you talking about dude? first of all i'm maxed out on ammo's i don't need to do gate because I WOULD JUST BURN MY SEPROM. second on my server we always have wars on x-6 mappa so you trying to say there is nobody to shoot is nonsense and the i thought it took 4 days to refill that was my bad but that's not the point of this tread. third pls do not post if you don't have any usefull advice on getting seprom because i didn't ask you what i can do if i'm not doing pvp
  16. OilDaily.. No I play GA1.

    Helpmehelpyou.. I am a 100% solo hunter with just over 71k ship kills. Seldom do I shoot a bot but yes sometimes they get it the way lol. I do at times go for a hunt with a clan mate and help to get them ship kills, but that seldom.

    Lots of traffic on GA1

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2017
  17. My suggestion of doing gates was to be done when you were supposedly unable to PvP because you are out of Seprom. The maximum limits on ammo were removed, but again you are supposedly burning 90K an hour, and was another reason why I made the suggestion so you had more ELITE ammo.

    You also have not told us what server you play so I have to generalize my comments to apply to all potential readers.

    OILDAILY was the one asking about the server.

    Yes I know there are some that play this way (old school mainly) and have a better respect to those, like you, assuming you are not seeking noobs that are almost dead and insta-popping them after they have tried to kill something they just barely handled in x-4. My feelings are that the PvP for FE+ players should be limited to the 4-x and UPPER maps and prevent them from being able to attack on the x-1 to x-4 maps unless they are attacked first (like x-1 protection), players that are still less than FE would still be able to attack on the lower level maps. This might help keep some of the NEW players.

    How long does it take you to burn through your DAILY Seprom transfer?
  18. I steer away from novice players. If I see they have a flax I won't shoot them, usually help them kill the alien. Nothing wrong with helping out another player no matter the faction.

    Generally only play about 3 hours per evening and at the end of the play evening I'll send 5k Sep and 4k Promerium so I tend to actually accumulate Seprom throughout the week. So by Friday evening I'm sitting with approximately 180-200k on guns with a full 9k in SkyLab. Weekends I go threw it all ;)

    If by chance I've built a gate or two then I'll run my Seprom down to zero on guns and load Promerium for the gate(s).

  19. I have had my rockets sepped for yrs, just off sep from hunting. But hunting is not going to help you stack sep on lasers lol. I have 3.2 mil sepped lasers currently so I'm not to concerned with how much or how fast I send it. The only time I have run out of sepped lasers was when I was on disability and played this game about 12 hrs a day. There is no way you can be going through 90k lasers in about an hr, I dont even think the old npc bots could shoot 90k rounds in an hr. So I would suggest building your skylab to level 20 for starters. And maybe get a job or go to school, sounds like you are spending way too much time playing this game.
  20. FItty3

    FItty3 User

    Yeh and beating it takes about 3k