Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DEXTER-MORGAN, Jan 27, 2021.

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  1. Can someone for the love of god please tell me why every time i come out of a gg or change map or get popped I'm getting this dumb bot captcha thing where is puts you in a circle and you have to collect the correct boxes????
    Its having no affect on the botters what so ever yet its saying that I am acting suspiciously!!!!
    If playing the game normally as an honest player is classed as suspicious then what the heck is going on!!!
    Getting really really annoyed with it now.

    Plus this forum is dead as hell takes weeks to get any reply from someone high up.
    Support is useless as they have no clue at all.
    COOPPRIX and moki-ar like this.
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Haven't come across this yet, But as far as getting answers on here players help more then support. As for contacting support, Well lets just say" Have you clean your cache" Standard answer for what ever needs fixing. The game is in dying mode and consider the operators " Hospice". Only here to make you comfortable, your time is coming and let it happen on its own.
    COOPPRIX and moki-ar like this.
  3. I have not seen that yet. Which server are you on?
    I have let my ship be idle too long and it generated an error/stop code which forced me to restart my PC after trying to reload the page that had locked up.
    Never had these kinds of problems when it was a browser based game.
    If the client were a horse , I would shoot it in the head and put it out of it's misery.:eek:
    COOPPRIX likes this.
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I'm on usa 3. was on the usa west but they merged us with the east. That is when I lost a lot of game benefits because of the time change of the server. the 3 hour time change wasn't accounted for so if you have a life , you lost out on the merger. I lost upgrade hour and a lot of events. This game is in a death spiral, Why fix something your letting die, just patch till you have no need. It's still make some money.
  5. I actually think that despite the frequency being a pain to deal with, it's actually a good feature. have to remember, it's not there to catch the bots, it's there to indicate anyone behaving suspiciously. even if the bot gets past the captcha, if it's triggered often enough then that would log itself on the servers as a possible botter.

    then it's merely up to bigpoint to how they deal with that information
  6. well not really as im getting it about 7 or 8 times a day and ive not botted ever on this game.
    i get it when i jump port
    i get it when im doing npc
    i get it when i come out of a gg
    i get it when i pop

    its ridiculous!
    and whilst im getting it all the time the botters are not lol work that one out!!!!!
  7. I get it too, soooo annoying when you are in a fight ,repair and guess what the circle, bloody annoying. If its to fix botters it aint not working.
  8. ive only seen this 1x when i went to make a drink and left ship in gate ready to do next wave ,when i returned i see this followed instructions .i actually think all players are aware of it and is good idea ,if you arent cheating collect boxes tis easy to do.if you are a bot clearly u wont like getting this as means you will have to actually sit there and watch wats going on .yet if disagree with bots i think a good honest player would support this idea ..happy hunting dexter .morgon
  9. Turbinesco

    Turbinesco User

    guys i dont get never what you say
    meaby you play to long time
  10. I don't get any of this.
    After finishing a wave it warns you to advance or you will be sent back to base and that is what usually happens.
    The only loophole is ,if you leave one enemy in the corner , you can take a short break (smoke , bathroom etc. with out consequences.) with few exceptions.
    I have had some instances when the screen became , for lack of a better term ," jumbled " and I had to reload it but , that hasn't happened in a while.

    I make no accusations but , maybe because I am a real player and play like a real player , the system doesn't find it necessary to question my validity .Half the fun (and frustration) of playing this game was trying to build your acct. while avoiding the constant threat of wars and enemy wolf packs hunting on your maps.
    The reality is , any steps they take to benefit players or penalize bots affects everyone . One bad apple DOES spoil the whole bunch .It's a fact that we have to live with if we decide to keep playing.
    Drones no longer take damage . GREAT for me , oh wait , great for bots too. And so on. There are many more examples of pros and cons .Too many to list them all . But , any long time player knows what they are.
    Don't know what else to say except good luck .If you play , keep it real.
    Star*Fire likes this.
  11. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as OP is insulting Support.

    Please note future infractions may result in further actions taken

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