Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. 27 k views +
    Still nothing from Dark Orbit.
    Post was started 6 months ago

    Want to know what's wrong with this game?

    This is it
    You don't listen
    Odin® and _oversoulpaul_ like this.
  2. steviray

    steviray User

    The situation as it stands on my server at the moment. Alot of company officers (stars) formed a single not MCC clan but a "company" clan. They still carry rank within their own company stealing company rank and treating it like a trophy or title. Their bases are not booster platforms but hostile laser platforms to hinder the entire server. Getting near anything is difficult, getting near an event is impossible. This Hitac is literally a 24-7 DO free for all and these players still insist on controlling every aspect of the "game". Between them and the overflow ally clan(s) the cutthroat play from this group never ends. I understand that this is a PVP game, that argument is not enough to justify the damage that this group does to the integrity and playability of the "game" as a whole. Reasoning with them only last so long until the next trigger happy petty gamer gets on. (the type attracted by strong power bases to shield their anti-game play). AND I QUOTE " We run the server". The server merge will turn into a slaughter fest, ubers seizing the oppurtunity to prey upon fresh meat to complete the high level rediculous multi-thousand ship PVP quest. For a brand new player to step into such an environment whether they pay or not is a futile effort.


    Simply put DO; 1) I will not take part in a game where Im nothing more than a target in a gallery.
    2) I will not waste my time on a game where the success/failure of my account is
    subject to the whims of a select few players.

    Like i said in an earlier post, ill get a console and get a PS account. Unless measures are addressed in forums and a plan of action put forth;

    My next post may very well say GAME OVER!
  3. They don't care fellows.

    That's why there game died a few years ago and even with a merge coming it will die again. They have no new players staying in the game because of the above reasons; so how are they to get in on the good stuff to help them grow: answer is they cant so they quit just like a few years ago.

    I believe DO answered the Multi-Company issues in a Twitch stream and dont quote me but I seem to remember they said Multi-Company clan's are not the problem so they are not going to do anything about it right away, maybe after the merge down the road.

    If they are not going to do anything about the Multi's then there is no reason to have factions, just make it a free for all, no ranks, no nothing and it will be set in stone "this is a 100% PVP based game" Only. Get rid of gates, quests, NPC's and it is what it became.

    I know of 64 players in 2 different servers that will quit after the merge if DO does nothing on multi's ( That's just 2 servers )
  4. 1- increase the amount of uri from npc's 2 add more npcs 3 alliances should be only between same company clans.4 profit
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  5. test020

    test020 User

    that would turn darkorbit into a game that starts with E has 3 letters and end with another E...

    full of toxic players that keep farming pointlessly to become "stronger" until the "strongest" "corporation" comes in and kill them all...

    darkorbit is in the same path to becoming a boring space sim ruled by nerds.

    other than that thou idea is incredibly silly, company change is older than many people's accounts here (5000 uridium + 50% honor loss), they could just you know, disable the different company alliance... it's alot easier.
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  6. steviray

    steviray User

    Hello Onkyo, agreed the real problem isnt MCC clans, They have always been an option. Its an idea i even toyed around with in the early years. Our server was going through a massive influx of spanish speaking players and tried this route to try and pull together an english clan. No one was very interested because there were still high server populations. i believe ive posted the easiest solution to the MCC clan player, give them outlaw tags and take away their honor for company perks and rank, impose penalties for flying outside company jurisdiction, add a few incentives for company loyalty like bonus exp,honor and uri. The coding already exists, it just needs to be expanded on. This solution remains within the spirit of the game and doesnt step on any toes.

    The MCC clan isnt the real issue but an indication of a greater problem. DarkOrbit and Bigpoint mismanagement of the game and building a seriously unbalanced game structure so overpowering that a new account player doesnt stand a chance. Provided they can even get "permission" to play from the server kings. This isnt a game anymore, its a sociopathic sandbox shooting gallery set up by DO for the wallet warriors and unless DO does something about it and soon im gone. Im not a free player i contribute to the game. Im not wasting my time on a "game" where the success of my account is subject to the whims of a few players. Im tired of everything being a lottery. DO is seriously misguided if it thinks that anyone should play under such conditions.
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  7. Odin®

    Odin® User

    MCC is not the problem folks ... It's us as members of an online community as a whole. I've been here for almost 10 years playing this game , and yes I don't approve shooting a member of my same company unless it is RED / to bad that person is in a clan from another faction that is already RED to me . I understand the reasoning and creativity of MCC . I've lost 9 members in the past month due to the Lack-of-Interest in the game that THEY have spent thousands of hrs in building their accounts. Not everyone can be online at the same time because the time zone differences in my clan. FYI I have done part 3 testing of the pending Server Merge and FYI ... DO can do a purge / merge. I do this often on my database that I have. You have to realize that
    English UK
    Registered: 95,988,773 Members

    Do you understand what other folks are doing to make/recreate this game ....? Heck this is my clan on US East1 server
    here is my ship on Germany1 Server ...

    Do you understand that there was at Merge Test several weeks back between Germany1 server and Germany2 server ? I question the scope your post?
  8. steviray

    steviray User

    My objection isnt exactly MCC clans nor server populations. My focus is that the structure, mechanics and the spirit of the game as a whole has been shattered. The entire servers power base is centered within "one" clan providing umbrella protection to petty gamer types leaving the rest of the server a battleground with diminished defences and no way of ever developing an account. Where as under the normal game play these power bases would be split-up among the server providing oasis for new up and coming players.

    Sorry DO, this account isnt going to get developed unless they get permission from (blank) clan. I hope the reps at support have been really nice to them.

    Ive made it clear in post that i like the direction the game is going and what the developement teams are doing. Something must be done to remedy the situation. Maybe that will clarify things for DO. They LOSE control of their own "game". What does DO want, continue catering to a small pool of players, and have the game slowly die; or balance the game broadening their market pool with intelligent marketing and value pricing. The few you have or the thousands that left.
    Odin® and _oversoulpaul_ like this.
  9. thor714

    thor714 User

    at the risk of repeating MULTIPLE post in this thread....when you start this game,you have to chose a company to fight for! you should only be able to fight against the other two companys
    Odin® and _oversoulpaul_ like this.
  10. einstein58

    einstein58 User

    You are correct Onkyo.The MCC's have caused the loss of many players in all servers.DO however appears to not want to do anything about them.True they are asking here what players think,but they really do not care.I wrote DO support on this matter and received the reply that even after the merge there will be MCC's and thet DO development was not able to do two things at once.I completely believe that the MCC's will be the death of DO within the next 2 years if something is not done about them.All DO will have is a few MCC's dictating each server and that most new players will not stick around due to becoming nothing but fodder for them.I essentially take it that DO is only thinking about the money aspect of what they have now and not what they can potentially have if MCC's are disbanned.Also events are worthless as many players are not allowed to participate in the event because of then MCC's.DO is bringing forth its own demise by continuing to not do anything about he MCC's and thus rendering the game usless and unplayable by those not in an MCC.
    oversoulpaul and steviray like this.
  11. einstein58,
    Yes they dont care and this is how the game died because all the little guys to Fe guys were sick of getting killed by there own company if they were in a clan. They needed the clan to help them grow and they dropped the clan tag but then they were stuck. They also could not join in on the events because MCC's run the events and let no one else in on the event so no rewards for the lower level people.

    Mcc's will stay and DO will die all the way out in 3 to 6 months after the merge and those MCC's members will stay for a bit longer 6 to 9 months and then NO one in the game. DO does not care to bring in new players they are beating it all on a merge which will fail.

    Lots of players have stopped buying URI, even I have not bought in almost 2 years and I dont even waste money on premium, they will never get another dime from me; DEAD Game.
  12. steviray

    steviray User

    If DO is truly saying they arent going to do anything about MCC's i may as well leave the game now. DARKORBIT absolutely "MUST" stengthen their Honor code. Come down hard on the disloyal pilot. If DO doesnt then they don't have any respect for their own game and ABSOLUTELY no respect for the average players. "THUS I AM DONE" Im afraid your right, DO deaththrows will start as soon as players realize that a server merge doesnt mean improved playability but more uber clans out to lay waste to everything they come across. I hope that DO and Bigpoint care more for the overall health and playability of their games. After hearing that a player spent over 30,000 dollars on their account i dont believe theyll ever change their minds. Being able to "BUY" an account like that is completely illogical if your truly out to build a balanced game. Just as they caved with the Seprom speed boosts when Skylab came out. I believe the argument was, "its too hard to kill people anymore". BOO HOO get over it. maybe it was too fast, idk the booost didnt stick around long enough to experiment with. These firepower players have to understand that speed/agility is a factor in any combat situation. FOUR aspects of combat, firepower, speed, armor and tech.
    Why do MMORPG's do well. Because players have a variety of ways to play and succeed in their game. The new spec ships they are creating gives me hope tho. If DO continues to create a strategic game the future of the game may be OK. Even DO admits that they pooched the formula when putting the game together. What DO does with MCC clans will make the decision for me as to whether i continue to play or not. Theyll either continue balancing the game with an MCC balance or Theyll fleece the players for all they are worth and when the inevitable happens they'll just pull the plug without much thought. 30,000 for DO, 300 for a console, with hundreds of DIFFERENT healthy games, an online archive for past games, and millions of people online to play with. $50 for an entire playable game instead of a $100 for a small ship part that has a minor overall affect. I can guarantee i wont be around for for another year to find out the outcome.

    GAME OVER CLOCK - tick tock tick tock
    einstein58 and _oversoulpaul_ like this.
  13. I am in agreement with you . I also have played for a long time and I remember when having an enemy company on your map was a call to arms. Even if you lost the battle , it was a legitimate fight against an opposing force and not against your own companies players helping them. If you had an issue with someone or some clan in your own company then you declared "War" and then you had to decide if putting your new clan members at risk of attack was worth it.So much has changed and now I just spend my time trying to keep up with all the new items that come out. Same company players who assist enemies on their home maps should be given a status similar to "Outlaws"and should be made a target by EVERYONE of that company. A new emblem can be designed to designate a "Traitor" status or "Spy" It's gotten to the point where I don't even fight back anymore .I just let them kill me and repair my drones (when needed) in a GG. I'm not even sure what my ultimate goal is now. Since there are some new lasers available , thats been the focus of my time (daily missions and GG's).
    I was so proud when I was finally able to kill an Uber Kristallon by myself , now , its just routine. I own almost every ship in the store . Not because I use them but, just to collect them .Thats why I suggested having separate drones for different ships . That way I could have the fun of flying around in my "Defcom" without risking damage to drones on my flagship.To ME this would add an element of variety that I could have some fun with.
  14. einstein58

    einstein58 User

    DO will have to some day face the fact that the game is no longer as fun as it once was.The MCC'S have basically ruined the game by taking control of the servers.They attack just about anyone and drive new p[layers away.DO is merging servers in an attempt to revive a dying game.A game can not retain players if they can not advance,participate in quests or even participate in events.It is always the same MCC's that win items from events while others are not permitted to play.The game has come a long way since it first began,but one thing about the early years was that all could participate in the game and events which in turn made players want to stay.Now days the game has lost not hundreds,but thousands of players due to these problems.We can only hope that DO eventually gains players back.The merge is only an attempt of DO to salvage the game before it totally dies or becomes a 0 profit game which will kill their pocketbook.
    DO created and allowed this mess and is paying the price for it now and most likely in the future.I would actually give the game 1 to 2 more years or possibly less.If DO sits back and does nothing the game will die and only have the MCC'S to play and that would be limited in numbers.


    forget server merge just make this game downloadable.end mcc full stop.ends bots and other script
  16. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    If U decide to keep Multi-Company Clans, then they should only be label as ALL and not a company Logo such as (VRU, EIC, MMO) and should were a color of not yellow, Green, or Red, but, black, this way u will be able to shoot them and not incur any penalties of
    honor of experience being taken away. Because if the clan leader isn't going to stop their MCC from shooting their own company, then the
    above should be instituted.
  17. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    That won't doing anything toward fixing the overall issue of MCC's, in fact it could simply make it worse by forcing them to ally with each other creating a company of pirates (for want of a better word).

    The best solution for removing the problems related to MCC's would be to remove companies as the primary race decider of each character and make it so a players company is designated by the clan they join.

    When starting a clan the leader selects which company they wish to represent (as is now, except "ALL" is removed), then when a player joins that clan they automatically change to the company of the clan. Clans can change company, say once every 12 months without penalty or as often as they wish with an honour penalty (much reduced from what it is now), say 10% loss for the second change in 12 months, 20% for a third change, increasing by 10% for every additional company change within that 12 month period. Players could leave a clan and join another, even if a different company, without honour or other penalty.
    This would remove MCC's altogether and force clan leaders and members alike to think carefully about what company they are part of.
  18. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    Increasing by 10% is extremely harsh.

    I do like the idea of making the switching of companies based on which clan you are in though, but the problem with this if players like being in MMO and the leader decides he wants to go VRU, the players technically have no say in the matter and a voting system would cause too many problems. If the decision had to be unanimous, players who voted "No" could just leave. If the decision was made by popular vote, then the players who voted "No" would be moved to VRU against their will or would be removed from the clan and left clanless.

    MCC clans aren't what's wrong, MCA (Alliances) are. A clan that is a single company allied with clans of the opposite companies acts in the same manner as a MCC. Forcing players into a single-company clan would cause players to simply send an alliance to the players in another company.

    I say give a 1 month notice to the new system for clans and give 1 month for all players to switch (not 1 week. Decisions this big in a clan can take a while, especially is relying on the cooperation of other clans - enemy and ally). Only allow players of the company selected to see the option to send an application, allowing only players of that company to send applications. The company affiliation will be set and locked by the clan leader's company not by his mouse. Any players who have not switched by the deadline will be automatically switched to the company of the clan or simply kicked (if kicked, then 48 hour waiting period is waived).

    The extended time to choose companies allow other clans to choose their company based on their allies and enemies. Most will do it in the first week, others will wait to see what others decide. Some will talk with other clans, others won't. Alliances with other companies should be completely removed along with war. Technically, all companies are at war with each other, hence the red names. Wars and alliances should be reserved for in-company relations. NAPs should be reserved for out-of-company relations. A white tag with a red name should be seen the same as a red tag and a red name. Without visual representation, it's more difficult to cooperate with opposite companies.
  19. Sagturius

    Sagturius User

    It would be nice to be able to pop members of multi company clans that are apart of one's own company without loss of honor. They would be counted as enemy.
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  20. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    You can....You just have to declare war on them first.

    MyBigi likes this.
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