[SC] To nerf or not to nerf that is the question

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by willi_101, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. willi_101

    willi_101 User

    Recently DO decided to nerf the MIMESIS and in the past has nerfed many things. The recent reason given for the MIMESIS was that many people complained (not intended to be a flame or spam, just info). That’s fine, but DO should understand that people choose a particular style of game play and based on the ships, ammo skills available. Some of the MIMESIS skills are not available on all maps, as purchaser of the MIMESIS I accept that because its abilities on other maps suit the way I want to play. I could have chosen the cyborg and had the abilities on all maps, but that’s not how I wanted to play. The purchase of any skill / ability is designed in one form or another to provide some sort of advantage and in some instances combined with a disadvantage. The player can make that choice. If people complained about a particular type of ability then they can purchase that type of ability. Its pretty poor form to significantly change something that can be purchased, without informing those who purchased it or who about to purchase it that the item is going to or is looking at being nerfed. Also when the developers are looking into the development of the items, surely they know what the affects are going to be and how it is likely to be used and what it can do. All this does is stifle game play. DO I think with a little more communication you can handle these issues better or maybe if for poor people like me who become a victim of nerfing, the original abilities should remain and only affect new purchases, after all it was a decision made by the player based on the available information. These could become legacy ships / ammo or skills that would add real value.
  2. ÇîŁMŴ

    ÇîŁMŴ User

    you are wrong, Dev don't think about these things, otherwise they wouldn't have pur a ship that cannot be hit.
    I have crafted you needed to and I complained about this too and they answered me but they can modify ships and everything in the game whenever they want.
    this is very unfair in my opinion because to craft mimesis It takes 1 year for collectin all the materials.

    they have ruined this ship, now it's useless: you need to have too much Shield and it cannot be covered by Sab and it still takes 5 minutes for the cooldown
  3. good thing this company dont sell cars. you buy a car with a v8 motor in it and 3 months later they recall it and put a 4 banger in it.
    the funny thing is they never replace the value you lost.
    there was nothing wrong with the nimesis. only thing i saw wrong is certain players had a nimesis that could do things mine couldn't do.
    you know the one that killed a "base" solo with about 6 people defending it. i just love playing a game where certain people get to cheat.
    but anyhow. theres my 2 cents.
  4. Mimesis allowed for 100% evasion. Shields were easily replenished with SAB ammo.
    Any decent player would have seen the nerf coming from a mile away.

    Bigpoint is free to change game mechanics at any time, with or without notification. That is what you agreed to when you signed up to play Darkorbit.
  5. 100% evesion? mine was 85% but like i said above "certain players" do things mine couldn't do. and before you start talking about "formations" like star. i got all those too.

    7/27/08 is when i started playing this game. i still have the "rules" saved from back then.
    and i have all the "rules changed" since then saved.
    it's funny how a company says, "here's the new rules, accept them or you can't play anymore"
    and that's how it goes, you either accept or good bye.

    and look, hundreds of thousands(millions) of people did say "good-bye".
  6. Pilot Skill Sheet + Star Formation + Mim. Ability

    Adds up to allow for 100% Evasion
    That is how Bigpoint, and EVERY other company works if you wish to use their services.
    Odin® likes this.
  7. yeah, i forgot to mention pilot points which i have all 50.
    like i said above about the guy who killed base with 5 of us guarding. my ship couldn't do that. but i've just figured it out threw our conversation.
    can the "auto-locker cheat" bypass the ability?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
  8. Did you have 5 points allocated into Evasive Maneuvers I & II?
  9. yes i do my pilot points are open to everyone, if anyone wants to see them.

    you stated: That is how Bigpoint, and EVERY other company works if you wish to use their services.

    look definition of fraud and extortion, these online games are border line of it. not sure if its gonna be 2019 or 2020 but new laws are coming to the internet world.
    Odin® likes this.
  10. Beats me, but you definitely had something missing. And I cannot access your player profile, as I do not know what you use as your ingame name, and you have not provided a link.

    That only applies to changes made within the Terms of Service. Only that requires its users to be alerted. But everything else, in this case, the in-game mechanics, can be changed. It is not illegal.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
  12. Yes, BP can change whatever they want, at any time, no reason even has to be given.
    They do not have to be jerks about it.
    Make a ship, nerf the ship;
    ....... Make a ship, nerf the ship;
    ... ... and on and on they go.
    Other companies may do the same thing, BP did not have to be on the same bandwagon.
    They need to have the management that approves the decisions to roll something out shook up, not just rubber stamp something because maybe the devs gave a display with bells and whistles and hornswoggled a YES out of them.
    . . . not unless the mysterious test group was promised that they would get some benefit out of the test time before a nerfing took place.

    They have the right, but it doesn't feel right. No, this is not to get a rise out of the fanbois.
    oh, and to be sure; hornswoggled is in the Oxford English dictionary.
  13. willi_101

    willi_101 User

    My question / issues was not whether DO has the right or ability to change rules, T&C's etc, of course they do. We as players also have the right to either accept them or not . My question really relates to how DO go about it and what is the best way balance the game. Perhaps DO should invest more effort into the effects the new items have on the game. This is probably best through forums and the like. This will get the opinions of the players and potentially better highlight any of the issues before players spend considerable $ on things. Rather than going BAM we have these great new toys for you all, now go forth, divide and conquer. Only to come back a short time later and say oops, sorry guys and girls we made a little boo boo we are just going to have to fix this because someone doesn't like it and as a result what you just purchased is now not what you are going to get.

    If things are going to be nerfed or are looking into being nerfed, surely a company who cares about the players would let them know this is being looked at.
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  14. ÇîŁMŴ

    ÇîŁMŴ User

    It would have been enough nerfing star formation, with the nerf of star formation alone, mimesis (with everything) would have had 97%of missing)

    the real fact is that so many noobs that play this game complained about mimesi where there were plenty of way to kill easily a mimesis when it's using the ability.
    So bp did the easiest thing: they just overnerfed star formation and mimesi RUINING one of the ship that it's meant to be one of the strongest( with cyborg and hammer), they did this without even testing its effect.
    you can be sure you won't see anymore mimesis in the game because devs don't think before changing some stats.

    _oversoulpaul_ and ]Coldheart[ like this.
  15. NutnFancy

    NutnFancy User


    i didn't take a year to get it, but still upset because every time BP does something like this we lose PLAYERS.
    first week merge happened this game was starting to look good again. then to come out with new stuff and a few nerfs shortly after makes one scratch their head. did anyone ever look at "/users" in chat? now all we have is 30-50 more players than we did before merge.
    this game need to attract more players, do you see that happening?
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  16. Donald0517

    Donald0517 User

    they nerfed the mimises the first time and the star formation making the ship practically unkillable all do did was rebalane them because the realized they made a mistake no ship should be almost invincible and able to solo kill a clan battle station so get over it already!!!!
  17. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Its just normal and logical to nerf a ship that was overpowered.
  18. willi_101

    willi_101 User

    I have to agree with ÇîŁMŴ comments above but my point is not necessary with mimises nerf itself. It's about the process DO adopts and the lack of consultation before the development / release of new items and what happens and how the players are notified once DO realise that here is an error or an unintended result has happened. There are better ways DO can do this. Also Donald0517 its fair enough to say get over it already but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be saying that if you purchased the mimises (or anything else) and you found out the next day that you purchase was effectively useless, especially if you out some $ behind it
  19. We have bought tons of ships/designs/gear from DO and it doesn't work as we expected later. Simply look at the Kami. We figured out how to use it as a weapon and uri tool and boom gone. Any. single. time. a way is found that players benefit you will see a quick nerf.

    Look at the LOW gate who goes in there? They killed the rewards and disabled kami. Go to ship designs. They get modded too. The simple thing was the mimesis took out bases and players. Add in special players and its a serious problem.

    It needed to be done this time.
  20. Donald0517

    Donald0517 User

    i paid $50 for the obsidian booty package that contained the mimises as a bonus so yes i in effect bought my mimises with money and i still think do did the right thing in fixing their mistake with the ship. the person who jumped to the conclusion that i did not have the mimises was wrong the only reason i bought that booty package was to get the ship, and again i stress the ship was nerfed the first time into an overpowered almost unkillable ship so do needed the second nerf to fix what the had done wrong with the first nerf so again i say get over it do can do it if the want to no use complaining about it wont get u anywhere so just accept it and go with the flow!!!!!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
    KilerStreak likes this.