[TI] Captcha keeps spinning

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by thomkok12, Nov 9, 2020.

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  1. thomkok12

    thomkok12 User

    Recently I got stuck in captcha in the auction. I click I am not a robot, but it keeps spinning. In the console I get this error everytime I click and wait for the spinner.


    I would really like to bid on the auction again. Could someone please fix this issue?
  2. It's being a while now, they know about this bug, many players have the same problem. Don't think it will be resolved soon
  3. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    Still broke from browser (trying to enter voucher code)
  4. According to the post on the November sync, its been fixed.:mad::eek:

    Guess what, NO IT HASN'T!

    It's still just spinning around and doing nothing. And we all know it won't be fixed until AFTER the voucher code expires.

    So many problems, so few fixes.
  5. thomkok12

    thomkok12 User

    Damn that really sucks...
  6. My auction is completely broken now. Captcha spins and fails. Thanks for the support
  7. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    still not work for voucher code
  8. And again, admin post said a server restart and sync this morning was supposed to fix 'some' of the issues the game has been having. But, guess what, reCapture IS STILL NOT WORKING! And now, the DC exclusive calendar HAS STOPPED WORKING as well.

    can the dev's do nothing right? Even their attempts at fixes only make things worse!

    If this keeps up, in a few weeks when flash goes, so will the game.
  9. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    This is a known issue and has been reported.

    Closing as issue has been reported.

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