[SC] Don't make me have to group!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DEXTER-MORGAN, Dec 26, 2018.

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  1. There was a time, a long time ago, when you could play this game without the need of help from anybody, this was great if all you wanted to do was chill out on a space game and do your thing without ever needing to speak to another player EVER.
    Over time, group stuff was gradually added bit by bit! This meant that all those players who never wanted to have to speak to anyone or ask for help now needed to do just that, this is really bad for that particular type of gamer.
    What I'm trying to say here is that this game now relies heavily on group activities if you wish to progress at the same rate as everybody else. As a solo player you will fall behind very quickly, get frustrated and lose interest (I know dozens and dozens of old school players who quit due to this) in the gaming world there is a LOT of shall we say 'silent players' people looking for a good game where they don't need to really interact and require the help of others.
    So this is my question,

    Has there been too much group stuff added to this game which is now alienating a certain percentage of the gaming world?
  2. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Not really DEXTER-MORGAN ... If I choose to go solo I just block invites and and turn my chat box off. If I'm in a group hunting/NPC killing I keep quiet and just fire-a-way ... the only time I say anything is Thanks for the invite ttyl and log out. I don't type and fly.
  3. Exactly as Odin said.

    The only things you have to group for is LoW and Hades gate. The new Blacklight Maps, eh, kind of, if you want to get the big NPCs. Everything else, you can slowly grind for on your own.
    Odin® likes this.
  4. But my point is that to get into a group in the first place you have the hassle of asking for a group in chat. It might be in pirate maps, low gate, q-zone, hades gate, most of which are needed if you wish to keep up to pace with everyone else.
    To me this added hassle of finding groups alienates people from this game.
  5. Nope, those maps/events are not needed at all. I built my account as a solo-player, and got 90% of my items before even touching those areas. The only place I really visited was 5-3 for Palladium, and I didn't even group there.
    Odin® likes this.
  6. Grouping is a personal choice. There is no real rush on this game. You can stay solo, as I mainly do. Not everyone can keep pace with everyone.
    Odin® likes this.
  7. Sounds to me like you want to progress as fast as the players do that use a group and that would be impossible unless you can hit as hard as a full group. As far as gates go do ABY only you don't need help in those gates but then your not getting the benefits of a clan for boosters either. This is a clan based game and though i am not in a clan right now i am usually in a group when i need to be and go on my own on the days i just don't feel like grinding as hard.
    Odin® likes this.
  8. Odin®

    Odin® User

    After some yrs. playing this game you develop reputations and a contact list . It has gotten to the point a person doesn't have to use the chat client to ask for help. Once the OP see's you are on-line they generally contact you to see if you're ok , you need any help or ask you if you could help them for a spell on mega quests. Believe me , I have friends from all over the world and are in the Top 5 MCC's . They used to be in my clan and know how I run it. Developing friendships and respect is Key to survival in this game and my current members know this. These MCC's owners are getting very strict with their members about Bullying . I stay out of those conversations. You'll eventually get a feel for the game and the players
    Sgt_Ocker and thor714 like this.
  9. not if you're antisocial, I guess that's what odin is about, it's annoying that you have a group to do some things that I want to do alone, it's absurd, I really miss those days when I went to the low alone :(
  10. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Go clanless , do gates ... here is a portion of my clan text that is highlighted
  11. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    As a returning player who was away from the game for a few years I at first found it difficult getting into groups. I was lucky that i found a clan (yes it was Odins clan - TJR) that would not only accept new players but be there when you needed help, often whether you asked for it or not ;) .
    I am at times quite antisocial and like to do things alone but having a good clan behind me has allowed me to achieve a lot more in the short time i have been back than i would have alone.

    I am no longer in TJR but those guys will always get my assistance if I am asked.

    Find yourself a good clan (not always easy), it will help you more than asking in chat ever will.
    Odin® likes this.