[UI] make PvP/PvE balanced

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by HeHelp666, Dec 7, 2018.

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  1. HeHelp666

    HeHelp666 User

    PvE.... please make it the way it so players who prefer PvE wouldn't have to deal with other players, at least not with those who are freaking strong and roaming around every map just to crash new and weak players...... because new players who constantly getting crushed by strong players they maybe will play 1h and leave the game, and that's not the way DarkOrbit could get new players to play the game...(it would be more beneficial to Bigpoint too if they can get new players to stay and play the game)
    i know DarkOrbit is pvp oriented but its not even close to call it pvp when someone ganking weak players constantly......
    1st suggestion: make it possible for players to turn on and off pvp like in other games... players who turn on pvp mode on gain more exp or something like that would make it beneficial to use pvp mode or who doesn't like pvp be at disadvantage but still could enjoy the game the way he/she wants.
    2nd suggestion: if the first is not possible at least make it that players who get killed in row for 2 or 3 times they gain protection for 1 day at least while they do not attack others.
    3rd suggestion: it would be great if there is more than 5 level between players they cannot attack each others, at least while the lower level doesn't attack the higher level
  2. I like 1 & 3
  3. Well, besides this being a PvP focused game, they can't do anything or they'll protect the bots from being bullied, the players are the only ones punishing them since BP doesn't do jack. All these years and this game is still dominated by cheating lmao.
    ▼Iron_Mongrel▼ likes this.
  4. I still dont understand why someone would play a PVP game if they dont like PVP. Why should the developers change the game to something totally different when the #1 draw to this game is that it is PVP?
  5. and include singularidade diference PvP (values) and pve (%)
  6. There is a complete un-balance in this game.

    I don't think the owner of this thread doesn't like PVP I think the player like many others just want some un-compromised time to build up in this game in order to at least be able to venture out there and try out the PVP aspect.

    I see new players leaving on a near daily basis here. Something MUST be done to stop new people from leaving.

    The financial cost to progress quickly in this game is far too high. Yes this is a revenue driven game as it should be but it would make better business sense to me to ALLOW new players some time to build up some. Once they have built up they will become "Spenders".
    Why are there sooo many bots? Because this game is too costly to get to an acceptable level to compete.

    I agree with the OP on this one + 1 from me.


    Sometimes we can't choose the music life gives us but we can definitely choose how we dance
    JustMe3 and Sgt_Ocker like this.
  7. Look at my position in this game, on 2 accounts, I didn't cheat, I haven't spent hundreds upon hundreds either, yet I was still able to go around and dominate the maps.
  8. I can understand the OP's position. Unfortunately, its a dog eat dog world out there. Building up is a lot about timing. There are a lot of players in the game that are hunting mainly. Even if they do the PVE stuff, a lot of them blow threw them in groups so all they really have to do us hunt. Well more like all they have left is the hunt. Not all of them though. Unfortunately, that does leave players, especially new players vulnerable. But going back, its all about timing. Keep track of your status, and what is going on. Chat should be used for more than getting under each others skin, and people should help when there is an enemy about. I know when I go into enemy territory, I get jumped on quick by that maps company members and I am only there for the pve aspect. Why is that not the case for everyone? I will never expect a free pass in this game and nobody else should either.
  9. Ah yes my friend, but we come from old times. We come from when the game was pretty new and building up was somewhat easier. Heck I remember when I first started drones weren't even a thing and top grade ammo was x3. But progression came fast and furious and because we where already into it things didn't SEEM so bad.

    Ok ya it was tough lol but we where hard headed and determined!

    Now when someone joins this game, within just a few days they realize just how enormous a cost in either time or $$ to get up to a competitive level it is. And now compound this bleak looking future with the fact that those who have been here for an extensive period of time just smoke them in a shot or two and are relentless doing so. (just for ship kills)

    I think there should be more of an effort from the game developers to assist in a small way these new and upcoming worriers :rolleyes:

    I see some sign of this in the login calendars their giving out some really good stuff to help.

    Personally, if it has a flax drone I don't kill it, I'd rather wait until I can get somewhat of a fight :cool:

    I've passed by allot of kills and that to me is a good sign. Shows me fresh blood coming :D

    If it wasn't for the fact that there are so many botted accounts on this game I would suggest a kill free map or two for players to go and build up. Right now there is only one the home map.


    **Success is never Final & Failure is never Fatal**
    Sgt_Ocker likes this.
  10. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    I wonder if you could do the same starting a fresh account today..
    The game is very different to how it was years ago, for one thing there are a lot more heavy hitters trawling maps for easy kills.
    Second, there is a lot less protection afforded new players by the heavy hitters from their company. Most are either botting or too busy doing their own thing to worry about X-3 being overrun by enemies from another company. [As long as they leave me alone it's fine - Seems to be the motto many live by]

    You can easily tell when there is a hunter in the area - All the Cyborgs with Spartans and in wheel run to a portal and jump out and back. New players aren't afforded the same protection as the "enemy in the map" warning provided by the bots, so are left in the map to become the only available kills for hunters.

    As for the OP's suggestions -
    1/ Players lvl 18 and below should be given the option to not be engaged in non-consensual PVP.

    2/ High lvl players, 22 and above should be limited to 2 kills per player lvl 18 and under. One lvl 24 player killing the same lvl 9 player 16 times in a row should be considered "pushing". He should receive only 10% rewards for the first 2 kills and actually lose EP and Honour for every kill after that.

    3/ At the base level DO should increase "new player protection" to lvl 15, so consensual PVP only for players lvl 15 and below.

    4/ All the guys who say - "It happened to us when we first started" or "That's just how it is, suck it up or leave the game" or "It's a PVP game, why are you here if you don't want to PVP". Should be forced to start a brand new account on a server they are not known as a reminder - The game is not the same as it was 10 or 12 years ago, back then the new guys weren't outnumbered 20 or 30 to one by players with 6 or more years experience who believed killing new players was their right.

    PVP used to be about fighting to see who was the best - In DO PVP for many is about who can get the most kills with the least risk. Or as it is more commonly known - Who can generate the most tears killing those who have no chance of winning against you.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand the position of the older more experienced players - They want content and because they have been around for so long many of the "enemy" they have, have become friends over the years, this only leaves new/er players as targets. This leads to a pretty boring end game which new content in BL maps and 100 new missions can only sate for a short time.
    JustMe3 and giocodimerda123 like this.
  11. balance singularity % in npcs and Solace Changeman stant Shields repair and +5 bônus Hp
  12. I just had a thought. This is something that will definately take some work to complete but why don't they rework refractions so it works and place all the pvp action there? Some pvp events could still be left on normal servers such as spaceball but if they can make more maps for BL, they can make additional maps in Refractions to hunt in as well. At the same time, the CBS's on the servers should go to refractions as well. There should be a portal to Refractions instead of that switch method they have now, and it should work based on where you are from. Unfortunately that means the bots will have free reign and controlled even less. This is why I say everything is a double edge sword. There are lots of great ideas in this thread, but other issues negate them being successes, to include mine.
  13. JustMe3

    JustMe3 User

    Item 1/ I can see this on/off toggling og pve-pvp mode getting abused; maybe one account can have separate ships with one being pvp and the other pve, but not allowed to swap equipment between the two without manual intervention by the player...?
    Item 2/ not sure on that.
    Item 3/ Sounds good to me. :D
  14. Item 3 would need some kind of system so you know if the level is in range or not.
  15. One of those said accounts I made after 3D mode came out, so yeah, with smarts, you can lift yourself up.
  16. Because having played this since 2007, the game originally offered you to choose your path... PVE or PVP which is why we have NPCs. It's the low morality of some players that seeks to abuse every chink in the program. Personally, I don't like PVP and don't hunt weaker players but I understand the allure of wars and PVP in general.

    How you behave in the game defines you as a player and as a person... play with honor or not. Your choice but how you play and if you cheat... says a lot about you as a person. Long ago, I used to enjoy helping newer players but so many now are not honest... too often I see the newer ones robo-flying ... I want nothing to do with them.
    Sgt_Ocker and WarriorAngus like this.
  17. Hi All,

    Like in life there are bullies and here they seem to be in bunches. I'm a PVE player too, but I try to watch my back and mini screen too. If I do notice a red dot moving towards me. I move off and change configuration for a battle. It isn't fun getting killed. I don't know if there is a profit in killing a fellow player like there is in killing an alien. I know there are tons of missions in Mission Control which they want you to kill a type of ships which means killing another player. You don't really die, but the time wasted going back to your hanger to get repair and to go back out is. I think you loose standing too, but I don't really know about that, and I don't chase standing either. I'm here for fun and meeting new people also making friends.

    What I don't like the most. Going back out, and the same player kills' you over and over again. I usually log off then. Yes, I tried other sectors too, but sometimes I'm found again and again. Sometimes the bully come home with me and as I leave my base Surprise I'm back and get killed again. I hate the feeling of being a prisoner in my own base station. Which I'm am, because I don't go out as I use too. I haven't notice this as much because the Black is full of pilots now. So I guess there are more targets for the bullies. I don't think the merger was a winner to me. I liked the quite skies and less people in the auction house, but it save money for DO because they can cut down on the servers and time, money, and repair of them.


    What DO doesn't realize that new money is going out the door with the new players. The bullies are max out and don't need to buy and make new. They have spent all their cash and the wallet warriors' wallets are closed for business. The New Bees are run out of town in this game and we need new blood to keep the game open and exciting.

    I read somewhere about Big Point. The author said they were thinking of pulling out of the game. Now how is DO going to get its money. I like to hear more on this if anybody know's more. If they leave the game it is really over.

    The last thing I would like too see: If you hit a certain level 20th, 25th or some high level, then you are sent to another sector automatically with all the other big level pilots. Then you can have all the fun killing each other. Oh yea, most high levels are cowards to fight each other. They might die. So they pick on the little guy making them feel big.

  18. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Starting an account 2 or 3 years ago is not the same as starting one since server merges.
    DO in their wisdom melded servers of old bitter vets together creating a whole new arena for new players to contend with.
    2 years ago many servers had few active players and less new players coming in. Today we have hundreds if not thousands of older players on servers that all want to get the highest amount of easy kills they can - . Unfortunately this leaves the new/er players as their primary targets.

    Yes it is now far easier to get full LF4's than ever before - AWESOME, you have now reached what used to be considered "an entry level player, FE".
    Full LF4's and 8 drones = Just strong enough to start killing NPC's efficiently AND become fodder the hunters. The bots are smart, they stay just close enough to a portal to allow easy escape - leaving the larger part of the map for Honest players, who don't get the early warning "there are hunters about" so are relatively easy prey. As many of the "hunters" also use Autolock, the new/er players are easy targets, EMP, cloak, run - Works well as long as the hunter isn't using a script which allows him to relock you before you can get far enough away. They care little you have no Hercs or Havocs - They can't catch the bots who have a well written early warning alert, so they kill anything else not fast enough to escape them.

    Another reason new/er players are hunted relentlessly - "Eradication", Destroy 10,000 enemy players - With the server merges there are many more lvl 22+ players on servers than there are 5 to 21 - Who do you think these guys are going to hunt to get their 10K kills, Players their own level who may beat them OR new/er players who pose little if any threat?

    2 days after the BSGO guys started appearing on some servers there were players in Discord boasting about how many Venoms they had killed, a few that stood out were actually having their own private competition to see who could kill the most in 1 week - Where are all these BSGO guys now? How many of them are still playing, from my observations I'd guess around 1 in 20 - The rest gave up after finding out how unfriendly this game is to new players, Especially it seems if those new players "stand out' because of the starter package they were given.

    DO as a game is well over 10 years old, yet the basic "story line" of the game has not been updated and is really no longer relevant to how the game is played today - It used to be, Loyalty to Company, Clan, Friends - Now it is Clan/Friends over and excluding everything else. To be the number one clan (the only real mark of power) you need members from all companies and to be allied with as many of the other top 10 clans as possible. Attack an enemy (company) member of an MCC in your maps, you're not only fighting him but all the guys in his clan that are in your company as well - Comes down to, don't attack an enemy unless you outnumber and outgun his whole clan and often their friends/allies.
    Many times i have encountered enemy players who don't belong to a clan in our maps, only to die a clan of MCC (from my company and others) he is friends with.

    Things keep going the way they are, we will soon be back to basically dead servers dominated by the bully boys, Botters and MCC. DarkOrbit is a business, if we keep losing new and old players the way we are, what reason do the owners of the game have for investing in its future?
    Flash ends in a little over a year - DO need to decide if they want the game to continue after this happens, MANY players need to change the way they play the game if they want to see DO continue.
    I've heard;
    DO will keep the game going as long as they make money /- Yes they will, as long as the cost to keep it going doesn't exceed what they make.
    Who cares if it dies, I play how I like "screw DO" /- This group are possibly the worst aspect of the game, they don't care, which is quite sad.
    WarriorAngus and thor714 like this.
  19. Rawlinson

    Rawlinson User

    Not played the game for long myself and already thinking of dumping it, its bad enough with normal high level players killing you but now stealth as well and its getting worse. They say above that this is a pvp game yet they give you missions against pve Why.
  20. Because there are aliens there as well, and the missions give incentives to shoot them.