Captcha - I'm not a robot NOT WORKING

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by {{BGkiler}}BG, Nov 6, 2020.

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  1. They told me the same thing. Yet, more than a week now, half of the game content is not available. Well with credits. Buy uri and your good ..
  2. DarkMarsGR

    DarkMarsGR User

    When a robot asks you if you are a robot... lol
  3. reboot didnt help with Auction problem (captcha)
    {{BGkiler}}BG likes this.
  4. They must be troling by now
  5. Neither does cleaning cache or reinstalling OS, dont try. It's related to your account (server issue) not with your local system

    Seems like it
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2020
  6. musmop

    musmop User

    du somthing
  7. Nah, I'm out. This game is dying for a long time now. No updates, half of the game is basically frozen (for many people) unless you buy UR. Take care everyone. Cheers
  8. I havent been able to use anything captcha related since the voucher code came out at the beginning of the month. I still need to redeem code and havent been able to use auction for a couple days now.
  9. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    This has been reported and the Devs are aware of the problem.

    Closing as DEVs are working on solution.

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