Vortex of Terror - Maps & NPC waves

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by Rossi, Jun 26, 2017.

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  1. _Minon_

    _Minon_ User

  2. AnimeFever

    AnimeFever User

  3. AnimeFever

    It'd be interesting if you added up the total sum of Uri, Credits, EXP and Honor of the entire gate--then add it to the bottom.
  4. AnimeFever

    AnimeFever User

    I thought of doing that but the amount is diff for everyone since different maps give diff uri. I'll add in a average amount though.
  5. Well done AnimeFever....most impressive. You've produced an excellent VOT guide.
    Do the choices in portals lead to randomly generated VOT maps or is it possible your gates labelled A, B and C refer to Top, Left and Bottom or some other combination of jump gates?
  6. AnimeFever

    AnimeFever User

    All the gates are random. I've also added a img of the VoT box content as well so ppl won't have to refer to the official DO post for ease of access.
  7. Good to know AnimeFever, ty for the response. It is appreciated.
    At the risk of reiterating, great spreadsheet. I'm certain it will help many VOTers in years to come. Cheers.
    Odin® likes this.
  8. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Great work AnimeFever I shall include the link you created as part of my new clans description as "Important Reads" ... Again Great Work
  9. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    ty aniimefever that spreadsheet is a godsend ,easy to read and plot thanx :) tonks