[TI] Record times for galaxy gates bugged

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BraveHeart´[G], May 19, 2020.

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  1. Not that it matters that much, but I've noticed that the record time for several galaxy gates are broken/bugged. Impossible times to achieve, minutes better than the second and third rank.

    Best example is someone finishing Kappa gate in 24 seconds. Ridiculous. The first wave alone would probably take longer than this. Is there anything you could do to correct this?

    Kind Regards
  2. memrix

    memrix User

    most likely they were in the wave when the server reset came in, that way they simply have to reconnect and finish it, without much time loss
  3. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    These issues have occurred before and are always corrected. I know it can be frustrating, just please be patient.

    Closing as answered.

    BraveHeart´[G] and memrix like this.
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