[GI] Promethus laser missions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by 【☢】GRIME✭FIGHTER【☢】, Feb 7, 2019.

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  1. Just removed all my seprom and started play first mission for that mega OP laser called prometheus .I need 10 Impulse II aliens to get the first laser. I go to map and find out there is not such an alien there ,not 1 :D. The question is how many years should i wait 1 Impulse alien to spawn ?
    I'm close to leave that game already
  2. A lot of players have already done all of those missions. I am on the third one. The Impulse is in there, it just takes some time.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
  3. thor714

    thor714 User

    may be wrong but i think i read somewhere that if you shoot the other npc's, it will cause the impulse to spawn. hope that works.
  4. Shoot invoke, impulse spawn.
  5. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    its not that hard to be in a group and if you keep dying, my advice would be to leave your clans due to war or simply join the one who dominate the maps.
    i am not even that strong and i have war with the top clan who dominate vru Ga1 maps and yet they usually want people to join them. sometimes our pets kill each other especially with bohemoth fire alien but i think their might be something wrong with ur clan as i do not get shoot down who got high rank general and chief colonels. they usually just send an invite, by the way mt rank is only chief captain.
    we are red but i rarely get killed by them only eic or mmo dominate bl maps come and kill me when they are in the mood to hunt.
  6. It's over now ,all are bot mode,no group nowhere ,top clans own the new maps ,impossible to play for that 410 hit lasers ,you got hunted by nubs bot users with double ufe hit impossible to beat them,crafting 1 prometheus cost 75 green keys that means for full prometheus you need 1900 + gren keys...and all your rsb and x4 crafted...it's over now...And i'm real gameplay major who was capable of handling that cheaters 7500 hours,but... it's over now...
  7. Sounds to me like you just want to rant, learn how to play my lvl 20 noob account free to play has many of the new lasers. Maybe take a minute of your own time and read the faq's on the new maps maybe you will find out where the inpulse are. :)
  8. I'm 7500 hours real gameplay bro from lvl 1 to lvl23 at the moment ...And when i say it's over ,so it is over .There is no better real gameplay ,play to win player than me ...Shout out to all boters and chetaers don't be offended but it is what it is...Prometheus laser is created for cheater nubs to have double ufe dmg vs real players who can't afford that 36 prometheus immediately but need 7000 hours more...Congrats

    Ps. GIVE ME ! BILLION X4 you faken clowns.So i can shoot something alone because all is bot mode .Thank you :*
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 8, 2019
  9. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    I'm finding, BL maps on the servers i play are either locked down by MCC or full of high level players from other companies doing PVP missions.

    On a server we both play, I joined a clan for new players to try and do my bit to help them - We recently got sent war by the number two clan because one of my clan mates (lvl 16) dared to shoot back when a couple of members from the number two clan tried to push (shoot) him and a few other new/er players off a cube.

    A few hours prior to this i had taken 5 lvl 17 players in a group to BL-1 to help them with the first few BL missions - We popped the Impulses out, killed them and went to start the invoke - That sadly was as far as we got - The number two clan (who we didn't as yet have war with) decided they wanted our invoke, rather than shoot it with us they popped us all, then whispered me to, get my noobs out of their [REMOVED] map.

    It really isn't as easy as reading the FAQ's. On the account this name goes with I have 14 Prom lasers, I've given up trying to get more as it just isn't worth getting popped constantly by a certain clan and or the many high level players from the other two companies doing BL pvp missions.

    Sorry Ice but if you don't have lots of well known friends, speak Spanish and or have friends in the only other English speaking clan that could offer assistance to the English speaking minority - Doing Anything [let alone BL missions] on GA-X is not as easy as knowing what to do.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 8, 2019
  10. Sorry this is one time i don't agree but yes sometimes even when i go to the blm i get killed and realize maybe i am not able to do anything there now so i do something else and come back later. I think some players just give up to easy in a pvp game it's not always gonna be roses.