[UIP] hammerclaw ship in battle pass

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by スヨマのケ, Apr 30, 2022.

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  1. It is something very simple and simple that the hammerclaw ship is available soon in some battle pass, it would be good if this very useful ship can be obtained for players who are starting in the game.

    I would appreciate it very much to take this idea into account and a greeting. ;)
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    It's been in the shop a couple of times since Christmas in the (Stellar Pathfinder Bundles) :)
  3. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    Not just for Starter, It is an Elite ship and probably one of the best in every aspect that every pilot must have to experience.;););)
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

  5. For starters, you should use Aegis. Hammerhead is not a starter ship, it used to be the counterpart of cyborg with the hard grinding, but now it's available for quite a cheap price in the shop, that's good enough.

    With the right module and timing it could almost solo any ship, in exception of the plus ships especially goliplus and citplus, just based on my experience, though.
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