[TI] Assembly not displaying items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ist73, Jul 2, 2020.

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  1. ist73

    ist73 User

    Yesterday I was upgrading some prometheus lasers, after they all finished upgrading my assembly went blanc. It only shows the Spartan drone design, even though all filters are turned on/off. Nothing is shown in the disassembly or upgrade tabs, even though I have hundreds of items to upgrade or disassebly (that were showing before the prom upgrade).

    This is not a lack of resources, as I have plenty of all of them.

    Tried everything, even logging in on different computers and networks.
  2. man i have the same problem but when im building something.It starts the building process but it never shows the collect button
  3. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

  4. ist73

    ist73 User

  5. DarkMarsGR

    DarkMarsGR User

    An other upgrade hour wasted just like that. Thanks for the HASSLE.
  6. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello ist73

    Did you try clear you cache after the sync ? :)

    Regards Rogue
  7. ist73

    ist73 User

    Tried, problem not solved.


    Come on guys, we don't have so high expectations for you, just don't apply untested patches. There's an option for multiple repository branches for a reason, stop pushing troll changes to prod.
    ._.Sparrow._. likes this.
  8. AVIT

    AVIT User

    no assembly for me either .ive cleared browser cach and flash cache ,,its not working ..... i have tried on my noob ship though and it works .

    but does not work on main ship.also group chat is not working and the contact list does not always show who is online
  9. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    @ist73 Thank you for the picture

    If you all could please provide your userID and server so we can forward this information along to an open investigation it would greatly help

    Thank you for your patience

    Regards rogue
  10. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User


    Please provide me with pictures and your UID Thank you

    Regards Rogue
  11. .ΛĊΞ.

    .ΛĊΞ. User

    Same problem too, messaged support but no reply. Losing out on free rebate to do upgrades now. This happened about 5 days ago now when I started doing upgrades on all my Promethius lasers.
  12. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    hello .ΛĊΞ.

    like i asked before . please provide me with your UID

    Thank you
  13. ist73

    ist73 User

    My UID is 40934451, pictures are provided further up in the post
    Mod-Rogue likes this.
  14. Mod-Rogue likes this.
  15. superleo12

    superleo12 User

    hey, my assembly is still not working its been like that for a week now. Are you guys still working on the problem?
    DarkMarsGR likes this.
  16. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello superleo12

    We are still having a lot of issues in our game and to sort out everything properly, we need to implement some logs in the background which will help us to investigate more in detail and to fix the issues asap.

    Thank you very much for your patience

    Regard Rogue

  17. ist73

    ist73 User

    So are you guys even planning to fix this or should we all request refunds from paypal and CC providers?
    AVIT likes this.
  18. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

  19. ist73

    ist73 User

    Any reason why you guys don't just hire some of the private server developers? Some of them have made much of the game over from bottom in C# and have it running way more smoothly than the original (with stress tests of thousands of players)
  20. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    I do not decide what they do and do not do, Everything we ask for is your patience

    And let the developers do the Job.

    I will also ask you to change subject, since this topic is not to be discussed here on Forum Thank you

    Thank you very much for your patience

    Regards Rogue
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