[SC] Best Plus Ships

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ViceNoMercy, May 1, 2022.

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  1. Hey guys, just wanna ask a simple question, based on your experience what is the best plus ship in the game for 1v1?

    I personally use Citadel Plus the most, and goli plus if I want to burst some relatively less tanky player that won't drag the battle for too long.

    Is the Solaris or maybe solace plus better than these two? Imo, they don't have the perfect 18-18 ship config, and their skill is just so-so, except for solace when inside a group. So, any different opinion maybe? thanks.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    ORCUS :D
  3. Lol, Orcus, is pretty good with the 46% overall penetration, but against another suicide goli+ with a 27% mod, I don't think it fares well. The speed is also the problem, being 20 speeds lower than goliath at base condition.
    jayherbo likes this.
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