[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. You really don't understand the issue. When you play the game you are meant to compete as a human against game-sponsored NPCs and other human players. A bot is not an npc nor a human, it's a program meant to steal the boxes from under you and compete with you for NPCs. It steals... from YOU, the players and from DO. They don't need to buy URI since they generate a ton of it. They rank up quickly since their bot is on for hours. When you have a few in a map they are interfering with your quests and grinding.
    Getting doubler or premium is par for the course for any player who wants a LEGAL advantage. But think about it, you get in the game and have to dodge hunters, try and work quests and get to specific aliens. And you box. Boom someone steals the alien you need and it's a bot and that bot keeps grabbing the boxes and npcs -- reducing your take.

    Cheated by DO? I am the one playing by the rules and the botters just steal uri, time and rank. BP is complicit in this as when the botting erupted they did far too little initially to get it under control. Blaming everything on lag. What a joke. I do hate BP for a number of reasons including tech issues they messed up and never fixed. Don't get me started about [removed] in support. The game is meant to be harder to play without premium...duh. But some things make the game easier like Premium. I used to do premium, doubler and rebate on my main. I only have annual prem and every year I debate if it's still worth it. However, it's the selfish behavior of players who cannot abide by rules, who ruin the atmosphere of the game just to get ahead while some of us actually make an effort.
    How would you like it if a noob you knew in the game got to be UFE via botting and was hunting you even though you played by the rules to advance to near UFE in a great time but were actually at your keyboard instead of some AFK nerd?

    Hmmm been wondering why my keymappings keep changing. I've been watching a couple accnts on US1 flying up the ranks... incredible gains and some of them not known for rank chasing. Makes me want to toss my ship keys out the hatch and bail.

    there's no need to insult support members-SE
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  2. batata

    batata User

    Bot actualy feels the defenition of npc prety well. When u say "steal" u are implying that those boxs and aliens belong to you, which they dont, they are there to anybody who shoots/collects it first. About the interference, first i did missions in ge1 (which is filled with pretty suspect ships) just fine, secound there is no diference if a bot or a players starts to atack an npc, and contrary to a bot an ufe will probably shoot u down if he needs the alien u are shooting at. About the rank, again, they are introducing a bot-proof one.

    And yes i feel cheated by DO because of the p2w and some noob updates they did/do. BP didnt take care of botters bc they generate money and are not realy a consern dispite what u may think. Also i belive they actualy do those p2w updates to keep players botting and spending as i see no way of geting those items with normal gameplay. Premium in "right" games is suposed to help u gring, not give u unfair advantages in battles it also is not made to be "impossible" to play without it.
    Im sorry but selfish??? How leaving a program grinding for u is being selfish? Not sharing it maybe, but just using it? I do what i do in this game bc i want, nobody forces me to do this way or at all thus i dont feel cheated if someone desires to get ufe by ilegal means as the act of botting doesnt afect my gameplay. I realy dont care at all were some ufe shooting at me got his stuff. There is no diference at all, the dmg is the same, the cheat-like states are the same, im dead in the exact same time so i dont realy see the diference. Talking about hunting, what i actualy find a selfish actitude, is ufes hunting noobs in lowers and bashing them out of events. That is being selfish, not botting, bc they are considering nobodys gameplay experience other than theirs and contribute to a bad game atmosfere for new players. And about that nerd part, i should call to your atencion that a "nerd" is usualy someone that spends a lot of time in computers/books not the oposite.
    neoonoma likes this.
  3. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    lol, have you tried doing a quest when the botters are locking the npc's even before you get to them,
    and pvp with the cheats, man its a joke, they all lock you at the same time, and even shoot you in the de-mil zone.
    and they have been doing this for months, even a blind man can see there botting.
    look at the last event , the guy who won had more than double the points on his ship, he was running the event for 24hrs for the 1st week.
    and did DO do anything, phft they did sod all.
  4. batata

    batata User

    "lol, have you tried doing a quest when the botters are locking the npc's even before you get to them"
    I wrote this: "i did missions in ge1 (which is filled with pretty suspect ships) just fine" so yes i tried. Also that would had happen with real players as well since ge1 npcs are overloaded, they should just expand the maps and make a script to adapt the spawn rate to the number of players present.

    "and pvp with the cheats, man its a joke, they all lock you at the same time, and even shoot you in the de-mil zone.
    and they have been doing this for months, even a blind man can see there botting."
    U are talking about battle cheats namely auto-lock not botting. Botting here is using a program to collect boxs or kill npcs for u, not a program to assist in pvp.

    "the guy who won had more than double the points on his ship, he was running the event for 24hrs for the 1st week."
    Well in that case u got a point, in events like that were the reward is dependent on farming i can agree that using bots is unfair to other players. However i dont realy like events like that and i miss the old ones were i could get free ammo out of event boxes without needing to do stupid gates or grind competition. Also on a lighter note, them using bots and being afk made it possible for me to go there farm aurus which would have been dificult if "real" ufes were there to bore me :D.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2017
  5. Thing is to all, Who cares what we all think the fact is rules are in place to be followed and these players that bot instead of grinding or collect with bot instead of doing it alone or even sharing accounts they are all breaking the rules that have been put in place by DO with i might add with the threat of being ban and these players simply don't care about any rules. They will also abuse any bug or cheat that comes there way and this destroy's the enjoyment of the game. If it's ok we use bot's then they could start an account run a bot 24/7 come back a year later buy everything they need and either sell the account to a friend or simply let them use it to help them take advantage of others. Just my own thought Enjoy the game :)
  6. 1[​IMG]spaceking*7[​IMG]35,165
    3[​IMG]¡ Jack ![​IMG]23,637

    This is me GA3. Its been 2 days event started.I have been playing like 20 hours no sleep and i dont want to be called BOT! I am trying my best to win.. i think you dont even try to win just play 2 or 3 hours and get tired and get angry because you cant catch up with the top players..well if you tried and played 10 hours a day so you will know its impossible to bot at 5-2 because when you leave the port other ufes will shoot you or all the npc's gather around you if you dont use sab and change conf at the right moment you will die ... so its kinda impossible for botters. Before event start i though its impossible for fair players but no man its possible i am doing good..
    Takarof™ likes this.
  7. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    Also some dark rumors has been spread around that the bots does not even support pirates. Can't confirm but personally have seen 0 bots.

    And because Uber Pirates are tough, you need group to get boosters in order to get more points and survive longer + people can shoot a lot together + teamspeak allows you to communicate with your clan mates if they get in trouble, so I really think this event sucks for botters.
  8. From what i know or here in the pass no bots in Pirate maps however if the game was only in pirate maps then it would be ok all the other maps are over run by bots and no actions from support/devs.
    So for now i will send sep to my ship until something is done
  9. I gotta say I’ve kept my Colonel rank on GA1 for over a year now without any trouble and I was pretty happy with it and I would see players grinding for it and I would be glad and help them out.

    I recently lost my rank to NPC botters. I saw these bots over the past few months killing npcs night and day. Even talked to them and have them bragging about botting. I really do hate that darkorbit haven’t done anything about it.

    I was a Colonel with 12.5 million rank points for over a year, and basic Colonel was at 7 million. 2 months ago it went up drastically and from one day to another it went from 11 million to over 12.5 million rp.

    Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind losing my rank to real people but for npc botters I hate it. I saw them leave their clans to bot in peace to avoid wars and come back during the day to play only to leave at night again.

    GA1 in MMO is currently full of botters in clans and out of clans. I’ve seen them for over 6 months now from a basic space pilot all the way up to a chief major with Spartans and cyborgs.

    There’s clans full of them and it’s one of the reasons I quit. I would gladly spend 300-400 a month on ammo but now it’s useless.​
  10. Hoah all,

    just logging in the game out of curiosity to see whats up... Well havent been plying much, but 2 days ago i menaged to kill MMO general on my server, twice... go figure...

    im glad i aint into this game any more. Im not sure when bots have returned, but fact is that they have...

    cya all
  11. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Gotta ask, what about peeps who have been botting few weeks ago but have now stopped, anything will happen to them?
  12. Twotam1

    Twotam1 User

    if I'm out doing npc quests and get jumped, i'll run to a port and jump out and back rather than get one shot. and i'll wait till the shooter clears or i'll go somewhere else. just cause a player does those things doesn't make them a bot. its survival. i suppose you could shoot back a couple times to let them know your not a bot but why waste ammo.

    8808 Scan
  13. It's ok leave the bots i don't care anymore if i see 1 i'm just gonna keep on killing them i don't even care if i get ban cause then i would have proof that the game is unfair and wouldn't want to waist 1 min more of my time, that's what i think and truly don't care about your opinion cause there is no way you would do everything exactly the same every time and the bot's do. There is of course always gonna be that one exception to the rule. Please tell me though are you in the top ten? or even top 100? cause all the botters are.
  14. Twotam1

    Twotam1 User

    not even in top 2000. didn't mean anything by my comment just that I guess my play style is similar to the bots. once I get better geared up i'll fight won't win but i'll pop tryin.

    8808 Scan
  15. -ЩarΛnt-

    -ЩarΛnt- User

    I've put in a trap of mines around the gate at times. You shoot the bot, it flies to the gate. It reaches the mines, but can't figure out a way around them. It flies back and forth trying to decide what to do. (This really identifies this as a bot, a real person would just fly through the mines.) I shoot the bot with x2 ammo, and rank up the kills for my quest/mission :)
  16. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    This what you should not be doing it as been said by the dev team so many times to leave the bots alone so the system can detect them, each time you kill a bot it disappears from the radar and avoids detection.

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    all he is doing is laying mines. he isnt killing them. theyre just pinned to a port until someone else destroys the mines or they disappear after server reset. and to be honest, after years and years of bots having built many people their ufe accounts up and plsyers still not being banned, that excuse about not killing them doesnt really wash with me anymore. put up with the excuses of scripts working, players being banned, dont kill them etc etc .. no longer listening. theyre just fodder now. free ship kills.
    -Lockraven- likes this.
  18. To be honest, I kind of feel the same way, especially after watching some people in Bmaps for months picking up boxes and those folks that are on 24/7 , literally, killing the same npcs over and over for months at a time. I've seen some people even joke about it in global, still doing it weeks later. Considering that there are times when these people are the ONLY people on the maps I am starting to think killing them would be better. They aren't getting caught , that's for sure.
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.
  19. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Kill THEM, kill them ALL! It's just bullfeces that it's better not to kill them, since they are doing ABSOLUTELY nothing to ban them. Designers focus on making new designs and programators on merging servers. Boters are way in the back in to do list, that's for sure!
    It's been like what? A year, year and a half, since the boters came back? And not one was banned. Even though, they play 24/7. If they wanted to ban them, they would did it already.

    This is just mockery from BP side. They couldn't care less. They are happy someone is online on servers and buying premium and rebate.

    The sad thing is, the only thing we can do is complain in forum, but nobody cares, so... Killing boters won't help, because they don't care if you repeatedly kill them. It's just a program. Only thing, that will be lost is your valuable time.

  20. Easy ship kills. Helps with the million missions. Get them all done . usually the lower maps have them all over them. Yes, people have been banned for botting but they are back after that time has expired.
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