Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Here's a solution .... Move [ALL] MCC clans to their own server/s .... Anyone with a member in their clan that's from another company is switched to the new server. No honor loss and they still get to play together . Those players and clans that remain will think twice about forming a MCC clan . Those that start a MCC clan is automatically switched to the MCC server/s 5-day probation period to gather membership for the transfer That will restore The basic principle of NAPS , ALLIANCES and WARS between companies and clans
    If a war between clans and company clans is started the 1st war is free , but to continue a war the warring clan has to buy the war say @ 5,000 uri and doubles in uri to continue warring
    1st War is Free
    2nd War = 5,000 uri
    3rd War = 10,00 uri
    4th War = 20,000 uri
    5th War = 40,000 uri
    No more than 5 wars is permissible / pushing rule . And no clan can have more than 5 wars per year with the same clan nor can the clan Owner delete the clan after 48 hrs after founding it. Nor can a clan [TAG] can be changed .

    each war has a 10 day duration.
    Only Clan Leaders/Owners can send / renew Wars ...

    As far as Events such as the Hitac or Demenar , once you fire on it NO SHIP can lock on you or lay mines and pop you off it. Only the NPC's or LAG can you be destroyed. So if I took a spearhead to the event and I used my Ultimate Cloak ability to gain a locked and fired on the Event NPC [Hitac/Demenar] I'm there for the extent of how long I can work my ship. That's how you break up the monopoly
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    The∞Ancient∞One likes this.
  2. I used to do that...but now I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. If the changes they make actually make the game better we can #MakeDarkorbitGreatAgain
    -Tyrant-002- likes this.
  3. wallet warriors have millions of uri so that uri cost will mean nothing unless it triples each time
  4. Tomcat2159

    Tomcat2159 User

    as the thread expands and drifts toward the millennia,as the hot air humidifies the forum,lol.the problem is still the aspect of pvp during major events.DO blusters about cyber bullying yet condones clans monopolizing all the major events,moderators cloaking code red and gathering palladium at will and all manner of other unethical activities.Herr Generals of the three companies and all the moderators participate,but the lowly peon cannot?i am level 20,EIC member since 2010,i am a clan of one and support the game with my debit card because the game cannot exist without making a profit.that being said,the game is about pvp but when major events are monopolized to the extent no one can participate except generals,moderators and clans that is not during the events pvp should be suspended while firing on the event npc. if the npc originates on your own map you may follow to its death on an opposition map and then exposed to enemy fire.DO should also spawn event npc's at the same time on each companies map and increase the spawn rate.the major events are the only source of excitement and should be open to all players and levels to participate.participation is paramount and will retain and attract more players.there are plenty of other avenues to gangbang,ambush and pop other players right??
  5. I got an idea...
    Players that shoot eachother during events or in the map at the same time a mothership (hitac etc) is in the vicinity, has a no reward cool down placed on account..Lets say.. around an hour? :D That wont stop the fights, but it sure will stop players from having a random pop. To add, ship kills and drome damage shouldnt count during an event. Lastly, players that get excited and join in battles should also be hit with the no rewards cool down...

    Crazy...But nice.

    A few wise words is better than pages and pages of horse manure.
    Odin® likes this.
  6. mcc will make ppl stop playing , bring back players ...its all about your income darkorbit ..more players more income ..

    1 mcc clan rules my server , no hitac for the srver if 3 of them are online , result , people stop playing
    The∞Ancient∞One and Odin® like this.
  7. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Yes, MCCs are a money source for BP but they still disrupt the gameplay for the clanless and the smaller clans, so it is considered a gameplay problem. You missed my point.
    And yeah, obviously the players are the problem and not the MCCs.
    If you want to quote me at least provide relevant arguments.
  8. Gnorm

    Gnorm User

    This thread is about MCC's - and except for the mysterious mod reference, the things you describe are symptomatic of the gameplay problem we're addressing. (I haven't seen a mod flying ANYwhere on my server since the last PvM event.)

    The bigger ships can participate in the major events. They will probably always do so. It is one of the benefits of being a bigger ship! You can do events without being insta-popped. :) For a noob in a Leonov, there is a much greater risk that matches the proportionately greater reward.

    The MCC mechanism just makes it easier for the big ships to exclude the little people like you and me. But to expect them to NOT participate - that is just unreasonable.

    Personally, I'd like to see the MCC mechanism eliminated. But at least nerf the incentives that are available to an MCC that are unavailable to anybody else. (Or add some incentive for non-MCC clans, already beat this to death in an earlier post.)

    The three-faction model works for a reason, and this kind of problem is part of what it prevents.

    I think enhancing the "no same-company kill" restraints should have been done a long time ago, but at least they're talking about it. I have good sane clan members who LEFT some other company and paid the price to switch to mine...because their original company was popping them so much they were unable to enjoy the game. It is dangerous to be a noob in ANY company, but on some servers, it is even dangerous to be a noob in your own company. MCC's are an institutionalized expansion of that danger. One that is impossible to escape from, even if you DO change companies.
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  9. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Mcc was the only way for the players to defend their companies in a lot of situations...
    Ex: EIC dominates paladium, 1 VRU ship switches to EIC and stays clanless, this clanless ship goes to paladium and tell his buddies from VRU, where are the position of the newbies of EIC collecting pally, the newbies die(How those VRU know where i am all the time?????)...once the strong ships from EIC notice that was this clanless EIC that is passing info to VRU, they try to kill it, but this ship is clanless, so they get ton of -hon for killing it... so they cant kill him....Only thing they can do is to have 1 of them go to another company, this way they can kill the clanless EIC and kick him out of pally, so the newbies are protected.
    This same situation can be aplied to events/cubes/etc.

    As is said Mcc is not the problem... the players are the problem... you can't get rid of this scummy way of playing... so mcc is needed to deal with this.
  10. Tomcat2159

    Tomcat2159 User

    My server is USA East, the problem with MCC's in particular is the transfer of loyalty to the MCC as opposed to the Company and players within that Company.The MCC's fire on members of their own Companies because of this.As it it stands now there is no reason to have separate maps or Companies.These clans have the ability to monopolize entire events excluding other players from participation.MCC's should be eliminated. The clan rules then would need to be changed where they are unable to align with more than one other clan within their own Company.Zero alliances outside of their own Company. Membership would also have to be capped.I dont see DO doing anything about it except talk about doing something,so my suggestion is to eliminate the pvp aspect from major events ie;Hitac,Deamaner etc..,increase the spawn rate and spawn event npc's at the same time on each Companies map.This eliminates any group from controlling entire events and allows all levels of players to participate.
  11. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    You do notice that this game is mainly pvp...whatever you do(event farm,killing npcs,etc), you do it for the sake of making ur ship stronger so you can kill ur enemies faster.
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  12. Hi All,

    I kind of like Odin idea. Send all the bad boys/girls to their own room/server. If there is a problem child let them do what they want in their own world. That way O.D. can clean up some of the clans that are causing the problems. Maybe then the bad boys and girls realized it isn't fun being picked on all the time, and grow up. After awhile in the other server, maybe O.D. will let them come back, but if they are still a problem. They get sent back, with no return. Let them be "Lost in Space" and let the people who want to play with honor do so.

    If the person comes back with a new ID, O.D. should have its computer ID and know if its a returning problem. I'm not computer wise, but they should know who is who. If they have to start over, then may/might get killed over and over again until they get better again.

    I was placed in a company, and I picked my clan. That is were I am and that is were I will stay. I haven't asked for anything except the right to build Battle Stations (the only reason I join a clan). I have noticed that people come and go from my clan. What I have learn from some people, they take the money and run. Once they drain the bank in what they can get, they move on to another clan to act like "Oliver" there. "More Please"

    I would like to see people who abandon their clan have to pay back any benefits they received. Then maybe they will be loyal to their clan. If they haven't received benefits from the clan then they should be able to move on.

    The∞Ancient∞One and Odin® like this.
  13. tuff

    tuff User

    spaceball and TDM wasn't made for MCC ...
  14. Odin®

    Odin® User

    1st off Angus it's only a cyber game. And honestly I enjoy some if not most of the members of MCC clans or anyone for that matter. Not everyone remind you! but there are folks that are beyond UFE status and are abusive and are in MCC clans and for that matter can be anyone at any single moment . I have the ignore button and I have the ability to disarm a flaming chat. Knowing when , where , and why. You pick the battle , not them pick it for you .
    Here is a part of my clan description and it will be edited for vocabulary : We are a social and respectful clan . Don't let your Alligator mouth over-ride your Hummingbird [***] in any chats. It has taken me over 9 yrs of membership and alliances and naps for my current 28 member clan as well as there determination to build their ships to be ranked in the top 40 clans . I have 3 of the top 4 clans as alliances and 1 of those top 3 clans is a noob from my beginnings when [SHE] was a noob and now a Full General for MMO on the USA East1 server I have passed out more creds to player than the US National Debt 10 times over to players so far.
    My point is to help others before yourself. The Bullying will be dealt with .
    The Real problem is there is no Balance between Support and IT as well as Community leaders on the management side in BigPoint for the Dark Orbit staffing : Personally there are not enough chat mods that are willing to moderate . Here is the link that pre-dates The origin of DarkOrbit and the launching of this game :
  15. Okay listen up...
    I got an idea here...:D:D
    Dark Orbit should hold events in: 1-1, 2-1, 3-1. (no attack zones).. That way each company can have their own events. And the no attack rule will apply except for a multi company clan player in the home map and they will be popped out easily. :eek:
    meatpill-Warlord and Odin® like this.
  16. Odin®

    Odin® User

    that post of my pricing a war was just an example ... heck IMO it should be 1m uri to start a war

    That would be fun as heck but once a player ep/ranks up the event should be either ep/honor based and DO would have to rewrite the cap lets say to lvl 10 player stats to lvl 14 player stats for certain events instead of missions . Excellent idea ZÿИΛPS™
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 16, 2017
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  17. The one problem with the x-1 events no one would be able to collect the cargo boxes as their level is too high to collect them. LOL
    Odin® and ZÿИΛPS™ like this.
  18. On USA east tonight, global chat consisted of basically 3 clans for over an hour. Yes they are MCC.
    And they were enjoying their PRIVATE event...Hitac.

    And 2 have WARRED our clan so they have complete control of when WE can PLAY and for how long.
    WE do not really enjoy a game when you can not compete with a bunch of $killed Wallet Warrior$ who GANG UP and completely control the game.

    Sometimes they even BRAG about it in chat and it goes right OVER the heads of the CM, oh wait these BULLIES PAY to PLAY.......
    Kinda shows you the caliber of the players remaining in this ONCE great game.

    AND these players DETER game growth, they do NOT help Newbies, they make them leave after a very short while.
    Merging servers will only bring on more of the same into one server.

    Ever notice how scum all floats to one end of a pond.

    Someone earlier mentioned a separate server for these "individual$", good idea, at least DO would know where their revenue stream is.
    ........just my humble opinion.......
  19. **Horor**

    **Horor** User

    Hi I play cz server something about 7 years. There is of course the same problem with MCC. My opinion on this problem. I thing the most big problem is, there are less people than for example before 2 years. and reason? Strong mcc declare wars to almost everyone to have a lot of ranks, players of same company shooting with enemies into players etc. This discourages a lot of beginners or honest players, who want to play for own company. Actions like spaceball, hitac, demaner are under influence of stronger mcc. The others have not nearly chance shoot them. What with MCC?

    in my opinion:
    MCC should be forgotten. Clan should be only for players, who have a same company. The players, who are another company would choose among: leave clan or change company with out sanctions. Nevertheles some players could be angry and declare alliances. So it should be forgotten alliances and pacts with clans, which are another company. (Mayebe I would sugest special pact for 5-x maps). It can cause a company, which will be a stronger than others, but this was there and always will be. It is vicious circle. I think it will come even with out this because of connecting servers.

    I also think have 100 days war is nonsense. You caused with this more problems with MCCs. It should be long 10 or 20 days and then for example should be forgotten declaration of the war for few weeks. It should be introduced some of sanctions for player, who shoot down same company with out war. It could be only for maps, which are not PVP. Rewards for shooting down war players... It should not be. There are not wars because of ranks!

    I think that MMC started because of cubicons and low number of players. The weaker players should have chance to farm some U, so I would sugest do a smaller cubicons with lower rewards, which could shoot a lower levels and the normal could shoot for example players with level over 20. It should increase number of beginners and reduce number of full elite players, who ask player of other company to shoot them down. Players with lower level could be attacked by of the similar levels.
    However I would sugest to take some limit, for example one or half of hour players could not be shot by level over 20. The same i would take on demaner, hitac etc.

    Next problem: Honor
    Honor it should be give for players, who are loyal to own company. It is really shame to see a general, who shoot own players to make ranks...
    Honor should be for players, who help to company, who help to the weakers, who shoot enemies, who join in actions . NOT players, who shoot owns.

    Well I think that's that. I'm sorry for many mistakes. I don't speak English much well.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2017
    Odin® likes this.
  20. ŹÀPHØÐ

    ŹÀPHØÐ User

    my thoughts..
    1) Remove MCCs completely
    2) Everyone gets a free company switch credit
    3) War duration back to 10 days
    4) Rank/honor rewards removed for same company war kills. ( negative for same company kills , positive for rival company kills as before)
    5) Hurry up the server merge, i might come back then
    Marauder-F2P and MяF™ like this.
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