(GE7) Newbie looking for english (or swedish) speaking clan

Discussion in 'Clans' started by lugg79, May 11, 2020.

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  1. lugg79

    lugg79 User

    Hi all,

    Just started playing about a week or two ago (20ish hours played). A bit worried I picked the wrong server since it seems to be very few english speakers on GE7, but giving it a shot :)

    If there's a half decent sized clan (not interested in 1 or 2 person clans) where people are speaking either english or swedish I'd be happy to join.
    I'm not expecting to get any help with farming etc and I can probably not contribute much as far as fighting power goes since I've just started playing.

    Basically just want to experience the clan part of the game and get tips/hints on what I should focus on to develop my account further.

    Edit: Now moved to GE2 as it seems to be more english speakers there. Still looking for a clan accepting active newbies :)

    Best Regards, Lugg
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
  2. The GA servers (Global America) have (obviously) a lot of english speaking people. GE5 and GE1 have a reasonable ammount too.

    GE2 has as far as I know very few english speaking people amd since they got merged with the Czech Servers the english speaking population went down even more.
  3. lugg79

    lugg79 User

    Thanks for the reply. Will see if I start over again on GE1 or GE5. I prefer sticking to EU servers due to the time zone difference I would have with most players on GA.
  4. chaortjie

    chaortjie User


    I play on Ge3 and the clan where i am part of we have much aliances.
    the clan has every day people online and the most the clan will help u if u need help but u just need to ask.
    im not sure if u are stilling willing to switch server.
    i think almost everyone speaks english, but most people are dutch

    https://imgur.com/8iqYtWC this is the clan banner