[SC] Your game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kellerkind, Oct 28, 2018.

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  1. Kellerkind

    Kellerkind User

    Your game is broken, and this should stand as a testament to BigPoint's capability of doing anything well right off the bat, you don't care about connection issues, lags.bots,cheats, glitches, nothing , I always wonder why I keep buying boosters rebate etc cuz I can't even play since you can't even log in, jesus your development team is absolutely atrocious
    Mexican_Jumping_Bean likes this.
  2. So many complaints look like straight up copies. I wonder why you buy anything from them when you have problems playing myself. The game is online and has had connection issues ever since I started years ago. Stop buying stuff. Merge is just gotten over with, though there are still a few details left on it. Let them finish one thing before moving on to the next.
    ]Coldheart[, MyBigi and Odin® like this.
  3. Kellerkind

    Kellerkind User

    the problem is they never finish one thing before moving on to the next, in all the years I have played this game it has honestly just gotten worse,of course so many complaints look like straight up copies cuz people have been complaining about the same thing for years , just goes to show how well they finish that one thing before moving on to something else.
  4. Your probably right, but I would love to see that everyone's accounts are moved over. They also have somebody working the lag issue. Unless its changed, its fixed in the EU, while still an issue on this side of the pond.

    The bots/cheats is a legal nightmare for them. And since there is a mega thread for it, I will slide over that subject for now.

    Glitches in the game are the issues that arise after an update has been put forth. I am not sure that they test them fully. Since they have the test server, it would make (to me) that it have the same build as the regular servers, so when they apply something new, it can be tested out, or ran, under the same conditions as what we will see it. They can't set a test environment restricted to that one thing they are adding. They will never know how that code affects the rest of the game doing it that way.

    In the end, lag/connection issues is a byproduct of isp/equipment and server load. May need to upgrade server equipment to handle the load better. Weekends/Sundays are the worse. I am not sure we can fully blame the Dev, when QA's job is to discover the issues.
  5. Kellerkind

    Kellerkind User

    my point exactly , bots have been a thing since the game has been out lmao, they never accurately test anything on the test server and it's restricted most of the time to but a few players, their servers are horrible, uridium rewards have not been changed in ages, price of uri is insane for something you make 100% profit on especially if you want to get more players into the game and more players to spend on the game, prices should drop or uridium rewards increased,glitches in the game also occur cuz the old programmers have a diff style of coding and left little to no comments on the side of their code, and it's a mess to try to read another person's code and they take ages ,they literally take years sometimes, so many fixes have been proposed and it annoys me that they rarely listen to their community , like the mcc post , a mod has not commented on that for over a year
  6. There is nothing for a mod to comment about tbh when it comes to the post on bots and cheats. The mods are here to answer questions about how something works and to keep the forum civil. They are not here to regulate the game. Operation of the game is the job of the devs, qa, and support.
    _alien10_ likes this.
  7. anduril

    anduril User

    Then it is time for us all to be silent and as inactive and un attentive as the mods and devs and game producers. I don't care about their legal issues, TOS works two ways lol. I do care about inaction over time, and that is driving me away from playing this anymore.
    _alien10_ likes this.

  8. Thing is, I don't think there is nothing that they can do about the lag in this day and age, maybe in the future they will figure out how to make a game browser game in REAL time, since all games have lag in this day and age. We are at the second stated of Gaming, when the third stage gets here there will be no lag.

    Big Point only suggest to buy URI and other things that they have to sell, they don't force anyone to buy nothing it is a free game to play.

    People my for different reasons, I know players on this game that just play the game to pick up boxes, others to shoot NPCs, and the Greedy ones those are the ones that want it all. You have to ask yourself what it is that you like about Dark Orbit? Do you wanna kill everyone you don't like, Do you want to be Mr. Man? Do you want to box? Or Maybe box and PVP. Many people of all walks of life and different ethics than yours play this game Ethics can lead to war lol. Yeah but its a free game.
    PSKSUNDANCE likes this.