[SC] The horse is already dead

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by memrix, Jun 6, 2020.

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  1. anduril

    anduril User

    I agree, DefenderOfMMO. Sadly, it is the reason I've stopped playing.
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  2. I agree botters suck, but what problem do they present? They are just chasing rank, which is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. They offer free kills to help with quests. If you are trying to compete with them for rank, get over it, it wont happen unless you bot as well. If they make it too difficult for you to kill npcs, maybe you need to work on your locks. Or you can just quit the game, which it looks like you have decided to do.
  3. So imagine DO as an American Football league. There are great and good players and teams. But there is a team that is untouchable, because no flag is ever thrown at them for breaking the rules, ever, and they always win. Even worse, when your team plays against them the referees don't look at the "bad" team, but all eyes are on your team and every mistake is penalized.

    As a person who loves the game would you play in such a league? Or would you say "winning is not possible under these circumstances, but hey, sometimes you can score, and if you are not good with never having a fair chance at winning you can just quit". Lol, or the other argument that someday the players on the "bad" team will be too old to play and then things will be fair again, you just need to suck it up and wait.

    Everyone gets to make their own choice, no need to disrespect someone else's choice.
  4. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    You're fighting me on this as if this is my opinion. I'm just stating what's going on.
    And my original quote still never said any of this. All I said was the clarify something else someone else said regarding bots.
    Bots suck and they are in the way. They need to go, but they aren't going anywhere until the client is up no matter what.
  5. By what you are saying, i can tell you are either just a relatively new FE player or you just collect bonus boxes. As an UFE who used to farm cubis for years the only problems i ever had were some other UFE popping me or some other same company guy also wanting to do cubis (with whom i had no problem sharing). Nowadays there are ALWAYS 6-7 people (the SAME PEOPLE every friggin day, 24/7) waiting for a cubi to spawn and start shooting, leaving me with 100-150 uri rewards and waiting hours for the new cubis to spawn. Then i decide to go for some bks in x-7. The situation is much worse, i keep searching for minutes just to find one. There are bots with the enemy locator gear which makes finding boss bks impossible. Yeah, after the server merge the server became much more active WITH BOTS
  6. Saw this in a post today about Adobe Flash player after 12/31/20: Furthermore, Adobe also said that "Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date," suggesting the company has added or plans to add a so-called "time bomb" in the Flash Player code to prevent users from using it starting next year.

    So flash player is going to block flash content from playing. Nice try there, DO / BP.
    Dramborleg likes this.
  7. Dramborleg

    Dramborleg User

    LOL, hope unity engine is closer than we think then
  8. Lmao kinda saw that one coming.

    Now I am no company man, but for some odd reason I had a feeling Adobe wouldn't allow other companies to use their creation without their permission.
  9. Railgunner

    Railgunner User

    If people would use the piece of meat in their heads, they would realize that when botting became a more prevalent thing, that's when PETS ("legal" bots) where introduced. PETS do everything most of the scripts do. It's gotten to the point that calling this stuff out is pointless. You will only find peace in playing the game if you find it fun. If not, speaking from experience, better off finding another form of entertainment.