[UI] Remove Seprom from refinery

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Λℓмоѕт•Fαмоυѕ, Jan 16, 2019.

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  1. So, the main reason I think this is needed is because it will stop Seprom being an issue in the Skylab and will stop the ridiculous amount of damage currently available.

    I think the damage-shield ratio in this game is way too unfair, especially if someone is using PET abuse tactics as well.

    Of course if you did this, all the people with Seprom on it currently would need to have that removed, but I think all in all it would make a much more fair and friendly game for new players.

    Prom still does a lot of damage bonus but Seprom is just ridiculously strong.
    Chuckles-Da-Clown likes this.
  2. Nah, it's fine.
    Just run.

    My shrimp account is only topping off at 180k shields in my running config, yet I can still escape a majority of hunters, from noobs to UFEs. Just do anything to boost your shields. Hell, even Duranium helps.
  3. I am not much of a pvp'er, but the seprom is definitely needed even pve action (whether it's quests, gates or events). I would much prefer to keep seprom available from the skylab.
    Get the skylab upgraded as fast as you can.
    deathlykiller45 and _alien10_ like this.
  4. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Best option would be to increase the amount of Seprom stored and produced in the skylab.

    Having players take 6 months off from playing just to build up sep seems a pretty silly way to run a game.

    YES you can now craft Seprom - But if you do the numbers you'll find you use more than you can craft getting the materials
  5. These comments are irrelevant to my post. The damage is too high atm, reduce it.
  6. I respectfully disagree about the damage ratio. Not enough of the newer people to the game seem to want to build the skylab up.

    Once your comment:
    "Of course if you did this, all the people with Seprom on it currently would need to have that removed, but I think all in all it would make a much more fair and friendly game for new players."
    ... was put in, it opened it up to more responses than just a damage/ratio concept.
    deathlykiller45 likes this.
  7. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Reduce it to what level? Seriously, how much should a top ranked player be able to shoot for with the best ammo and boosters?

    I do agree the current damage to shield/HP level is too high but simply removing sep isn't going to fix that, it will only reduce the imbalance a little.
    Players who don't have a set of level 16 shield gens, Hercs/Spartans and double + group boosters will always die faster than those who do. New players will always be at a disadvantage in pvp situations, something DO needs to address but not at the expense of those who have put in the time and effort to build up their skylabs.

    Build up your skylab, learn to EMP cloak and drop slow mine, with luck and grinding (lots of grinding), by the time you get your skylab built up to lvl 20 you will be able to fight back and get some payback.
    deathlykiller45 and PSK~SUNDANCE like this.
  8. Seprom increases damage by 60%. How would that not fix it? I mean you mentioned my comment then started ranting about things that barely even increase your damage. Yes, boosters increase by 20%, BUT SEPROM IS 60% MAN, IT'S TOO HIGH.

    They could at least reduce seprom laser bonus to 45% so it's not completely ridiculous.


    Unsurprisingly all Seprom does is cripple people without it but that's true for lots of things in this game
  9. Lets be honest.. since almost every fighter used that seprom bug that handed them bilions of free sep into lasers, there is no point in being afk and just sending it every day..
    And ofc.. what happened to those "exploit users"? One week ban.. what a joke.. ;)
  10. They should've been banned permanently in my opinion. They haven't even made sure no one has that anymore, it's like they are trying to do so many things at once and rushing the things that have been exploited.

    Either way, my way around this is to remove Seprom from the game entirely then maybe add it in a later update again with less laser power bonuses but maybe 15k of it instead of 9k, with a cap.
  11. Dunno how hard would it be to check players for how much sep they have... But simply having that much should be obviously permabanned or removed + alot bigger penalty..

    Removing seprom doesnt sound either bad or good.. They have to deal with other stuff first (ship balance, MCC!!! and so on.. :))
    Sgt_Ocker likes this.
  12. No such thing, unless it is off topic.
    You will have people for and against. You cannot receive only the For.
  13. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    I'm curious, you've been playing a while - Why don't you have and use Seprom?
    And I'm sorry to say, in a group boosters can give far more than 20%. I was in group doing Hades on Sunday and had 45% Damage boost (from boosters), I also had 90% shield Boost.
    - - - - -
    Seprom is not the problem - The problem is some have it and some don't. The ability to produce Sep needs to be brought into the 21st century (amount produced per hour doubled, at least). Sep was introduced when LF3's were king of the hill and those who had the Saturn were envied.

    Yes there are still cheats out there who used the bug and yes DO should remove it ALL from their accounts - But as that is unlikely to ever happen just deal with it, like the rest of us.
    *I wasn't playing when the bug was around so don't have millions of Sep and really don't like having to take a week off from the game just to be able to PVP for a day or two.
    - - - - -
    Over the years the game has evolved, sadly into something that in no way resembles the original game - Players hunt in multi company packs, botting is out of control, "game balance" is something Devs don't know the meaning of, etc.

    Seprom is only a symptom of the Disease that has taken over Dark Orbit - Which is why i say removing it would not really help.
  14. I posted something similar a while back. But , I did not propose weakening seprom damage .My idea was to add a storage module to skylab which you would have to build. Then you can send it there and build it up. You would then send it to ship via current means and settings.The advantage would be not having to store it on ship or using it before you were ready.I like the 60% damage increase it gives . The problem is keeping enough on lasers to hunt NPC's and still have enough to PvP when attacked .I play very often and both my Promerium and Seprom reserves at Skylab are at minimum levels. Faster production levels would also be a plus.
    Sgt_Ocker likes this.
  15. We need less seprom not more of it. It's a cancer in this game, dmg values are too high.
  16. Somebody is having trouble building up besides me it seems. Of course my building up only really happens when there is a hand out. Won't make me give into this drivel.
  17. I disagree. Damage values are only a little bit more with Seprom.
    The cap should have been 10 million (not just 1 mil).
    If you have a skylab built and leveled to 20, it is okay for everyday play; the only trouble it could give is if you are 'most' of the day on one server (ie: 10 hours plus) you could run low. Just shoot smart.
    ... and this is from a player that gets popped a lot over almost a full 9 years.
    PSK~SUNDANCE likes this.
  18. Seprom limits are not really the issue here . The issue is not allowing bugs to occur or be exploited. I am all for unlimited capacity on ship IF it is obtained appropriately. I also advocate faster skylab production and a separate storage module for resources like seprom and promerium.
    When I am in game I would like to have enough resource upgrades to last through missions , farming aliens , defending against attackers and hunting in enemy territory.And not have to worry about running out.
    Fix the bugs!,punish exploiters and give us the resources.
    And when I say "punish exploiters " I don't mean delete their acct.s . Something that will really hurt like A-wiping out all their resources and or placing them on "out law " status. Maybe even setting up a bounty system where these players would be marked and hunted for rewards for a limited time to be determined by DO panel of Judges.
    Wanted Posters placed in mission control is the way I would go. In a new tab for criminals.
    Accepting bounty hunting mission would give you bounty hunter status and allow you to hunt players of your own Co. without losing honor.
  19. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    I feel like at this point we might as well grant everyone a 60% laser damage bonus and remove seprom altogether or remove seprom right away. Most UFE players will still have tons of it and even if they don't the only thing a seprom cap (both the boost cap and skylab production cap) creates is a need to wait. Because let's be honest: nobody likes to play without seprom, especially not for PVP.


    1) Beginners are badly affected by production limits as they often do not have their skylab maxed out while they need all the damage they can get to make the game somewhat interesting.

    2) UFEs deal massive amounts of damage, add to that the difference of having more seprom available and you end up with an even bigger gap between UFEs and beginners.

    3) But even UFEs are hit as they play more often and thus consume seprom at a higher rate.

    At the end of the day, removing seprom altogether feels like the best option. After all UFEs profit more from seprom boost as they have more damage in general. This also removes any inequality when it comes to people who have 5 million seprom and a level 20 skylab compared to those who just started and are now facing a 1 million cap.

    Should we implement this change then we should also remove or at least reduce promerium boost for shields though.
    giocodimerda123 likes this.
  20. Well these are all the reason why I wish it would be removed. My personal reason is because there is plenty of damage source already and having a random 60% laser and shield increase is so over kill considering many people are hitting over 100,000 (my self included) with just UCB-100 ammo. It's just too much damage right now and it's one of the main reasons being a new player will never be fun in this game because they make no effort to make them survivable when damage like this is normal for everyone and anyone to do.

    You don't need to be good at this game to be UFE, put seprom on and sit in lowers killing noobs, which is what a lot of people do.

    But I could also blame the 10,000 mission and others that involve killing a ridiculous amount of enemy players since obviously killing new players is the fastest way. I already suggested things against this but BP doesn't want to go that route, they just want to milk the UFEs for money instead. Still, I agree with everything you said and I know some will disagree with this but that's because they are too bad to play without Seprom.
    Bakjam likes this.