[UI] How Multi company Clans have been killing the game.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ, Oct 17, 2017.

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  1. (Using my server as a starting point for this topic.)

    Most of the active fighters on the server (USA East Coast 1) are in the same 2 clans its clearly intentional to control the event which should not be allowed. When Only a few members even log in to play from each clan while most are not on at once but random times and the clanless fe ships would just be cannon fodder. Currently 75 to 90 members active between the 2 clans that are currently warring who ever is left on the server. While we only have 30 active members in the most active eic clan along with 26 in the second most active , then the 5 or so stragglers who just happen to be there with roughly 8 to 12 active mmo and 4 vru who are currently fighting the 2 clans with the rest of us totaling around 76 players should they all be logged in. Unfortunately that is not the case when we have several who log in to send sep check the current activity of their clan and log off when the numbers are low. The MCC`s are currently most active on my server and they are at war with the server.

    So theres not enough players outside of the "mccs" to get a group and fight them and these mcc`s know that. If we had more active players this wouldn't be a problem but unfortunately others have gotten tired of the crap in the game and quit playing. Thats more like forcing the few players left to play the game a certain way simply because they are the minority , which I would think is against the ToS (9) TERMINATION OF ACCOUNT

    Bigpoint reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify and terminate the account of any individual at any time and for any reason including, but not limited to: (a) violation of these Terms of Service; (b) disrupting the play of any Game or acting in an unsportsmanlike manner.

    "Zero sportsmanship in the game and not much respect given between players, only seen in certain groups but not from one group to another"

    I just don't think players should be able to have this much control over the game dictating who plays what event and when. And this is an issue that has been in the game for a long time since before MCC`s was even an idea. Where the majority of better fighters would all join a company to only fight a much smaller group of players or simply easier targets, then this went on into alliances and naps where certain clans would get together and work on fighting a smaller group of players either by working to together for the kills or simply moving aside for their new allies and naps to destroy the company they reside in. And here we are now with much less players, no new players coming in since they all get banned for pushing and MCC`s are now the dominant force doing the same thing "Bigger groups of friends" have been doing for years.

    But obviously a group of players are allowed to control player activity and what events other players can take part in...(support says its how its meant to be.) The twitch streams claim wanting to help players catch up in the game and have more fun when in fact its just the opposite .Game currently allows this but it must change, especially if this game is to ever recover.

    "The system needs mechanics that limits how much control players have over the game to further improve balance in the game"

    Examples: (Company based statistics)
    MCC should be removed as the only balance for it is to make it not worth being a MCC.

    Cross company alliances should not be allowed.

    Apply penalties and de-buffs to company members whose naps are shooting down members of the company they reside in while participating on events. Instant removal of 5,000 honor doubling with each kill. Players will also see 50% reduced ep , honor and uridium received along with a 25% de-buff to dmg and shields while naps from other companies are currently in same map.

    Should one company prove more dominate( 60 mmo vs 20 eic and 10 vru) the other two companies receive a 15% dmg boost.

    Any player killed 5 times by a player no longer loses rank points when killed by that player.
    When destroying players ep, honor , rank points and quest progression stop after reaching 10 kills on that player.

    " Apologies for the rather lengthy post , I was aiming to take out multiple birds with a large stone"
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
    kerry-01 likes this.
  2. Bakuryuha

    Bakuryuha User

    Thats the reason i stop dishing so much $$ in the game plus I only play about once every 2 weeks or sometimes once a month. I only log in to send sep and get my daily bonus. multi-company clans took over.. No matter what they block all Events and fun .. I can't even cube without someone from the same company with an enemy member in their clan rolling up to shoot me together. It will balance itself if they remove the MutiCompany clan crap... Make it so they can't ALLY or NAP other enemy companies.
  3. I will agree about the MCC's but you cross the line with the Nap's and Alliances. Most of these are just an agreement to not attack each other as they have members who are friends. These players do not cross company lines as the MCC's do it is just a matter of the persons will not attack each other and the same company players will not assist in your defense, but also will not attack to help them kill you.
  4. Hi All,

    I kind of agree with BMAM916. I don't know to much about joining forces, but I do know about Multipliable kills. I have been killed by MCC clan members a lot. Several times by one person in a row. If they know they can kill you, you are dead meat. I usually stop playing that day/hours. It isn't fun and I had put out good money trying to get better too. I like playing, but not getting killed. I also have seen the killer squads too and have died by there hands. I'm not a lone wolf, I just don't fly in a pack. I like to do my thing and that is another reason I play in the morning. Less traffic.

    The game is set up for PVP more than PVE. I don't know if you get more by killing another player then aliens. I kill more aliens than players. The ones I have kill usually attacked me first, and I survived. I have attacked a few, but that isn't why I'm here. All clans have a common enemy the aliens. Maybe D. O. should make it more beneficial and fun in killing aliens and less for players.

  5. I agree with Bman but there is an easy fix they can implement that will run the problem out instantly.

    Any company clan that has another company ship in it is placed in 'outlaw status' no group benefits function and they are at the 50% negative damage or greater. Currently they are using the group boosters to kill players. You have 1 or 2 red dots and 6 company members. Guess how that fight goes when the MCC member has his clan who is in your company sitting on the port? Its more fun when you are trying to find the citadel using draw fire.

    Simply put in the OUTLAW tag.

    Or go full power and any clan that is MCC takes a 50% Shield Negative along with a 90% damage hit. Then they can get all the fighting and 'skill' play they want. End the group boosters being cross company like you did with the kamikaze.
  6. `Luke

    `Luke User

    ...You know we could just break up our MCC into 3 different clans fitting into their own company and remain allies ( even if we can't send NAP, we have a choice to shoot who we want) and continue to maintain full control of the event.

    Seems you really didn't think it through with this idea. This would solve nothing.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
  7. Actually if you do not get group boosters or base boosters you lose the advantage. You also lose the sneaky cloak attacks that seem to be the norm for the MCC folk. Yes we know the mmo ships sit with their boosters shared and we know they sit with the heal ability. Nerf that and things get a bit more balanced. Matter of fact a week of -90 damage would be pretty good for a clan made up of folks trying to ruin an event for other players.

    Also your ship account name seems very familiar to me. I remember a player named Luke from a while back. Odd to see that name return to the server.
  8. During my Quest to achieve Legendary status (LVL 25 ) i was targeted on many occasion in an attempt to slowed my progress by these MCC the reality is if you see a same company ship you will not attack however once you engage the enemy then you get the stab in your back. DO should make it that even if the same company ship didnt shoot first they should still get a negative reward for there back stabbing efforts its easier to fight the enemy when you wont get gun down by your own company. and if your company shoots then they get outlaw status after the 3 kill in any given day
    ATEER likes this.
  9. This isn't directed at just "MCC" , altho others may want naps or allies with other companies we all know that in its self is half the problem which is why penalties should be in place to combat the behavior that leans to a group of players controlling anything.

    Even with MCC's gone clans will still want to send alliances and naps to enemy clans for self benefit, it should not be allowed.
    :Example I nap top clans from mmo and vru so I don`t have to fight nearly as much as others and only focus on easier targets in mmo and vru while allowing these naps to hunt fellow eic.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 17, 2017
  10. I have seen you in the maps. We used to have that honor where if eic and mmo were in a VRU map they shot VRU and if it was the other way it was honorable. Not anymore. You can have a complete free for all and not have a clue who is a friendly.

    Like during the hitak.
  11. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    All darkorbit events have been garbage, either because they are heavily modified for our wallets or because MCC's ruin them. But I guess MCC people who are reading this thread are probably laughing at us . . .
  12. batata

    batata User

    "Bigpoint reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify and terminate the account of any individual at any time and for any reason including, but not limited to: (a) violation of these Terms of Service; (b) disrupting the play of any Game or acting in an unsportsmanlike manner."

    Interesting... So all those new player farmers... :rolleyes:
    But yup we all miss those bonus box events...:(
    ATEER likes this.
  13. doodles

    doodles User

    I have written DO on this subject many times and the answer is essentially the same "That's the way it is !!"Do caters to these mcc's because that is where the money is.DO is making their own bed when it comes to loss of players.Their player retention is noticeably very bad.You can log on and see that there are not as many players in the game as their used to be.There may only be 10 players in a server at times which means that pvp is cut drastically.
    As for events.The events appear to be created to satisfy the mcc,fe and ufe players.All others are nothing but fodder for these players.The new player essentially can not participate due to being killed constantly or the difficulty in missions.The game can not retain players if they see that it is not possible to totally participate in all events.DO can say they can,but look at the situation from the new players side or those who try to participate,but are unable too because these mcc clans wont allow it.
    DO has brought about their own demise.The lack of players is what fuels the idea of server merge.It comes up on chat for awhile and then disappears. There were far fewer game servers when the game first began and DO found the necessity to expand to more servers due to the number of players there were increased by great numbers.This was when the game was actually enjoyable and more fair.The number of changes made in the game,new items added(which can cost a lot of $$) and ability to actually participate in special events have made many players start to play DO,but also made them stop playing due to those factors.
    The best solution would be for DO to make the game playable for all and not just select players or mcc.
    ATEER likes this.