[UI] Alien rank/ how to make PVP more worth it.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Varoid38, Oct 7, 2017.

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  1. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    I colored the different paragraphs different colors so your eyes would get worn out less quickly.

    Okay, so here's my idea, right now, player kills are totally worthless reward wise for everything except for quests, I think hades gates give a ton more honor than player kills, and most quests give so much EXP that it makes the EXP from players look like a tiny ant. In the end, it's just not worth much, and it's unfair, because there are a lot of players that are REALLY hard to kill.

    So here's my idea, everyone has a seperate rank called an alien rank, this rank is whatever the alien you've killed that's worth the most uridium is that you've killed by yourself. This would give people a new rank to go for, sort of like a fun side game to play. Wouldn't it be great if at some point you somehow kill some huge enemy by luck?

    Anyway, and when you kill a player, the alien rank of that person determines what reward you get from killing them, so if they've solo'd a cube before, you would get the reward of a cube. If they're a noob and have only destroyed streuners, you get the reward of a streuner. (Note: They have to have killed the enemy totally by themselves in order to have the rank of that alien)

    So what do you guys think?

    Edit: Leaving the origonal post here so you can see it, the idea's been modified with criticisms from other people, maybe instead of having it be the full reward it could be a tenth the full reward except for maybe EXP and honor, but that part's up to whoever implements it. So noobs who have somehow solo'd boss BKs would only be worth 50 uridium I think along with some credits. Is that better? lol
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2017
  2. First that red is very hard on the eyes.

    I think it would still move pretty slow. A lot of players, like me, can't solo a cube. I have recently popped a bbk and am looking at going in on some ubers. But as you said, some players are very hard to pop and many don't pop very much although they are attacked from time to time.

    For pvp, it is really best to have a pvp mission loaded up so you can clear them and get the rewards from them as you pop players. Its really the same for the most part for PVE also but you are right, you do get more from PVE kills. The thing is PVE is more abundant than PVP and to a degree, less risky depending on your equipment level.

    With all the things they really need to fix, this would take up a lot of research and programming time. I could not see them having the time to put this in motion within the next two years but even then I would say it is not something that is really needed. It is probably good for somebody that hunts only and never does a gate but meh.

    VESPID User

    The PvP aspect of this game is rubbish, if there were ways to restrict UFE players from trolling any lower map but their own it would not be so bad.

    Any time you have very weak and the very strong thrown in the mix together as enemies with benefits for winning the fight that was over at first volley is the very spirit of Bull Crap!!!

    I would prefer getting popped in a good or even a bad fight just for the satisfaction of shooting the thing that kills me every time but is now fleeing the very sight of me returning to fight over and over again to drive them out.
    batata likes this.
  4. batata

    batata User

    Your idea is very logical, however i dont think pvp should be a way to farm anything. Back then, before the crap, the fight itself was the reward. People made pvp for fun because of the challenge and adrenaline. If u turn pvp into another farming tipe it will lose its shine (even more), thus i think the rewards from it should remain simbolic.
  5. I agree with batata, but want to take Vespid's thoughts one step further and stay with the OP thoughts. The UFE hunting NEW players should get the rewards for the PvP nerfed to the level the player is compared to the killer. IF the killer was Level 20 killing a Level <10 they get NO Rewards a Level 11 would give 10%. up to Level 15 at 50%, Level 16 - 75%, Level 17 - 90%, Level 18+ is normal rewards.

    This nerf should start at Level 16 and killing anyone more than 3 Levels below you should be nerfed. It would also only apply to the LOWER Maps, by the time you are getting to the upper maps you should have enough strength/protection to assist you from being Single shot killed and you know there are NPC's that hit fairly hard anyway whether attacked or not. I also set this at level 16, because you should be able to solo a Cubikon, knowing the strategy of SAB the shields, max attack the hull, and start on your TANK config so you can run to port to rep before the other NPC's kill you. Of course using drone formations will also increase the ability to solo them.

    But the game is dieing because the NEW blood is being chased out of the game. The veterans are leaving because everything they fought hard to get has been taken away by Cheaters, and the Company lines have been blurred by the MCC's being allowed to run rough shod thru the game unchecked. The game is broken into 3 factions, first the Loyalists trying everything they can to enjoy the game as designed, second the Gate bashers whose only play time is running gates and killing New Players, finally the Killers who do anything they can to kill every ship they see whether same company or not by either being in a MCC or in a clan that has declared WAR on their entire company to prevent getting negative honor.
  6. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    Not sure exactly what UFEs killing new players exactly has to do with this idea other than the fact that this would make doing that more rewarding, but I think it would all even out, weaker players would have killed less powerful aliens so far and would therefore be worth WAY less reward, so if anything, this would give UFEs an incentive to spend less time hunting noobs and more time hunting people their own level, so they can get a lot more rewards. The rewards of killing a player who's only killed devos under this system would be worthless to an UFE. What would a noob be worth in this system, 50k credits because they'd have killed a devo? That's nothing compared to really really strong players who have solo'd cubes. :D

    Has for the game dying, maybe the reason the game is dying is because it's boring having to hunt simplistic, not very intellegent computer enemies for hours on end to the point of getting EXTREMELY boring just to have enough uridium and credits to do anything, I mean really, not to mention that they have to give the aliens more HP and shield to make up for them not being very smart, leading to it being more of a boredom withstanding contest where you shoot them endlessly than an actual challenge, for instance, against a cube a player will do stuff like use sab ammo and pet kami, and hunting in groups and stuff, whereas the cube just spawns prots which shoot and that's it. And 99% of other aliens just follow you around shooting random stuff at you. No smart bombs, no strategy, no drone formations, ect. There's just no way to make computer enemies has fun has killing player enemies. They tried to do so with ahnialators having hellstorm, but it's still not has fun has killing a player because it's still just shooting and flying towards you and that's it.

    If people actually could have fun killing other players and actually getting rewarded for it decently, then it might solve a lot of problems with the game being generally boring sometimes, bringing people back. Plus you would get rewarded for playing smarter, like the other day when these really strong enemy ships kept getting popped and respawning at the port from fighting this other clan, they spawned with tiny HP and I was able to follow them and pick a few of them off after their invulnerability wore off even though I'm really really nooby. I beat 2 other players that way during that fight, including this player called jsmom I think, not to mention all the times I've used cloak combined with mines to weaken other players while they hunted aliens, then killed them when their HP got low.
  7. batata

    batata User

    I came to the conclusion that what u realy want is a less boring way to farm uri. Unfurtunatly there are some problems with your idea:
    1) Up until say kristallin it would be far more effective to hunt the aliens themselfs thus changing nothing.
    2) It would become super effective for ufes to farm uri by 2-3 shooting players that farmed kristallons or higher wich would make the game impossible for midle level players.
    3) Eventualy it would become impossible to pve due to the constant grief (green part). Pvers would quit leaving the game with just hunters with nothing to hunt. These would either quit or start to pve wich would also make them quit bc of the first. This is positive feedback loop that would kill the game.
    4) Because the ammo in DO costs, it would be easy to go bankrupt either because of constantly losing battles or wasting your ammo killing aliens and receive nothing in the end by being poped.
    5) The majority of players that farm aliens nowadays are botters and killing them defeats the porpose of your idea. Most players farm with events, collecting boxes or spaceballs all of wich are more profitable and funnier than pve or pvp regarding farming porposes.
    Also dispite how exciting u make the farming process, if u keep the rewards as they are, u still need millions of kills or collecting to get anywere. With those requirements even pvp would become boring and even frustrating if u wasted your ammo and got nothing.

    But anyway, your idea is parcialy implanted in the game with the UBA. U can use it to make uri in a less boring fashion (when and if the thing is working).

    VESPID User

    I always wondered how much more attractive this game would be if PvP were truly an option to be activated and deactivated when farming.
    I'm certain the PvP crowd would agree to this change if a good fight was what they crave instead of being one of them kill ratio padding pansies out there.

    Also considering the bot users, I have been told many times that they are a BP problem to be addressed........Not ours.
  9. UFE's that run around killing noob's are not doing it to make uri, they do it to complete the mission counts and the rank points. You want the rewards to be based on what npc a player has popped alone? Most here in the forums know I run around in a bigboy or a nostro with full flax, credit lasers/shields, etc. As I stated above, I recently popped a bbk, which for me took about 10 min time. I have done several now but it is very time consuming to do with my stats. That said, a UFE player can come blink at me and I pop, and you want them to get the rewards of the bbk everytime? You think they would not just camp me all the time when I am the bigboy that while nothing to pop, gives probably the biggest rewards for stats. I can already see every enemy UFE player tracking me down and just sitting on port with me waiting for me to stupidly slide out of the demil zone so they can remind me how juicy I am. No, PVP, or more specifically hunting is supposed to be a lot of work and not something you get rich from in the short term.

    UFE players don't go after other UFE players unless there is some issue that has started in chat. Otherwise its too much work for them to try killing another UFE player and tiresome. They either run around doing 1V1 with those other UFE or noob hunt.
  10. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    I've seen a couple main problems with this idea people have presented, one is that players who have solo'd certain galaxy gate enemies would be worth like 30000 uridium, and the second that noobs would be worth too much, so I have an idea on how to fix it.

    Why not just make it so that players are worth a tenth has much has their strongest alien rather than the full reward? That way at least they're worth something that actually is worth blinking for, but not so much that PVP goes crazy?

    Like this, even if someone's solo'd a freakishly powerful enemy and are almost certainly UFE they'll only be worth 3000 uridium, and noobs will only be worth like 50 uridium. (All of this isn't counting the credits and stuff, and maybe the EXP and honor could stay the same, I don't know)
  11. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Any amount of Uri for PvP wins is a very bad idea.
    PSK~SUNDANCE likes this.
  12. They need to change rank system. It should be like 20 ship kills should give same rank points with hades. They also need to remove all rank points from aliens. So half of botters will stop botting. Like i said only ship kills should give us rp so peoples will stop botting and peoples will leave gates and they will go to maps.
  13. With your suggestion there is NO reason for a NEW player to play D O as it takes time to get strong enough to kill another player and as such they would never gain access to the upper maps and find it to be a complete drag to even try to play. It would also have to mean the different maps would be LEVEL accessible maps, forcing players to only be able to attack players within 2-3 levels of each other, depending on the setup of map entry. Map 1 for level 1 & 2, map 2 for 1, 2, & 3, map 3 for level 2, 3, & 4, etc. This would actually make the game even less appealing to the HUNTERS as the numbers of players to a map could be very limited or overloaded and would give you a total of 9 maps to access instead of the 32 currently available.
  14. batata

    batata User

    "They need to change rank system. It should be like 20 ship kills should give same rank points with hades"
    Hell NO. Taking ufes out of gates? 20 kills / rank ??? Do u want to exterminate new players? Leave them in the gates so we have a slight chance to play :)
    "So half of botters will stop botting"
    They wont. MOST botters bot for uri wich would take either 15 years or 5k€ to get otherwise. They spawn gates to get things like herks, havocs and lf4s. Almost nobody gives a darn thing about ranks.
  15. I am not sure how many rank points come out of Hades but I would be willing to guess 20 ship kills does not scratch the surface. Players spam Hades for the Honor, which goes into the rank. However, not all players are able to PVP, and getting RP from NPC barely gives them a chance to attain a raink. The team is working on the BOT solution but personally I feel it would be more fun if players ID, Tag and Bag...

    I guess it was a bad day when you posted this. Maps are level accessible already, but then again you came up with another idea after that. Hunters should stay within their level so as not to run off potential long term players. With your posted idea, new players have a chance to complete the missions that start at lower levels, if they can keep their prey inside the map. :p
  16. YES the current system opens the maps according to the levels earned, BUT they are NOT closed once opened and the only way the PvP Rank system being suggested would be effective is to limit the access to the prey according to their level. A level 5 player is already worth a Devo Kill as it is in the Training Gate, by level 9 they are worth a Sibelon and never been into the upper maps. The farming of NEW players would now be rewarded instead of discouraged, causing even more people to leave the game before they learn to enjoy it. Take your BB or Nostro, for example, currently you get left alone (pretty much) as people understand what you are doing, but now this proposal puts a great big bullseye on your back as an easy mark to gain large RP's for killing you. How many people are going to support your advancement like they have now? If this was to be implemented like they are suggesting I would say you would be Number 1 on the Kill List of almost every enemy player on your server.

    I feel anyone under level 12 should have protection from anyone Level 15 or higher killing them PERIOD, unless in the Upper Map System and the lower the level the lower the cap, therefore getting rid of the one shot kills that would now pay outrageous rewards in the lower maps. The current "Hunting Parties" should be limited to the Upper Maps and not allowed in the Lower maps ans the UFE are single shot killing pretty much anything they see in the lower maps.
    PSK~SUNDANCE likes this.
  17. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    What would be the point of becoming stronger if you could only fight people equally has strong has you? So you can hunt stronger aliens? The point of hunting aliens would be to get stronger, but for what purpose would that be if all you could do is kill people has strong has you are? Maybe so you can help people weaker than you rather than kill them, but still, those weaker players would have no real reason to get stronger either because the reason they would want to is to become strong so they can fight players better. The way you all have suggested for it to be done there's literally no point in progressing through the game, and all we would be able to do is purposelessly sit there hitting control and circling around aliens for years on end with no end purpose in mind.

    The point of the game is to get stronger than other people so you can kill them, even if there are other points to it, in the end most of those points simply lead back to getting stronger than other people so you can kill them too. So if you make it so that stronger players can't kill weaker ones, you pretty much make everything in this game have no purpose.

    So since PVP is basically the point of the whole game anyway, we might has well make it rewarding.

    Another point, have you noticed how huge the number of players is in this game who are really really strong? If you make them unable to kill weaker players and they get bummed out about it, they'll leave and then the whole game will die entirely because they make up a vast majority of the population. Also, people buy uridium now a lot so they can get stronger, get rid of the motivation to get stronger, and bam, DO goes bankrupt and we no longer have a game.

    One final point, people killing people weaker than them won't go away just from making individual player fights more fair, because clans enable people to 4vs1 people on a regular basis anyway.
  18. batata

    batata User

    I would like u to tell me what joy or sence of achievement u get from instapoping noobs with an ufe ship. I realy see nothing there, is so empty, no adrenaline.... Even fight are much more rewarding (my opinion) bc u have to fight and use your skills to the last secound, The most rewarding fights i had ended with me having no shields and 3k life left.

    "So you can hunt stronger aliens?"
    Making uri faster is actualy an excelent point to get better. Also many people (many of whom dont even participate in pvp) just enjoy building their ships.
    If however u are not convinced ear this: I play another game were equipment unlocks by level and were u can only fight people within a certaine level margin such that battles are fair. The catch is that u gain experience enevently and u are kinda forced to upgrade your equipment if u want to stay competitive. I find it a much better game model than DO´s.

    "The way you all have suggested for it to be done there's literally no point in progressing through the game, and all we would be able to do is purposelessly sit there hitting control and circling around aliens for years on end with no end purpose in mind."
    That looks alot like today´s gameplay :D And i dont see how being rewarded even more to instapop noobs will make it less boring.

    "Another point, have you noticed how huge the number of players is in this game who are really really strong? If you make them unable to kill weaker players and they get bummed out about it, they'll leave and then the whole game will die entirely because they make up a vast majority of the population. Also, people buy uridium now a lot so they can get stronger, get rid of the motivation to get stronger, and bam, DO goes bankrupt and we no longer have a game."
    If they were forced to leave noobs alone? Well first of there are almost no noobs bc of that same reason. Making battles fair would actualy make the game more apealing to new players who would in turn make the game active again even if the old ufes were gone. About the buying part i may call your atencion to the fact that most sucessfull games make money out of cosmetics rather than power leveling.

    "The point of the game is to get stronger than other people so you can kill them, even if there are other points to it, in the end most of those points simply lead back to getting stronger than other people so you can kill them too."

    Indeed it is, that however does not make it a good game model. Most people wont react seeking revenge upon those ufes that instapoped them or release their frustration on weaker players (aka bullying), most will quit and find a better game.

    "So if you make it so that stronger players can't kill weaker ones, you pretty much make everything in this game have no purpose."
    I dont think so. I know a couple of games that dont work like that and are doing very well, like tf2 or lol or wow or wot ...

    "One final point, people killing people weaker than them won't go away just from making individual player fights more fair, because clans enable people to 4vs1 people on a regular basis anyway"
    That is due to MCCs and lack of game population. One of them can be easly fixed the other would be if they made the game fair.
  19. I wanted to go back to the beginning because you mentioned something that is not the fault of the game but the players. Since I started playing, a lot of the game play has changed. I don't know what server you play, but where I am the majority of the game is individual. The game was supposed to be companies against other companies and has gotten way away from that. If players in companies would go back to the basics of protecting company space and invading enemy sectors, that would be totally rewarding in itself. However there is so much infighting within companies, that entire premise has been totally lost. I know people are now jumping up to bring up the MCC, but they are not the problem with how the game is but the outcome. Clan 1 from Company 1 has been fighting Clan 2 from Company 1 for so long, they became friends with Clans from Company 2 and 3. This bloomed into a solution that the players from the 3 clans could agree on. Now, instead of the other clans from any of the three companies coming together to rid the new infestation, they keep infighting and switching off who is with the mcc clan on a daily, and for some hourly, basis.

    Back to point, even with the edit about the uri amount, as I and HMHY mentioned less powerful players would just be searched out for the easy uri kill. If you want to build up the uri, go take out NPC like the game is set up in the first place. That part of it is pretty much balanced. You go box or kill npc, either regular or in gates, and then spend the made uri on what you need to kill players. After that, rinse and start again. With all the silly wars out there, this would just lead to even more senseless wars sent out for nothing. And now that wars are 100 days long, that makes implementing this idea lead to pushing. "Why did you send us war? Oh, because I can slaughter all of your noobs and make 100k uri in 15 min." No I don't think so.
    HelpMeHelpYou likes this.
  20. @Varoid38 when you change the rewards as you have suggested it requires implementation of restrictions. IF the target is an EASY kill with HIGH rewards then the access to them needs to be restricted. As @PSK~SUNDANCE and I have tried to express the OLD game play was much more supportive of the NEW players and is when the game was flourishing. We had protectors in the lower maps helping the NEW players understand the game and assist them in killing NPC's that were too strong for them to solo easily. Now those players are now part of a MCC that is targeting the unsuspecting player for an enemy attacker to make a one shot kill. What enjoyment is there in doing that? And WHY should it be rewarded as a hard fought battle? Easy Kills in the UPPER MAPS is fine but in the LOWER MAPS need to be restricted. The reason the maps are so empty is because there is NO NEW BLOOD to pick up for the Veterans who have had to leave because of life getting in the way, and the fact the game is so unbalanced and glitched that it is almost unplayable. Players in x-1 to x-4 need to be protected from attack by players who are excessively overpowered for the attack they are getting ready to start. IF the attacked player decides to return fire or start an attack on them then they lose their protection until the battle has stopped. This protection will allow players to gain the skills from completing their Missions without worrying about enemy attacks from players that should be in the Upper Maps.