GI threads 2021

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by 99-to-life, Jan 5, 2021.

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  1. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Really another event that is only for those who can play during the day. What about the players who play early morning are we not considered players?
  2. Running an event 24/7 isn't exactly considered normal in most games when the farming gives a lot. And typically you'd make it during the day so majority can farm, and not the very few minority.
    KilerStreak likes this.
  3. having set times on servers such as usa is alright because it's the same timezone for most if not all players. However, when you do it for Global servers like the PVE server, it just alienates too many players. There is no reason to NOT make events a 24 hour time because it's making it so that one group can play it and get its benefits and the other groups can't. And it's the same time for ALL events, so if you can't play 1 event because of time, you can't play ANY of them
  4. Why on earth do some NPC from galaxy gates count towards quests and some don't!!!!
    There is no consistency here what so ever!
    They either DO count or they DONT count!! Make your minds up.
    For example-

    Uber sibs in eternal count towards quests!
    Damage devs 100,000,000 can be done in gates!
    Hades NPC count towards quests!

    Make your minds up, either make it so ALL gate npc count towards quests or NONE of them do!!!!!

    Personally i think ALL gate npc should be counted towards quests.
    A BK is a BK no matter where it is!!

    I honestly do not understand the logic behind anything that is ever done on this game.
  5. you blabber mouth :) :)
    i've always assumed that DO don't know about the uber sibs counting :)
    the winter events, when you get loads of uber sibs, are always a good time to have a uber sibs quest running
  6. Donmeny

    Donmeny User

    i cant see the global chat, just clan chat and group chat.
  7. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Thanks for helping the OP.

    Does the OP have any further questions or may we close?

  8. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    Are you still experiencing this issue?

    If so, then, then please provide
    User Name (in game)

    So we can better assist you


  9. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    What coordinates are you trying to go to and I will check it out for you.

  10. the refraction quests are impossible to complete rare to find 1 or 2 ships how are you meant to complete them evil hot dog
  11. I accidentally started a German server. Now I went back to my main server, but I can't seem to change the language back to English. Half of the words is in English, the other half is in German and when I try to change it back to English nothing happens..

    Honestly, at this point the game is starting to feel like a joke to me. These annoying, easy to fix bugs shouldn't even be in the game.

    Anyone who got a solution for me? I can't read half of the stuff because it's in German now.
  12. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    lol so players that play in time slots that they picked so they would work with life, pretty much don't count after the merger. When they moved us from west to east everything was moved 3 hours earlier. One thing for sure that was taking away was Upgrade Happy hour. if we talk in real time it was moved from 7pm to 3 pm. Most working folks that have day jobs on the west coast are still at work. By not making changes to fix those problems, The Bot issue, Events are in time slots that don't give all players a chance along with many other things that they pretend are not issues. I know I stop given them money, why would I pay money to play a game who disenfranchises me.just saying
  13. i can is imposible to get to coordonates 105/67.5...i've tried so many times.... and for the rewards it doesn't worth the efort, but i'm somewhat a perfectionist...and i want to do all the quests
  14. I have a difference with the server 10 hours in winter and 9 hours in summer
    not complaining)))
  15. for a long time this problem was passed on to developers ...
  16. lol, and the moderators are still asking for coordinates... or maybe they are working on Unity version...and this one is discarded... not worth modifiying... i hope at least they give a nice feedback for us investing in this game, as to how long it takes those genies to upgrade it, because this client is a piece of shit (sorry for the wrong word, but i am at my limit too)
  17. i've crafted everything i can find with the event shards but still got 10k+ of each left
    all the event crafts are once only so does anyone know of anything else i can use them for before they disappear
  18. extra fragments will disappear after the event ends
  19. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I pick the server so it worked with life's itinerary then they it moved 3 hours away" lol". With a 10 hour dif. I just may be able to do some events but the 3 hour makes it imposable do. It's a game not worth changing my life for. Will say the unfairness in the game nows days with all the Autos or Bots that run the maps on a daily bases. I'm kinda slowly walking away from the game They have made it almost not worth even trying, Well unless you run a bot program you have no chance to compete. Watched my rank drop 3 stripes in 2 days and have seen players gain 3 stripes in one day. That tells you every thing you need to know about this game and the issue with botters.Been goofing around in this game for a bit, think it was 2012 when I started. Games going down hill fast. Enjoy
  20. Its so hard to plan for the long term anymore with games. I remember when they put even slots in the evening. At that time, I worked in the evening. Then when I changed to a day time schedule, so did the events. SMH. Mergers really took a bite on the US. Combining both coast is a super drag if you are trying to hit event schedules, whether daily, weekly or special events. Now I switched to playing the PVE server with no plan on hitting events because lets face it, what is the point? Now I can play in peace, at my pace and not care anymore. Sorry Star, don't think they will ever think about how things go on this side of the pond.
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