Demaner guide

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by »ØPŦ‡MU§_K‡ŁŁ_§[23]«, Apr 6, 2018.

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  1. Demaner spawn in general every 20min starting on full hour.
    1st spawn is random thats means got 33% of spawn on each company.
    2nd spawn in same hour is 50% between 2 maps where still didn't spawn.
    3rd spawn will always be on map where didn't be last 2 previous times.
    Next hour 1st map is again random.

    Spawn time of demaner may be changed by restart server, in that case 1st will spawn right after restart and will start new "hour circle of spawn".

    RB-214 is best ammo to shoot demaner since doing most of dmg, dmg reward from alien is shared depending how much HP and shield you do to demaner, however for quests only count dmg on HP. Singularity from cyborg and venom doing only on HP and count in quest as well.

    Killing demaner 0-10 min after spawn next will have HP more depending how fast you kill it, if you kill it post 10min of spawn each next min you don't kill it will make next demaner have 5% less HP each min you don't kill it so, if you kill it 15min after spawn next will have 25% less HP.
  2. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    Venom didn't count on my quest though and when I tested the Demaner in the first time during the FTF test, Cyborg didn't counted on the quest either.
  3. I tryed few days ago with Cyborg without design, it worked.
  4. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    Weird, maybe they changed it then.
  5. You forgot the part about having to fight mcc for it.
  6. I didn't forget it, but I see that people don't know how to speak/deal with other people for that isn't this forum so I not gonna speak about it.

    P.S. anybody can became member MCC even if he is begginer.
  7. test020

    test020 User

    when they aren't full? yes.

    other than that, i went into the us 2 east server...


    *names and ranking were hidden to prevent said users come here and act with childish behaviour*