[SC] The unfairity of the Laser Storm event?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Takarof™, Apr 27, 2018.

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  1. Takarof™

    Takarof™ User

    Just a slight issue with the laser storm event. I mean the event has cropped up at the very last minute, therefore for those players who don't work 9-5 mon-fri or usually get weekends off, it means they'd miss out on getting the chance to get full set up on the new laser cannons.

    Also, the once in a lifetime purchasable package is a bit useless i think. As you're only getting 3 laser cannons? Why not offer to get 35 laser cannons ( at a higher price of course) so that those they were unable to take part in this event would still have the opportunity to get the full laser set, by purchasing??
  2. Then you'll complain about the game being Pay2Win if they make it pay to get them faster. If you cannot farm/ do the galaxy gates at that given time (which is plenty), then it's only unfair for YOU or similar people.

    I also got a 9-5 (not all days). If you want them that much, cut something you usually do that doesn't have a big impact in your life so you save some time for the event. As I believe it'll be only for once.

    Plus it's very fair that they give you 3 days instead of maybe 2 (they said weekends) or they could've unexpectedly made it for a day with no announcements till that day. So no, the event is not unfair in general, just unfair for you because you happen to have other things to do.

    ŹÀPHØÐ User

    omg bigpoint do we really need more reasons for people to be constantly in gates?

    yes i know it probably makes you the most money, but try to be a little less obvious.
  4. Takarof™

    Takarof™ User

    If i'm a player who spends to get items on the game, why would I complain about it being Pay2win? :rolleyes: I'm saying they should offer both the option of purchasing them or of grinding for them manually so everyone could have a chance of actually getting them all.

    So work doesn't have a huge impact on your life, right? And besides, not everyone works your usual 9-5 Mon-Fri.

    I'm not the only person it's come to an inconvenience too, I'm sure there's plenty of other players out there who couldn't participate due to maybe idk, being at work? Hence offering the option to purchase all set of the lasers. It shouldn't just always be having to grind for everything, because quite frankly, not EVERYONE has the time to constantly be grinding on this game to get items. Purchasing should be an option too. If you're happy to grind for your stuff and spend all your time cooped up indoors, then you do that. I'd prefer being able to purchase my items, so I believe should have the option to do that. o_O
  5. Your idea of being able to purchase an ENTIRE set of enhanced LF4s is defeating the entire purpose of the enhanced lf4s. They were designed to be a goal for UFEs to work toward, with their Kyhalon/Tetrathrin/Bifenon requirements on the assembly. The dev team made a point that they were NOT to be purchasable and had to be worked towards. The 3 laser package is already being lenient enough.
  6. Takarof™

    Takarof™ User

    Then why this event? As it’s compeltely going against their motives of the new LF4’s. As each guarantees an LF4 laser, without the need of getting kythalon, tetrathrin etc.
  7. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    I think that on one hand people who spent the time grinding out the enhanced lf4s miss out (they still received a slight advantage in fights from owning those lf4s first). However on the other hand this would help noobs as they would be able to make gates and get enhanced lf4s instantly.

    The timing of the event is pretty good too as 3 days would not be enough time to make a ridiculous amount of gates (unless you no-life) to get max lf4.

    I think overall it is a good event.


    havnt been on for a while with work 4 days on 4 days off getting close to having a long weekend off but my ? is i have 50 lf4 lvl 16 so is it worth me smashing some gates out when i finish shift tomorrow for these new lasers ? regards gb1 server
  9. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Hey, it depends on what your goals are. I think grinding out either "HP-LF-4 from Delta or MD-LF-4 from Zeta" would be the best choice unless you want the pve laser for farming.

    Its worth it cos it is 100% chance of getting a laser, I would do it on double gg to get the discount on spins and doubled gate rewards (enhanced lf4 drop would not be doubled)
  10. Takarof™

    Takarof™ User

    You'd be surprised...in total to get full set of all 3 cannons you need to do 125 gates. 35 delta, 45 zeta, and kappa. Delta is a very quick gate, could be done in no more than 15-20 mins. Zeta slightly longer, and Kappa, only being the 'longest' out of 3. so 125 gates could easily be done over 3 days....whilst having time to do other things.
  11. It's almost like your blaming DO for you having a job on the weekend and 9-5 is not all day. If you choose to do something else after work other than playing the game that's up to you not DO's fault. Just proof that no one can ever please everyone. At least were getting a chance to get some of the new lf4's faster. Enjoy
  12. They are running Helix 400% all weekend, congratulations, anyone who spends money is getting hardcore played right now.
  13. Unless you have a specific thing you use the ships equipped with the Enhanced LF-4's on, there is not enough difference in them. The only advantage is the Uridium you save for not having to Upgrade them to get the Full Damage of the regular LF-4.
  14. Takarof™

    Takarof™ User

    buying them would be a lot faster. I feel that you don't understand my reason for being fustrated. It's not that i'm blaming d.o for making it farmabable. What I'm saying is that they should have BOTH options. I.e farm for them via gates, or buy them as a whole. So those that do not spend CAN still get them at a reasonable time too.
  15. You can only buy the equivalent of 3 months daily login bonus. Unless you are Gate Bashing you are not going to get them real fast and you had to bash Gates to get the regular LF-4 to make the Enhanced from farming the materials.
  16. It's like every other game out there now if you don't spend or play a lot you will never be top so maybe just play and take advantage when you can. How many players you think have something to do this weekend and are gonna miss out on this event? They all can't ask to be treated different from everyone else just to satisfy them is all i am saying. enjoy hope you have time to at least get a couple gates in
  17. Using what galaxy gate energy I had saved up, plus a chunk of saved uridium, it took 1761 spins to get the remaining 88 parts for a zeta gate. (used mostly single spins but a dozen or so 5 energy spins)
    Almost lost interest in doing the gate it took so long to build it. How about some sort of set up where the gate can be built faster and even with some sort of credit arrangement so the off-hour players could get a completion chit of sorts to put towards at least one gate.... ?

    Maybe that helps, maybe it does not.
  18. I've learned that it takes twice as many free gate spins to open a gate rather than uridium, its like one free energy is worth less than one energy used by uridium.
    -oversoulpaul- and ]Coldheart[ like this.
  19. Well that's like everything in this game even crafting booty keys will take many more to get what you want vs paying for them.