[TI] flowers

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ♥StarAngel♥, Sep 16, 2020.

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  1. Are the flowers gone they are suppose to be out right?
  2. razor0411

    razor0411 User

    i am having the same problem i been on for about 1 hour and only found 3 something is wrong. please fix this!
  3. They are back, but at a reduced lvl. what nobody is sure of is why. Some think its because the apocalypse boxes are up. The flowers are reduced to put more of them up, and they'll be back once the boxes are gone.

    The other possibility is that they've simply been reduced, if you check the description in the inventory, it does say they're rare. If that's the case Bugpoint goofed again, put a load in the game, decided they're rare, and had to take a load out.
  4. They always do that fix it the things that are useful for users. Bot related to bots they do nothing
    This is the sync in spanish forum
    Today a patch has been passed with the following fixes:

    Bug in texts related to quartz petals - FIXED
    Special boxes could be picked up in the browser version with the P.E.T - FIXED

    Along with today's Sync, the frequency of flower boxes on all maps has been reduced.
  5. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    The frequency of the flower boxes on all maps has been reduced to nil, they must have realised they were giving to much away.
  6. That's why i quit the game after 8 years of playing tired of purchasing say box doubler to finally gain something from the game and they nerf it cause they refuse to ban the bot users in the game and everytime they realize a bot gains way to much so what do they do instead of banning the bot's? they reduce the rewards after everyone who is legit buys something from the game and makes it useless to have. Also am tired of BP always avoiding the issue just pretend there isn't any issue and they carry on with the garbage.
    ]Coldheart[ and Rawlinson like this.
  7. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.
