[SC] My 5 things that i think is wrong

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AVIT, Jun 23, 2018.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Not many people play this game now do they ,and as a result a SERVER MERGE is announced and needed ..but i Honestly think that will not not solve anything as the whole game structure is wrong .

    I have played the game for 9 yrs am ufe and have been general in 2 companies i am currently 3rd in the leader hall . and i hardly play anymore .

    Here is my top 5 reasons why many others like me do not play anymore .

    1 .There seems to be a growing culture of nastiness to each other .
    2. Cheats are still allowed and botting is still rife .
    3 Hades rewards are ridiculous ,so honor is not individually earned anymore on ranks
    4 ,It takes too long to place modules and build a battle station now ,
    5 MCC clans can run the roost of the game .in maps and events too .

    Whos fault is all this for losing active members playing darkorbit ?
    its not mine !

    Please add comments and have your say on why you think the game is dieng too
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
    PSKSUNDANCE likes this.
  2. Oddy

    Oddy User

    " They don't advertise this game any longer anywhere " is what I would say but to be honest these days gaming community changes every year and little MMOs (like DO) are withering (not gonna say dying because that is not the case in my opinion)
    And let's look how people would see this game if they start it from the beginning: First couple of hours they are ok playing this game, but then they realize later on that this game demands lot of playtime to improve your account, which literally takes a long time to do. I don't bother play every day because grinding is quite time consuming and tideous.

    I just noted these days that the most of the gaming has become too competitive and boring. This especially applys to MMOs. That's what the companies go for: make games more competitive, not fun.

    I can relate to your first statement that some people are literally quite unbearable to play with and that's why I avoid most of these games (just by looking the chat now and remembering 8-10 years ago you can see the difference). As a little gamer I do know that I am sometimes quite ignorant human being and my nature is quiet but I don't want to brag or make anyone angry by throwing accusations against the another. Well being a good guy doesn't mean others will be.

    Just gonna say in the end that I don't think BP is not going to make the game any more better because let's be honest: Do we think that we get 100k people to play this game everyday? We don't. That is reality.
    It's better to have these old players to keep playing and satisfied for making little updates and patches for the game.
    They follow what is good for them, not necessarily for us.
    Who knows, maybe we get a new game but it's hard to make one when you don't have professional coders to do that.

    A little depressing topic this is but I don't expect anything big anymore.
    Adiii* likes this.
  3. AVIT

    AVIT User

    so you agree on 2 things then .. thats a start ! :) one being server merges is not the solution
  4. The biggest problem with DO is it is still a FLASH Game. Most other online games changed with the announcement of Adobe no longer supporting their software. The addition of all of the graphics has also added to the problems. BUT the biggest problem is that with every DEV TEAM replacement there is language changes to the code and each of these changes puts another nail in the coffin that is being created for the servers after they get merged. Unless DO decides to generate NEW BLOOD for this game they are going to continue to merge servers until they have only a handful of them and they will eventually end up underpopulated and not profitable enough that they have to shut them down.
  5. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    They only need to fix their servers, on some days the game laggs like crazy...
    The amount of people that left, because of the lagg making the game barely playable, is way more compared to those who leave because of the reasons you gave earlier.
  6. u missed a one of the biggest reasons people quit the game and its because they take away jackpot battles in 2015. it may seem like not a big deal if ur not a big top 10 leaderboard player and just a noob like me but to them its a big deal. i mean look at it, other games are having tournaments, mobile legends the MOBA game on iphone has 50,000 dollar tournaments, and this game that is 10+ years old is barely getting server merge because losing players? hmmmm
    apetown. likes this.
  7. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Not getting at you mate but on our server in GB1 jackpbot battles were noit working since umm 2010 ish .

    i agree they were good as it was the reason i started to play ,win money .

    yep and in their wisdom they kept it flash ,which was absolutely Daft ! ..But whatever platform ,it would be still the same with their game format .

    you prob just need to get more ram mate ,,or clear your lappy/pc of running other processes when gaming here .

    LAG is not an issue for me ,,

    i do feel for you if you get it

    maybe no lag as no one plays on the server lol
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 27, 2018
  8. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    I have 16 Gb of ram, i can assure you that my computer is not the issue.... my Opera browser is set so it clears cookies and cache everytime i close the browser.

    Im not talking about the game lagging all the time, im talking about the game being unplayable on certain days or hours(like sundays) on big servers, or if you're in a big fight(50+ ships on screen) the fps drop is amazing...

    Ofc people on small or middle sized servers will not get the lagg issue that much, since i played on both big and small servers, and i can tell you that bigger servers lagg way more compared to a smaller 1.

    Also have you tried to jump with 50 other ships into a map from the same gate at the same time? like 10+- ships will get in, while the other 40 will get disconnected trough the jump xd....

    They really need to fix or get better servers... if this sort of stuff happens now... i cant imagine how it will be once the merge on the big servers happens.
  9. Flash and Java are plug-ins so the browser can not clear them. As DO has become so Graphic Based the Flash is not able to deal with it all of the time. Try setting your graphics to a lower setting and see if your lag dissipates.
  10. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    I play with lowest graphics setting, it doesnt matter it still laggs.
    Thunderheat likes this.
  11. AVIT

    AVIT User

    WOW you play on a Server with 50 peeps in it / leyt alone all same map jumping at port ? pls tell me server .
  12. apetown.

    apetown. User

    Hopefully they do something for this MCC issue as at the moment in some servers you literally can only play lowgate or galaxygates because of one MCC having 90% of server population under their tag/ as their alliances.
  13. spy-girl

    spy-girl User

    1 thing is 100 % the lagg is worse than before 4/5 yers ago ,if i get killed in the gates that is worse than anything else you
    just look at your ship that sailing away in the zone and you have to do the part 1 more time and it cost you 1 life and the
    the blod pressure is raising ,that is the time you ask your self what are you doing !! you losing money and time .
    But soon your back in space so players like me is what DO loves (they even send 1 mail and ask WHY i stop playing )
    Well life is what it is so keep smiling be nice to your friends and remember Love kills anything (it just take time )
    And you can love your self till you find that friend .
  14. spy-girl

    spy-girl User

    Help with flash ,i was visit my old place in older server sk2 and to get in do ask me to get flash 3 and i did that and get in without
    problem .
    So is it the same here and are my problem that i don't have flash 3.0
    I ask just because i di in alfa 80 kriss and i do kappa z alameda with no problem .
    I have never been asked to get 1 flash that is spec .
    Now it is like [REMOVED] to stay here .And this is bigger problem then botters and problem started because DO don't listen to us .
    Sorry for this hope then sell the company .
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 1, 2018


    just fps and server merge come on never going to happen think crazy cubes that woz the biggest joke going
  16. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

  17. _alien10_

    _alien10_ User

    To add to your question, the big problem is that the game become absolute pay to win !!

    it become like that when the boosters first time come out but now its terrible, then there the ufe wallet warriors come in, there 2 kine of them, 1 is the kine that the know how and where to go hunt other ufe players, and the other kine the worst kine, that they just hunt everything that fly's with no respect to small players.

    the camp every day and terrorize the x2 x3 x4 maps and not only those maps, you can stays and wait at the gate for half , one hour, then you close the game and go play something else!!

    this is something that I use to say to my clan mates and to my friendly clans in ts, defend the new players, defend your maps, and if you hunt don't kill small players or all new ppl gonna quit.

    Do do nothing to help new players, the missions give nothing, the lf4 day haha a joke, I spend 70k the other day and I got 8 lf3 haha, you try to collect boxes and cant use the pet beccose it cost to much fuel.

    everything its expensive you have to pay so much money, but they milk the cow and the cow is dead now so is the game DEAD, and to lets you know that I have mention this to the community managers from another position I was years back!

    take care.

  18. GreatA

    GreatA User

    I am UFE and I love to kills new people, I use only x2 and it is free kills to achieve my 10k ships kills quest. This is better than using x6 and emp isn't it ?I also kill botters but I will keep killing new ppl and botters unless DO is banning botters,making the game fair, doing GOOD events,fixing bugs:)
  19. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    What some people seem to forget is that Darkorbit is hosted by Bigpoint, a commercial company. This commercial aspect can be seen almost everywhere:

    1. How about all those so called 'great deals' where you can buy logfiles or booty keys with real money that are way more expensive than if you would buy them with rebates and uridium in the shop? Why not remove those? Because people are more likely to buy something if they think they're getting a good deal. So you might as well squeeze all the extra money from (especially) those new players you can get.

    2. And how about the problem that a lot of people spend entire Sundays in Galaxy Gates? This could be easily changed right? Also a simple strategy: Galaxy Gates sell! Don't change a winning strategy!

    3. And why attempt to rework the entire game if you can also just merge the servers with a much higher chance of earning money? Simpel Return On Investment strategy.

    And it may just be exactly for those reasons development is going slow and some things are preferred over others. Even the slightest change could cost Bigpoint a lot of money. They constantly have to estimate which developer efforts grant them the most money.

    I am not going to speculate too much on the future or whine about how good the past was and I do not simply want to blame Bigpoint for being a (too) commercial company and call it a day. Because I feel like we have to power to take the game in the direction we want.

    Overal, I think we are heading in a direction where people's wallets are literally squeezed to death. Until the day comes that the game is no longer sustainable due to a lack of players, just because some people care more about a stripe or two before their name than strategy and cooperative game play. I am willing to pay money to play a game, not to buy a fake rank. In the end, I call upon all of you to answer the following question:

    Which direction do you want the game to take?
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018
    _alien10_ likes this.
  20. All i have to say is #MakeDOGreatAgain
    OILDAILY likes this.