Discussion in 'General Archive' started by WarriorAngus, Sep 7, 2018.

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  1. Hi All,

    I'm so tired proving I'm not a Robot. Once is ok, maybe twice but more than that! Come on DO I proved I'm not a Robot. I promise you I will not mutate into a Robot to bid on items in you house. I don't mind it as much when I have time on the clock to prove I'm human, but when it gets down to the wire. Its not funny DO.

    DARK ORBIT, why oh why are you making the Auction House a nightmare?

    I would like to see the last 2 minutes block for checking I'm not a robot. People like me are trying to claim the free items in the house that no one has bid on. Like today over half of the items did have bids on them. A LOT OF GOOD ITEMS TOO. Some of them that are normally high bid items too. So I jump in to claim them. Then sometimes I'm trying to out bid an item because I need it. Then "I'm Not A Robot" pops up and I lose it. I lost a good opportunity to get somethings I like and need.

    This has happen a lot of times. I try to bite my tongue and move on, but sometimes I can't I had made many post on this topic, and DO HAD DELETED THEM BEFOR THEY ARE POSTED. The reason why I said thing about the team that wasn't in a good light for them.

    I was good too, no bad words too.

  2. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    I am experiencing this problem to, while on one hand I think it actually serves a purpose - next to server overload etc. it could also be a way to prevent bulk buyers from constantly buying all items in the last minute of every auction - this limitation is rather impractical as new players do not need boosters or Cloack CPU's and as Angus stated sometimes there are not even any bids on the items!
  3. Hi Bakjam,

    You have a good point, but being asked 2, 3, and 4 time is enough. I have problems seeing the things they want me to see. The pictures are small and or graining. Then when I do check it off the question is do I check off everything. Sometimes there is just a little piece in the next frame. Sometimes I check sometimes I don't. Sometimes I pass and sometimes I don't. The ones I don't pass I missed something like bikes or store front. How can I tell on some of them. If a person passes that should be good enough. If a robot can do it then why do we need to prove it. IF not then why do we need so many times.

  4. Wait... The auction bot checks you? lol, never seen that before.
    USSCoralSeaCV43 likes this.
  5. Hi Dream,

    It is just that the auction has that I'm not a robot check to stop I guess auto bidders. I don't know why it wants to check and recheck people who proved "I not a Robot" over and over again. It is a waist of my time and when the clock is counting to zero. I missed some good bids because of that. [Removed off topic content]


    Lets be clear, all of your posts that have been removed up to this point have, again, been the same threads for the same exact thing over and over again. Complaining that we are deleting it for kicks doesn't change that.
    Follow the rules, and no need to treat it all as spam. Keep flaming the mods and you're going to get infractions. Keep your suggestion on topic.
    You will not be warned again. -SE
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 11, 2018
  6. I'm fed up of it as well. Frequently with 60 seconds to go on auctions and I am having to prove this twice in that last 60 seconds! Or even having to do this check twice in the last minute and a half of auctions.

    Very annoying and I miss out on bidding on stuff while people with the magic ability to bid on 6+ items in the very last second win the auctions and I have seen 2 players do this bidding on 6+ items in the very last second while I am being given the R2-D2 check twice within 60 seconds after passing the first time. So annoying.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
  7. Hi Uranus,

    [Removed for being off topic, again]

    You are so right. Some people seem to fly right on by and do what they want to do. They maybe the Wallet Warriors or friends of the DO Team who gives them the pass. As you said you seen some people bid 6+ and keep going. I/you/others don't get the pass, and I have to prove and re-prove over and over again I'm human. If the team is worry so much about the game then fix the game. Right the wrongs. God only knows (as well as we) the problems that are over looked. Don't build road blocks for the people who want to play and bid. I still don't understand why so many rechecks. If a robot can do it then the requirement is invalided because a robot can do it. If they can not and only people can pass the questions, then ONCE is enough. Let the bidding began, not hamper us who proved that WE are real!!!!!!!!

    Last edited by moderator: Oct 11, 2018
  8. So really all you have to do to get that to stop is to type in the correct amount instead of always just trying to click the add 10k to the bid. That's all you have to do and then all your complaining about the auction will end.
  9. Part of the reason I or anyone has to do this twice in those last 90 seconds or so is because of the amount of bids being placed by each person in that short space of time but the thing is this last 90 seconds or so is where you get outbid and you bid again and so on so you get hit with secondary checks to prove you are not a robot but the logic in me says if I have just done the check 30 seconds ago and passed it then why am I having to do it a second time or even a third time when there are 20 seconds left on the auction and I get outbid again lol.

    Indeed, there are a lot of things that need putting right.

    BP need to get tough on punishments for botters for a start - start denying them access galaxy gates and upgrades combined with the deletion of 100% of EVERYTHING from their accounts from the first time they are caught. If necessary denying them access to auctions as well as it is normally the same people using such programs to do bids with their stolen credits.

    BP need to stop punishing the majority of decent and honest players with this collective punishment nonsense and stop putting road blocks in our way when we have proven we do not cheat in any capacity.

  10. Hi All,

    Just today on my first bid I had to do a Robot check. On the first bid get real. I passed after three screens and was given the OK to bid. It is a waste of my time and kind of makes me mad too. On the other 2 servers I wasn't checked except on one server after 3 bids, and the other not at all bid 5 times and I was done. I went to do other things and fight for my life.

  11. thor714

    thor714 User

    hello angus.not sure if this means anything or might help anyone at all but i've never been asked to prove that i'm not a robot in the auction and have no explanation as to why not but it might have something to do with the fact that i never click the automatic 10.000 increase on my bids. i always manually inter my bids. worth a try and hope this helps.
  12. Hi Thor 714,

    Thanks for the info. I'll try it.
