[UI] Skill Tree

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SŤAЯLIGHŤ#911™, May 15, 2018.

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  1. The amount of seprom required in order to build skills in the right side is too much, reduce it to maximum of 500 seprom for example.

    Change the maximum points up to 70, not only 50.

    100 seprom for the first 1 skill * 5 = 500.
  2. There have been several ideas of this nature. One would venture to ask why you want these two changes.
  3. For example for electro optics skill amount of seprom is too much, and you can't for 1 day open that skill. You need a 2-3 days or more.

    And for total pilot points i want to be increase because there are also good skills like more uridium box etc etc.. Just everyone to enjoy it.
  4. Hi All,

    I would like to see the amount of the Skill Tree increase. There is so much I want to improve and 50 isn't enough for me. Even 10 more points would be great.

  5. Exactly im trying to say that :-D
  6. I am taking it that you recently (or currently) reset your bio. Applying points is not meant to be a 5 min process for the entire tree. The reasoning is give players something to work on over time. Players would just reset daily, costly after a few times though.

    Day 1 Boxing Bio
    Day 2 PVP Bio
    Day 3 PVE Bio
    Day 4 Back to Day 1 (depending on how the player feels.)

    Also, if the points were raised, we would be talking about not having to reset at all, almost ever, because most players would have everything they need for all three. Although, I am sure most players would only have it set for the first two, wasting a lot on mine bio. :p
  7. There you have points for 100 skill points, i mean increase from 50 to 60 maximum for example or even 70. Then decrease the amount of seprom needs to build the skills on the right sides. Come on, you can't even build one skill with 9k seprom man.

    Electro optics (15,000 seprom needs in order to build it in fully).
    PVP lasers II 6,000 seprom.

    Now tell me how u will PVP bio in 1 day ? that is 21,000 seprom needs.
  8. **-Lord-**

    **-Lord-** User

    That would be realy nice, we have gotten severeal new ships, lazers and blance patches to this is indeed a time to rebalance the skill tree....
  9. That was my entire point. You suggested changing it to 500 Seprom for one item that calls for 5 points in the third section. With that being the case a player could change daily.
  10. Who will do that ? think about that every reseting bio will cost next time doubler. For that is price doubling every reset..
  11. Which would not happen ever if the point max was raised to 70... You would have basically everything you need to do all three at the same time.
  12. You just have comment for everything lol. Dont comment anymore, it is related to the darkorbit team not to you. I told there are points that are in total 100, you wont have everything as you see! And i didnt told that must be 70, let it be 60 maximum.

    Just quit of my thread.
  13. Hi All,

    It is log disk that keeps me from improving my skill tree. My Sky Lag is pumping away in Sep. It just takes me a long time to build up log disk, but I still like to see the number of points increase.

  14. It relates to everybody. I have 45 right now on this account and am at full PVE and full PVP minus optics and heat seekers, and am working on boxing. At 60 I would have everything for pvp, pve, and boxing. The only thing relevant I would not have is full honor, which I can make up with a ship, but not really needed to do any of the three. Also I would not have mine bio but I don't really use mines anyways. Since log disk are costly because of the amount you need for each additional pilot point, you can just imagine how much work/uri would be needed.
  15. You need to have all of them PVP, pvE and boxing. If u dont have boxing the game will be pay 2 win.

    If you dont have PVE, u cant farm much uri, and if you don't have PVP u are nothing in this game.
  16. I have PVE on both accounts and working boxing for both of them. This account has PVP and the other is not in it for the PVP. Most players only work for the PVP and Boxing which I find both boring. They should rename this from being a PVP game to a 1v1 game. Its all you see in the chat anymore. Anyways, now that we are officially done with the debate, good luck with your idea.
  17. Don't blam yourself anymore, im talking about single accounts and not for (read nolifers). And how you're going to transfer your uridium from second acc to the primary??

    Quit from the thread as it's continuing to spam here. As i see you're not in darkorbit team which you are not related to this suggestions!
  18. Hi All,

    I have shields and PVP loaded up but there is a lot more I would love to increase, but out of points to do so. That is why I would like to see more then 50 to improve my pilot skills.

  19. First I will point out that if you really wanted your idea to go to the team, you would private message it to OP32 or Baracus on Discord. They only post in here when things get extreme about something they have done.

    Next, I am not sure about this nolifers term, but guessing it has something to do with my reasoning for this not being a good idea. If so, I am good with it. You questioning transfers of uridium from account to account is a distraction in this thread that even you don't need.

    And going back, you like the banter or you would not keep responding to me. Your idea affects everyone that plays the game and works the bio. I have reset mine five times, but there are lots of others out there that have reset it over 10 for various reasons including switching between pvp, boxing, pve, and mistakes. This is money(uri) in the companies pockets, but should this plan go into effect most players should not have to change ever for any reason besides mistakes. So a savings to players from having to pay more for each reset should be a selling a point that you use. So now I have given you two, nolifers much...

    I will say good luck with your idea again but I am sure you want to talk to me some more. :rolleyes:
  20. Hi All,

    Sorry. I get side track sometimes. I haven't said anything to anyone except here. Thanks for the information too. I don't know them.
