[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    We talking about bot/cheats..... not MCC clans....
  2. From the looks of it, the newsletter isn't even finished. It doesn't even list the supposed "punishments"
  3. Our experience with the MCC group on our server is they bought and sold ships used by bots and cheats.

    Now the fun thing is having 6-7 'allies' sharing boosters at a port and getting their own company killed. You have to stop and wait to get hit by ships in your own company to shoot so you dont lose honor.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  4. @Baracus @OP32

    We, the community, can't take you serious anymore.

    I look back when you banned people for mission bug where they had the chance to repeat missions. You banned them for 7 days and you removed 25% EXP and HONOR.

    And now you have identified 2600 accounts and you can't ban them for violation against the Terms & Conditions. Sorry but now it is over for you. People were hunting months for ranks and they got so much uridium while we all played fair. Thats the reason why all people were botting.

    Seprombug: What about the last seprombug??? You banned accounts permanently and you said there will be another punishments. Where??? We are still waiting since months. Thats why all people will use seprombugs again and again.

    Look back as JPA existed. So many cheaters and you never banned someone for cheating/bugusing. That was the only one reason why people continued cheating.

    What about the old venezuela bug? People got cheap accounts while we payed the whole price.

    People will continue their violations because you are not competent.

    You really ask yourself why the game is empty? I don't wanna play against cheaters. I want a fair game where i can be sure that nobody is cheating.

    If i would be an admin, team leader or whatever i would leave you for ever.

    EmperorOfTheOrbit and OILDAILY like this.
  5. jsnge1

    jsnge1 User

    This letter is a shame, back in time i´ve got deleted 25% of my xp and honor down just because of your own mistake, i was inactive for months due to this. Now i came back in to the game like 2 months ago and what have i saw? Maps is full of zombies, seprom bug users weren´t punished and the base buggers are probably “fair” i have lost my general couple weeks ago just because bug” which one use the player who take my general , cause i can´t handle with his 50% honor booster from bases which were built for 5 min ago. (yes, iam serious, they build base and got 10% honor and xp immediately and when is the base on low hp, they just bug the middle module and base is on full hp in moment, ive sent many videos on support, even the police ship saw it, they do nothing aggainst and for a shame of whole fair players this admin write on global chat “ stop bugging the base, or you´ll be banned” haha what a shame). And there are many solds account of course. And what you guys, doing aggainst? Making cosmetic designs is probably the way in your oppinions, and punish me for your mistake with the “oil mission” too. Probably its time to stop spending my money and time there. Best regards ex general cz1
  6. Yeah, there are still tons of people with the seprom bug that go unpunished. Someone even admitted to me in chat they used it and support said my complaint was irrelevant despite the fact they flamed me along with it.

    People that bot aliens really aren't a big issue for me, it's the people who cheat in PvP combat and the people who use the Seprom bug or any other bug that gives them a benefit within fighting other players.

    The bug users need to be banned but the alien bot users, I don't care what happens to them. Even though it's unfair that people botting a few years ago had tons of honor, pilot points and god knows what else removed while people now are just getting a little warning that they won't listen to anyway.

    All the servers are dead so how can you risk banning botters? You need to give them a punishment that won't destroy the game for the legit players. I don't know how you will do it, but BP need to find something quickly.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    bug users, program users ( whatever it is they use ) to gain PvP advantage and botters are all the same, bad as each other and some even use all programs and not just a bot or a bug or a .... . ban them all not just that bug user instead of the npc botter or whatever. BAN ALL . i pay ot grind for hours when i cant afford to keep paying to just keep going and going . npc botters still make uri to keep doing gates for their x4 ammo, or to keep buying their emps, rsb etc. everything is free for them. so yes, they do affect the pvp aspect of the game as well when what they earn takes absolutely no effort and costs nothing. there arent enough hours in a day for me to sleep, work and then try and fit in a few hours if im lucky to keep my bank roll of uri going up. who cares if the servers empty to just leave the legit players. ive seen players from old who have quit over the swarm of years of cheats and right up to last week, still keep checking facebook, various dark orbit groups and these forums to see if bots have been killed off yet as they would return back to the game if it was cheat free. so your thread gets my thumbs down. you just want players banned who affect you, yet you dont see the whole picture and look outside of the box. ban them all yet gain players back again, and maybe keep new players as well.
  8. You're defintiely right, I didn't think about the fact they earn crazy amounts of uridium, EP and honor from botting. Along with gaining crazy amounts of honor again from galaxy gates. But spending money on rsb is nothing like using a pvp cheat to auto detect, auto attack, auto switch, auto use rockets and auto-do anything else that could be a big advantage to you.

    I don't know what I think about alien botters, but pvp cheats and bug users should just be
    permanently banned. I think they should do what they did before for bot alien bot users (but make it worse, like this); remove 75% honor and 50% of their pilot points along with removing all their credits and uridium and removing all their upgrades then if they continue they get the full ban. But that's just my opinion, maybe it's too harsh of a punishment? But if it was my choice that would be how it would go.
    ΞMPЯΞSS, OILDAILY and PuckerUp like this.
  9. They wont even admit there are tools being used against regular players. We had a guy whining about blowing through 200 cloaks. He would shoot, cloak, shoot cloak. Over and over you couldnt lock him but he could nail you in aliens cloaked. Perfect locks by players along with timed rsb/x4 switching gets obvious. Seeing the group tool introduced with the new shared booster changes shows DO is participating in some of the directions. Currently no one has been able to do the events as happened a few summers ago when the cheaters got really bold.

    That summer cost the server most of the legit players and the ones that played for fun. This time may wipe it out. The merge may hold a few but Im noticing a lot of accounts on my server change speaking style/playing type which signals they were sold. We even have a player back who was banned a few years ago. He just bought another ship. Happens all the time but you know <wink wink> selling accounts is forbidden.
    OILDAILY likes this.
  10. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Shoot+cloak+Shoot+cloak can be done manually if u have a little bit of practice, its not that hard, its just a waste of cloaks, perfect timed x4+rsb can also be achieved with practice, and about locking you between aliens while ure cloaked, it can be done if he can discern which red dot u are between the aliens, and that its not hard to do.

    The issue right now are the botters that can make rank for free, Bp can fix that easily by taking all their honor points away, pilot bio, upgrades,etc.

    Another issue are the game laggs, even with a very good computer, on a big fight with more than 20-30 ships onscreen, it will lagg like hell, but it should be fixed with the downloadable client they are working on.

    Im 99% sure there are no pvp cheats anymore, i have been playing for a while and on different servers, and i've not seen anything suspicious, some people are good locking yes, but that just means they are good at it.(You dont see anymore those insane longrange locks from the k*rk**/m*rk** era)
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    well, there have been years worth of warnings. and still players choose to keep on cheating while theyre allowed to get away with it. any form of punishment would be a start. but after all these years, and all the warnings and complaints, along with having to agree not to cheat in any way shape or form before you can even join a game , then any cheater caught , be it pvper , boxer, bug exploiter or npc killer should be punished now. your idea isnt a bad 1 though. give them some severe deductions first, then maybe a perma ban, but either way, anything big or little would at least be a start :)
  12. Everyone is forgetting the Chinese have not had YEARS of experience with this GAME and as such they have to develop the information for themselves. Otherwise they are subject to legal ramifications for unjustified back charges from Merchant Services processing. ALL botters spend on the game and probably more than most of the complainers about them cheating, I know I sound like I am defending them but I am not I just understand the BUSINESS side of the GAME.
    neoonoma likes this.
  13. batata

    batata User

    Blahahahahahahahahahahahahah The freaking same ????? lalalalalal Sure the game is empty because someone left a program collecting bonus boxs so u dont have to wast 10k hours of your life doing so to become ufe, ssuuuuuurrrreeee. Meanwhile the guys that spent 10k € on the game or make their life out of this are ofended because some people have better things to do or spend their money on. THIS IS A GAME!!!!!! DEAL WHIT IT. And players wont get back to this ridiculous pay to win trash whether the game is free from botters or not. Botters didnt kill the game, the pay to win and toxic comunity did. Some of u blame botters but are fine with new player farming, the irony in this... Yeahh sure its a pvp game, yyaaauuu lets smash new players out of the game to farm that beloved ranky (you know, that little image besides your nick). Your hate for botters may be the only thing keeping the game alive right now, i fear that u will feel empty inside if they ban them all. And the goddamn cheats ,as u call them, are nothing more than horrendous lag, overpowered gear, bugpoint´s famous bugs and the fact that u can zoom out in 2d and select people from far away.

    Yooo Bigpoint!!! Just open an old school server would u? That way this guys are going to be happy as all botters are going to leave to that server (same as everyone who is not a buyer) while u are going to make a lot of money by having all buyers killing each other and fighting for rank in here and from the millions buying cosmetics on the OS server, easy as cake dudes.
    ]Coldheart[ and neoonoma like this.

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    wow , quite the rant batata. for someone who sounds like he quite obviously despises this game and the company and the players who play the the game, you sure spend alot of time here in the forums. im sure there is logic there somewhere. if you hate it so much, just let it go and dont visit the page or game anymore maybe. you are actually sounding like a cheat who hates people that doesnt like cheats in this game. and before you rant back at me, that is not in any way shape or form and accusation. im just saying you sound like 1. firstly, going through your reply to my post, i dont see spending many hours over time a waste to reach my goal in the game. not at all. i actually enjoy the game. have for many years. i wouldnt be playing it if i didnt. grinding can be for the most part, relaxing for me. i spend to get my premium and rebate, and on the very odd occasion, buy some uri as well. i used to go out drinking on weekends, now i dont. i spend a little money on this game and save my liver . i see that as a good thing, dont you ? lol. yes the game got expensive in terms of how much uridium is needed to achieve ufe status and keep yourself in ammo i suppose, but end of the day, this is a game thats meant to be done over time. not completed ina few days or weeks like the avg console game. i took a small break from this game when i found another online very very similar to this. there were a few differences but the game was almost identical. yet that didnt have a lot of life in it. i built my ship to full and reached top achievable level possible in just 2 months. i had nothing to work for at all. so the add ons to this game has had its plus side. its whats kept the game going. you seem to come across as saying that because it got expensive, bigpoint asked for what they got with people turning to cheating to reach the goal free of charge and without putting in much effort to get it. basically let a program do the work for you, then come and play the account free of charge when its done? then you wonder why people are bitter. toxic community ? only toxicity i have seen so far the last few years in chat for example, have been from the cheats . they bot all day and night, come on every now and then, trash talk and insult people, laugh and pull players weaknesses down then they log off. if players like yourself, or cheats have so much contempt for people on this game or for the actual game itself, why even carry on the cheating/botting/whatever. why not just walk away from the game. if you dont like a car, you buy a new 1. if you dont like a tv programme you turn the channel over. dont like this game? go play 1 you do like and leave the playing to those who enjoy it and have a laugh amonst themselves while doing it. its not hard. another thing, i dont now nor have i ever been a rank chaser. ranks do not interest me 1 little bit. i dont care where my clan is ranked, how many ships ive shot down, what my badge rank looks like. being any kind of rank on the game doesnt really benefit what i do on the game. doesnt make me more uri, doesnt make my lasers shoot harder or my shields grow any bigger. it doesnt help me at all. as for new player farming .. i dont do that either. i enjoy helping out new players. always have. so your contempt at my small rant and sarcasm was kind of wasted. i stand by what i said. you agree to terms before you play this game . if you dont like it, leave. simples. let those of us who enjoy the game, and play it as it is intended , play the game and have fun as a game is meant to be. FUN. !!
    ]Coldheart[, PEPSIMAN and MyBigi like this.
  15. batata

    batata User

    K lets make some things clear here. First of, yes i spend alot of time here in forums, i enjoy discussing things and change ideas with other peoples. I dont hate the game, i like it. What i dont like is the p2w and players that make their gameplay ruining others. I enjoyed this game back in 2010 before the ufe came and one of the things i stand for, as many know, is the opening of an old school server. That is also one of the reasons for me to stay here in forums. Its hard to leave a game that u know as potencial but is being ruined, thats why i rant so much about it. Now about your non-acusation, i dont cheat nor do i hate who doesnt. Let me explaine: Im neutral about using bots as the use of them doesnt affect my gameplay at all. What trigers me is when people say the game is dead because of them when it clearly is not the true. All it takes is some reviews about the game and my own experience to know that. I also hate those noobs from bugpoint obviously. i dont quite understand players that rant about bots for them geting things without effort. I mean nobody is forcing those players to farm to get their things and i assume they play the game bc they want and do everything in it bc they enjoy it. About what bot users do when they are not botting let me make it clear that i dislike players that play in an unsportsmanlike maner whether they use bots or not. Im neutral about using the collecting program and thats it. I noticed that u got wrong my comment about rank, let me fix that. It was not an acusation towards u, i was thinking about those rank farmers that use new players as they were npcs and i was being sarcastic about them. I also wasnt making fun of your rank. The all post in fact was aimed at everyone, unfurtunatly it ended up looking like a centered rant, i apologise for that. Also dispite what may look i know that not every buyer/ufe is a jerk, i was helped by one myself, i use "ufe" as a stereotype for bullies. About why botters chose to bot instead of switching games, well thats easy. They enjoy the game (alot), they just dont have money to blast in it and need to use bots to play.
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  16. @batata, the main reason anyone uses a 3rd party script (bot) is they are LAZY. First they have to find the program, then BUY IT, set the parameters for what it is going to do and when, then hope they are not caught. Most of the users (boxing bots) are just gaining strength without the effort most of us put into the game collecting what they are, yes I dislike they are collecting my boxes but then it could be another player also. The real problem is the advantage bots (auto-locker, GOD complex, game locker) which all cause issues with MY game play and allow them to climb the ranks without any effort. PvP was the fastest way to the top of the board, until they added the Gate Reward Weekends, but anything that helps a player gain an advantage (outside of skill/practice) is an issue. When I first started there were several videos of people who were being attacked and not taking any damage to there ship, these players were accused of using the GOD cheat. I have had several occasions where I have cloaked, EMP'd, changed flight, and been surrounded by red dots, and had the fight continue without any delay (understand the EMP burst is not 100% but you can not say it fails every time I use it) these are auto-lockers. The only reason to use these is to ruin another persons enjoyment and steal rank positions from the masses.

    @ΞMPЯΞSS, the cheaters are just people who have decided the NORMAL way to the top is too slow and they want a faster method to do the same thing someone else has. Many do not like being popped every time they try to do something. I have been around a very long time and seen the wars from the original developers who felt shafted when they got let go of when the first takeover happened, to the new A I where the NPC's increased their firing range to where you had to be "out of range" to prevent taking damage from them and could not see the attacks on them as they were off the viewing screen. And finally the "ReLoaded" where we became a Gate Bashing Game, which sent a lot of players to the BOTS or out of the game as they felt they had spent all of the money on the game as they should and having to start from scratch again was not acceptable to them (they were the top of the food chain now they are not). They liked soloing the Ubers/Cucikons and shooting anyone who chose to try to leach form their rewards, could enter into a map and watch everyone scurry for the portals to prevent being killed, just the mention they were online made people quit for the night. Now it is all about the MCC and killing the weak players just because they can. The fact that a ship can be built to FE in 60 days without any outlay of cash but in 4 years can not make UFE is where the problem lies. D O has made the game so people see they either have to INVEST in this game to be on top or find a way around it by using cheats.

    I still say the UFE should be forced to HUNT in Battle Maps and Uppers ONLY and any MCC clan needs to be assigned to a 4th company where they are always a RED DOT no matter what map they are in and no matter what company they originally signed with. We used to have "spies" in our maps, we could report them to the company and they were K O S, now it does not matter as the numbers are so few no one even responds to a cry for assistance. This is why there are so many BOTS in the Orbit today.
  17. batata

    batata User

    I agree with you. While im fine with programs that collect bonus box or kill aliens, i dislike pvp cheats as much as anyone else in this thread.
    Btw i would like to add to my previous post that just because some players use collecting programs that does not make them bullies by default. Some of them also help new players, play fair pvp and are good gamemates. I find it a bit unfair to generalise them all as toxic players.
  18. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Agreed, all MMORPGs have the grinding element to them but 3+ years to get everything is a crime against rationality lol.

    Speaking of botters, I have no clue why those poor people spend 15€ per month just for DarkOrbit. Game is not worth investing at all as it is right now, whether it's time or money.

    But again people, botters are hurting an honest player's ego, that's all. Besides that, they actually pay for rebate and premium, tons of people have pointed that out, anyone who says otherwise simply hasn't spoken to any botters period.
    batata likes this.
  19. Kyro

    Kyro User

    I find it pretty disturbing that people think it is fine to suggest that other people botting, are just hurting honest players ego. Are you trying to tell me someone letting a bot run on their account mostly all day and every day non-stop, does nothing but hurt honest players ego?

    What about people who are definitely affected a lot by bots, like say rank chasers? Honest players are doing all the work themselves(whether it be gates, grinding cubes/buying uri), while people using bots are just telling their bot to run and then forget about it(there are people who bot ABY)... Even if you don't take into consideration "rank", just getting Uridium itself is still a total joke.

    Just not caring about bots is one thing, but trying to talk for everyone else saying the bots don't even effect you is something else. Players breaking game rules/T&C/cheating and seeming to get away with it for now is not effecting other players, really? Players doing none of the work themselves, yet still reaping the rewards? Tell me why everyone doesn't just do that...

    Oh right, it is supposed to be something that your account gets terminated for. So please tell me how players not having their account terminated, is not effecting other players. Cause you know if there was a better way to do something people would do it, so it's basically a slap in the face players are getting away with this for now. (which good thing not allowed, at least in my opinion it would do no good for the game*)

    So yeah basically, telling people other players "getting away" with cheating does not effect them is kinda a joke.

    *No denying there are potential issues that cause some people to bot, but bots are not the solution to the problem. (that would basically be a lame solution)
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2017
    -baghira2- and ΞMPЯΞSS like this.
  20. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Thats just on Small/Middle sized servers... on big servers the Top 10 are people that spend a lot of cash on this game.
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