[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. ssentess

    ssentess User

    new system: „Dminishing Returns

  2. So we have to guess like with the ship kills. No set information just 'after a while'. Is that 3 hours non-stop? 8 hours? 20? DAYS? The only thing I ever saw one clans ships pause for was server restart.

    And is the returns on aliens? boxes? Gates? Because lemme tell you: Doing hades from 1am to 11pm is a bit on the rustling the jimmies side.
  3. Wingm8

    Wingm8 Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello -=MarcVenture=-

    Fair players don't have to worry about the system - should you however experience the opposite, feel free to contact our Customer Support so they can investigate the matter further.
  4. I ask because people get banned and lose honor/ep for ship kills when a bot clan claims they 'were pushin'. I dont want to get a penalty for playing on weekends for a few hours in a row. I see the ships in the ranking but they stay high up there who have been on the 'ghost ship parade'
  5. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    So have the dev team finally given up with the "Fair for all" scripts that were supposed to detect the botters and ban them?
    I think we all realised that those scripts were about as much use as an ashtray on a motorcycle!
    What a kick in the teeth for honest players this is - you'll allow them to keep cheating but after "a while" they'll receive fewer ill gotten gains...
    I will never spend one penny on this game until the cheats are no longer allowed to prosper and I'm not holding my breath on that.
  6. I said the same after the "Fair Play Initiative" Last year! Why go out and send emails to players that the game has finally fought for the fair players and then 2 weeks later, give the botters their accounts back with a 2 week 100% Ep and Honor Booster!

    What a kick in the ..... Chops!
  7. Sagturius

    Sagturius User

    People complain about cheaters when fighting all the time. I have no way of identifying those cheaters. But those who use scripts to box hurt the game just as much and are easy to spot.

    Bots hurt the game:

    1. They take boxes from real players
    2. They advance quicker accumulating insane amounts of uri and gate spins enabling them to do more gates and advance quicker.

    Bots are easy to spot:

    1. Bots do not evade attack. Even when being shot at with cheap ammo.
    2. Bots never fight back - even when they are popped repeatedly.
    3. Bots will return to the same port after being popped only to be Popped again and again
    4. Bots stay in a map even when you pop them repeatedly.
    5. Bots move directly to boxes that are outside the viewable area.
    6. Bots seem to pick up boxes that aren’t visible on screen.
    7. Bots commonly run to a port when being shot at and stay at the port making no effort to move.
    8. Bots never chat


    Not one of these behaviors are conclusive by themselves. However, when all are present there is no question it is a bot. The best way to catch botters is the eye test. We have chat CMs. Why not have BOT COPS to patrol the battle maps for bots? I see a BOT COP ship design with flashing red and blue lights.
  8. DRAZI

    DRAZI User

    Not True on #1 - Bot start to run to port when you get close to them, cloaked or not I have chased them a lot Get near one and they start running to port
  9. Yeah dude that entire list in inaccurate because the bots have the exact features you're saying they don't have.

    1. Bots do in fact evade attacks, the most common is when bots use spectrum and run, or just a regular ship and they run in wheel. If you're not in a faster ship than them you will not catch them.
    2. Yes, Bots do have a feature to fight back. While this is mostly designed for lesser players and they will most likely not pop a UFE its still a feature that they have.
    3. Bots will not return to the same port, in fact, they most likely will not respawn after 10-15 minutes or they will just spawn at the home base and fly back to the same or different map.
    4. Half true. The bots are able to put a wait timer on the respawn so it could easily take 10-30 minutes for you to see that bot again. While they will probably respawn on the port, if they don't respawn on the base, you won't see them again after 3-4 kills.
    5. Yes.
    6. This is not really a bot feature but a Darkorbit bug, there are boxes you cannot see and some you can see but you can't pick up because its glitched.

    I don't personally bot because I really just do not care about the game that much to do so, however my source is from the #1 bot on the game, which I won't list, but I looked through the features with friends and read them online on their website and they do in fact have all of these features. I have also went through the program itself and let me say, its pretty stellar compared to old bots.

    Now personally, I don't care who bots and doesn't bot, the game is too expensive and time consuming so its easy to understand why someone would put down 10 bucks a month and get UFE in a few weeks than spend thousands a month and get UFE in years. So yes Darkorbit CAN just go on a banning spree or do a "Bot Patrol" they will just kill off their game doing that.

    And as much as people hate seeing this but I'm going to have to defend Darkorbit here in that its very very difficult to detect a bot without using some sort of program or script, especially when legal issues are at stake. The bot has many many features that can essentially make it look like a player and honestly it has fooled me a few times, so Darkorbit can't really do anything because then they could easily mistake a legit player with a bot, and bam, lawsuit.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  10. And here it is I called it:
    Revenge - Reflects all damage dealt to Berserker directly back to enemy for %DURATION% seconds.

    Every one said naw they be skilled players that ability aint possible in a browser game...
    There it is just like when they put in the pet 'to pick up cargo'
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  11. DRAZI

    DRAZI User

    What the heck you talking about? Explain!
  12. We had complained about the impossible reflection hack. Just the group focus fire app that was out since the old client. Pet was the legit answer to the box hitting.
  13. More consequence from the bots are events which are almost impossible to do. Not because someone is botting an event but because players botted to get way above everyone else and clan up. Then they shoot off anyone trying to participate in events like Hitac. Why have missions based on events (i.e. Hitac) when the botter clans just shoot off everyone else to get ship kills.
    Amazing premise... inept handling of botting over many years and continue to run events that benefit the botters mostly. Great game management. Makes me feel betrayed for being an honest player when all the top clans are botter-ridden and control most events and worthwhile maps. Why follow the rules when so many skirt them with no consequence?
  14. Sagturius

    Sagturius User

    Yes, you are correct. I do not see that as evading attack. What I mean is bots do not emp or make any special effort to evade attack. They run to port and sit there. They do not jump.
    _oversoulpaul_ likes this.
  15. Why even bother with this post anymore, didn't they just come out and say either they can't find the bots cause they didn't ban anyone?
    Or did they just come out and say it's ok to bot now we will just give everyone diminished rewards and you can go ahead and bot?
    Its got to be one or the other right? They can't keep saying you have to wait for our detection program to catch them cause like that even works. So what one is it? Any mod care to give us their words on this?
  16. Sagturius

    Sagturius User

    My replies are below in red...

    1. Bots do in fact evade attacks, the most common is when bots use spectrum and run, or just a regular ship and they run in wheel. If you're not in a faster ship than them you will not catch them. I fly a pusat in wheel i can catch anyone. They do not make any special effort to evade. they just keep on flying.
    2. Yes, Bots do have a feature to fight back. While this is mostly designed for lesser players and they will most likely not pop a UFE its still a feature that they have. I haven't had one fight back. Maybe the botters I have faced use a bad script.
    3. Bots will not return to the same port, in fact, they most likely will not respawn after 10-15 minutes or they will just spawn at the home base and fly back to the same or different map. I have popped a person 15 times consecutively without leaving the port at the same port in the battle maps. Tell me a human is doing that. Its a script.
    4. Half true. The bots are able to put a wait timer on the respawn so it could easily take 10-30 minutes for you to see that bot again. While they will probably respawn on the port, if they don't respawn on the base, you won't see them again after 3-4 kills. See above. Wait time less than a minute.
    6. This is not really a bot feature but a Darkorbit bug, there are boxes you cannot see and some you can see but you can't pick up because its glitched. You can in 2D.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019
  17. I have caught someone botting (obviously) and i have a video record of hit shot from my screen using a software to do the recording, but i don't know how to privately send it to support for them to inspect it.

    I know bots won't stop from being in the game because we've already know that the people behind the game themselves are the ones doing this, same thing as for the people creating computer viruses are the ones that provide the anti-virus for people to use on their computer...
    I just wanted for this guy to disappear and permanently banned in the game because i despise his guts and rudeness and i want him to suffer even for a little bit.

    Anyone knows how to report this guy? can't seem to post it here, its similar to "breaching" of privacy if i did or something.
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  18. Rossi

    Rossi User

    You can upload it to youtube and set it so only ppl with the link can see the video - and sent that link to support.
    But I am going to tell you right now, there is nothing you can do. Because they will not ban him - even with proofs. Even if you record him, how he bots 24/7.
    You can shoot him repeatedly when he bots, but then they will ban YOU for pushing. So...
    I despite everyone who bots or chetas in this game. I've played this game for 10 years (I have over 6000 hours of game time).

    Yesterday I've been threatend by boters, they will report me, for killing them on 5-2 - so go figure... Boters have much more power in this game than honest players and there is nothing you can do about it.
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  19. A game with cheats being given out by the company itself is garbage, now that's why a lot of people really hate the game and that when they knew about the truth, there's nothing they could do but just quit the game and leave it as it is because its trash.

    Now i think about it, i've seen a guy repeatedly bots on a certain map, already a number of ban waves have happened and that guy still survived, i think they are just trying to ban people who are mainly using a bot that the company doesn't own... what a shame.

    Posting this seems that i might get banned or something because i'm trying to accuse the company of actually selling the stuff, but i don't care anymore now that i've known about it, such a waste to put an effort onto recording those stuff and all, what a shame yet again...

    I'll probably go ahead and play something else, i'm done with this.
    -=SweetHeat=- and oversoulpaul like this.
  20. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    Best thing to do is not spend anymore money and just play the game till it dies, this game is going the same way as Battlestar did.
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