[SC] Are MCC’s an exploit, if so shouldn’t they be banned?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by willi_101, Apr 7, 2018.

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  1. If you were in the same map with a full outfit, who have all purchased the dmg-02 booster, whether it be a normal map or hades gate

    Hades: If you had 25% dmg boosters, 10% from your cyborg (doesnt count in booster tab) ,7 outfit members (35% more damage, 5% from each) then you would have 60% damage showing in your booster tab

    I imagine if you were in a map with a CBS that had a level 16 dmg module that has been on for 20 hrs, then you would have 70% dmg showing, I am not sure if there is a cap, never tested it.
    Odin® likes this.
  2. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Thanks _-somerandomdooface- that answers all my questions ... be safe and have fun :)
  3. I've been here since the beginning, that is incorrect.


    "Arrogance and Attitude are no match for Experience"
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  4. Takarof™

    Takarof™ User

    Maybe not on your server. Perhaps they've existed on others...
  5. test020

    test020 User

    it's not an exploit.

    or do i need to tell you the whole bloody history of darkorbit, making a very big post that only 1% of folk will bother to read and 24% will pick parts they are interested in to use for arguing whatever suits them and the other 75% will not care because tl/dr?

    again, MCC's are not an exploit, they were a cheap, lazy way to keep players playing, ended up making the community become toxic in game, losing even more players than they were losing. now it's beep boops and mcc folk, rarely you will see a new user. other than that it's a beep boop that got the ban hammer and need to reboot the OS.
    i've been here ever since 2007 and MCC's became existing after the "Kristallon Wars"...

    they weren't, the most active clans on DO, that is the Ancient Clans, became a "deletion process" with the beep boop blast that did happen.

    many people complaining are trying to participate in the events but cannot due to reasons. back in the days a "map invasion", that is when a company clan invades the map of another company would result in said clan dying regardless because it was the whole company fighting them off, hunting for more than an hour? good luck even with "GGEnergy spam" like many users did.

    MCC's are helping with the whole "DO Death", a feature that was recently added to create a group of elitists that will try to assure dominance without a chance of others fully fighting back cause balance in this game is broken, will make ANY sensible person slowly decrease their activity in the game to a point of not even wanting to play anymore, even on crowded servers there aren't much players actively playing for much time.

    shared boosters were inteded for hades because it was somewhat difficult when they created a rule that "you can't stick together or you'll die" but with the shared boosters needing you to be together enough to die.

    it's tragic and funny.

    *i feel old*
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
  6. einstein58

    einstein58 User

    These MCC's are one of the main reasons that DO has lost the players and can no longer keep a large majority of the new ones(which are actually needed to keep the game alive.When you have these MCC players going around popping new players constantly they are not going to want to stay.The same goes for events(that appear to be put out for the MCC and UFE players).If they can not truly participate then what is the use pf playing the game.Sorry,but many players see the MCC as the main problem with the game.Until this changes DO will continue to loose their player base and thus the $$$$ that comes with it.We all know the bottom line is the $$$ factor and the reason DO does nothing is because that is their main source f $$$.
  7. When an MCC creates an asteroid; I believe the asteroid should be 'friendly' to all ships in all companies, with the only exception being the explicit clan war(s).
    This way, only the clan(s) that declare war on the MCC would be able to take out the base.'
    Maybe even go so far as to have it that without the declared war, it is an automatic alliance status for the other clans, or clanless players.
  8. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    If the clan belongs to ALL, it will be. However, you'll shoot yourself to your knees if you start challenging MCC.
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  9. Oh yes, I agree that it should be 'ALL', but right now, even if the clan is 'ALL', the enemy/friendly status depends on the company portion of the clan that opened the asteroid. If it was, for example, ship(s) from VRU of the MCC start and own the base, then ships not in that MCC and from other companies, will see it as an enemy base. It just seemed a bit counter to an MCC status.
  10. IF the COMPANY is "ALL" then it shows as RED to ALL ships but will only attack those ships that attack it, only the Clan will see it as BLUE, not sure if the politics sees anything different.
  11. test020

    test020 User

    in what darkorbit?

    cause in this one it attacks anyone that is not on the same company as who built the base...

    nowadays being an outlaw is just another thing really, before it actually meant something, and there are multiple and creative ways to deal with MCC, at the cost of MCC players complaining.
  12. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    Clan sees it as green, others see it as red but tag as green if allied, NAP does not affect, even though gives a different color to there as well.

  13. MCC Klans. Thanks to E 1 server Red Planet Mafia RPM now we have to deal with MCC on all servers. I do remember this some years ago before I quit back in 2011 People were complaning about a klan in East 1 RPM running the server using all company players this caught my attention I knew soon it would catch on to all the servers... Now it is out of control so now you have to deal with it if you dont like it there is always someone too shoot u down on the enemy team. Now you can go alon and get along or you can fight them all by yourself lol/ so that you dont get outlawed make sure to get your clan to war them. Enjoy
  14. I think that sometimes its good when you not getting along with players in your company and you can smash them by joining the enemy company clan, with the added bonus you don't have to change company and lose honour. It works both ways!
    MyBigi likes this.
  15. Well. Its called Domination. When a big event takes place everyone will join one big clan with heavy hitter and allies and Dominate the event. So if you are not with them you are against them and that does robs the little guy or give him any kind of chance to get anything or to participate in the event so yeah its kinda unfair yeah.

    I am not an event type of person Tho I do benefit from them as my ship kills go lol. I seen times when the space ball is just there on its own with no one on the maps didnt even care to shoot it I was there looking for ship kills unfortunately there was no one to kill lol server was really empty now starting to get some new player which is nice for me.
  16. smallship

    smallship User

    Its called advantage on numbers since this is an multiplayer game, just get yourself a full outfit with your buddies, if you cant or dont want to, then thats your problem, not the game problem.

    They shouldnt change the game, just because some players are unwilling/unable to play with other players as a team.

  17. Get you facts FIRST before you lip off to old time players who have been here since the beginning. Shared boosters across companies is a new thing in that past few months. It was never that way before. Shared boosters in the past where shared only with the same company and only when in close proximity to the booster holder.


    Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
  18. smallship

    smallship User

    Please read my post again...
    What facts should i get right?
    Im just saying that its normal that a group of players have a better chance at winning when fighting 1 guy, i never said that the boosters were like this from the start of the game.

    I know how the boosters used to be, and my statement stays the same, the shared booster change they made was really good both pvp/pve wise.
    It encourages people to group and play together, it also helps non-ufe players a lot, because now they can group up together on the same map and hunt aliens much easier and faster, it helps newbies a lot to farm.

    The only people unhappy from this change(from what i can see) are the people that play alone, but that is easy to fix, this is a multiplayer game(and people that play supporting each other have a better chance against lone players), so just get some buddies and play together with them(or go play some singleplayer game)

    So like i said just get a group of buddies to group with you, and if you cant or if you are unwilling to do so, then just get rekt...

    Dont go around the forum crying for BP to change the boosters like they used to be.
    I mean.. like 90% of the players welcomed and adapted to the booster change...You are just 1 of the very few people that are constantly saying that shared boosters are killing the game....Maybe the boosters are fine like they are now and the problem lies within you?(you are 1 of the very few players i can see that is constantly crying about it)

    Like in every online game, there are changes, some good, some bad... if most of the people are happy with the change, then its probably a decent change.

    Just adapt like every other player.
  19. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    No, it wasn't, at all. I've taken a part as an outfit member and outside of it, just the fact you can literally bash everyone solo when everyone other sits at gate is ridiculous. The change of the shared boosters were dumb, especially, when the game went more about groups then, but not as it was supposed to. I want you to stop saying that you're one of them who can't join on outfit, before you even start saying that.
    This is true, but not entirely. It encourages people to group, but literally the game has went to that side you either fight alone and other players are in one group / clan (especially in low populated servers). If you can't beat them, join them and again there's nobody to fight with. Nice.
    Not entirely. I don't play alone, I still hate the fact boosters share like that stupid. I would've been okay if the radius of the boosters were increased to certain point, but not whole map. Ridiculous, ridiculous and still ridiculous.
    That's like saying to bullied outcast "yo get some friends or kill yourself" (and because it seems people likes to misunderstand a lot, that wasn't a reference to my real life). Please. :D
    Can't really say anything to that, though, I certainly doubt it really was 90%. :/
    Because not everyone cares about complaining it, when we've seen it has had 0.5% effect even if that 90% disliked it.

    Even though these weren't for me, I wanted to share my opinion as well. :)
  20. MCCs are not an exploit. Given the depopulation of the servers over time, I can understand how what was once a cardinal sin is now the norm.

    Given that, during events like Hitac and Demaner.... these clans will shoot down anyone trying to participate... this isn't an exploit. It's pushing. Plain and simple. DO ignores it due to the reduced participation in the game. Plus, many of these players are the paying customers.

    Funny thing is, MCCs have driven out a lot of potential paying customers (like me..premium member retired from the game due to things like this). I don't mind the normal competition of the game but MCCs make it impossible for newer players - the future of the game - to participate. Pushing kills, events, etc has destroyed the game. DO can't even deal effectively with botting. And the event missions are oftern constructed to feed kills to the pushing community. I don't find the game to be much fun anymore. Too much drama and nonsense.