[SC] I need you opinion guys and girls.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bumblebee, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Bumblebee

    Bumblebee User

    Hi, I had a conversation with english support about one problem I had. They told me to contact my nationality support, because they are not authorised for some reason. I contacted my nationality support and I was not satisfied with the answer. I asked them if I can I contact different language support and they said yes. Before sending another ticket to english support I am going to ask you for your opinion. What do you think? The text below is my email to support with some minor changes in the text

    I had a strange problem. My drones were
    at high damage percentage and I repaired them all. I had all 10 drones lvl 16
    upgrade and level 6. After I repaired them all on the in game screen on the number
    showing the level of my drones was 5,4. Then I decided that I've missed couple of
    drones to repair, BUT when I moved to hangar to repair the rest, all of them was
    at level 5 and 0% damage( on the ingame screen was showing 5,4). Restarted browser
    and cleaned cookies and still got the same numbers. And in the evening after I got
    shot down from another ship, the zeus drone got destroyed. Logged in the hangar
    and then saw that 4 drones was not repaired. Until now it was showing that all are repaired and at 0% damge. Luckily and in the same sadly time
    only one drone got destroyed but it was the most valuable.

    I am very sure that man can easly miss to repair one of it's drones but 4 is
    actualy prety hard.
  2. Seeing 5.4 was a good indicator you needed to recheck everything. I repair all my drones at the same time so they stay at the same level. I know Zeus and Apis damage at a different level but repair them at the same time as the rest of the drones and you have nothing to worry about. You have to scroll through the entire list. I check mine on the first hanger screen before going into maintenance to do repair.

    Now for your support issue, which will not be changed because of what anyone says in the forums, I take it the problem was on a non-english server. That is why you were told to go to the nationality support. It possible to miss some; I missed 2 one time. Trust me, it will never happen again.

    In closing, if English support told you that you have to go to another support for that server, I would not bother opening another ticket to English support.
  3. apetown.

    apetown. User

    I suggest to keep drone repair cpu equipped to prevent this kind of nasty surprises :)
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL likes this.
  4. Hi All,

    Like Ape town said Keep DRONE REPAIT CPU 2 equipped on both configuration on your ship. If you don't have them, you can get them in the auction. Most people don't bid on them and most of the time you can get them for 10k.

    I have lost drones because I didn't have the CPU. Now I run with it always.

    PSK is right to check and recheck. Like him I repair all at one time then I check again to make sure. You can miss one and I have.

    Good luck Bumble bee,

    COWBOY·FROM·HELL and apetown. like this.
  5. Bumblebee

    Bumblebee User

    Now I check the drone's damage after every death

    I will consider of doing that asap.
    apetown. likes this.
  6. I do transfers every morning, and then check damage if I am going to do anything else. If things are pretty hot on game, I may check again after a couple hours even if I have not popped for just in case, as I tend to forget where I am at times. I run the cpu on all ships I use, on both configs as well but with me watching what I am doing, I have yet to need them to save me. Good luck in the future.
  7. IF using the Drone Repair CPU make sure it has the needed repairs for the drones you have, it really stinks when you have 2 repairs left and all 10 are ready to pop.
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL likes this.