[GI] Promethean Discovery Quests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by STARLIGHTHUSTLE, Nov 2, 2020.

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  1. Any new info on this? Don't see anything at Mission Control. Don't see anything in FAQ's , other than the original announcement .
  2. They are in the regular missions at the bottom
  3. Can you give me the name of the mission I'm still not sure which one it is?The one's I'm looking at seem like all the old missions I've seen already.

    Never mind . I found it. I have my missions in reverse order , so it was near the top of my list.
    Ok to close.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 5, 2020
  4. tibstar

    tibstar User

    how many missions and any time limit ?
  5. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    I still haven't seen any new quests and why they haven't fixed Refrac, and gotten rid of those quets I don't
  6. The one I found is called" Indoctrine Infection" and it requires you to damage Mind fire behemoth .
    Unfortunately MCC's have made it almost impossible to accomplish anything here.
    I have given up on Refraction zone , since you can never jump to it.
    To the best of my knowledge , the new missions are one at a time . Either that or it's just a gateway to unlocking the other missions.
    Regardless , if your're not part of an MCC group you have little chance of finishing this first mission.
    No time limit was indicated. However , Promerium booster pack sales seem to have a 45 hour count down as of today.
    Every time I went into BL maps in the past, it seemed the Behemoth was always sitting there waiting . NOW i get the impression they spawn less frequently like Demeanor freighters. Since I only tried once for the first time last night it's hard to form any solid conclusions. I never survived long enough to see one spawn.

    OK , I managed to finish the first mission and I was right . They do unlock one at a time and that is the first mission to get the ball rolling.
    The next mission is called "kill on sight " 15 Attends and 50 impulse.
    Now what is left to be seen is what type of items we can build with these new fragments.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 5, 2020
  7. tibstar

    tibstar User


    The quest Too Little Too Late to be completed on maps 2BL 3BL can i do? I am level 22 and MMO. Or is that it for me?
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 5, 2020
  8. I haven't done that one yet but , I guess it depends on who's playing . I managed to get the first one done the next day when there were less enemies on the board and I was invited into a small group. If you can , try at different times . Maybe a window of opportunity will open for you. Remember , there are many bots on off peak hours and not every player is stronger than you.
  9. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Thanks for helping the OP.

    Does the OP have any further questions on this subject?

  10. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.
