[UIP] cant we have a fast key for targetting the nearest enemy?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Rocker-will, Jun 19, 2022.

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  1. i havent played this game much but i find clicking on a target to be pretty old cant we have a fast key that locks onto the nearest target in range a button tht i can press that will cycle through all the targets that are within range it might actually help people to play a little better and combat so called bots you dont have to remove the click function and u still have to use click if you want to choose a specific ship rather then the one closest to you also can we have directional arrows move the ship rather then the mouse as an additional movement option i think that would be a good improvement to the game aswell... only other thing i would like to see in the game is better ingame market and trading system!! every good MMO revolves around trading and crafting!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
  2. you propose to legalize cheats..
  3. This is too close to the app that they are supposed to be blocking. Its why the cloak chip is worthless against certain players.
    Rocker-will likes this.
  4. not target cloaked players but everything else, my pc suks my connection is bad and the touchpad is clunky would be alot simpler to play, be good if i could target and shoot more then 1 target aswell, just a thought
  5. No, it takes away the point of skill, we don't need more reduction in the skill department.
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