[SC] Goliath+ vs Solace+

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º, Jun 23, 2022.

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Which Plus Ship is Better?

  1. Goliath+

  2. Solace+

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  1. I've asked a few people, but want to get more opinions. I'd say the 2 ships are relatively close in power, since the G+ Lost it's Skill and the Solace+ Can heal while still keeping up in Damage, but the G+ still has its speed and a bit more damage. So I'm curious what others think, I can build one of them right now, but I'm lacking mods so I'm in no rush.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    None, they're just carrots, more are coming, I'd wait:rolleyes:
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  3. depends on goals and available modules
    I have a soleis + and I collected it for an event in March, I don’t use it for anything else)
    and instead of Goliath+ I would take pusat+
    R.I.P_BSGO_InFlames_ likes this.
  4. soleis whats that SOLARIS+ and SOLACE+ two in one hahahahahaahahahaahaha

    how did you colect that much diametrion
    so depending or what your best modules are thats corect to your choice

    im already have
    +20%DMG overal is importand (+6%speed,+1SHD penetraion) this is my best module ever i catch in game no penalties working on NPC's and player ships
    +15% shield penetration (-1% rocket dmg)
    +25%SHD (-2%HP)
    +8% speed
    all these are for G+ and how can i chose Pussat+

    so differences are this new Astral s#&@$^T give us modules for PUSSAT+ as we know a few people are got these modules , my chose are easy G+ bcz i never touch these pUssat+ modules
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 2, 2022
  5. I currently have the base modules you can get for Solace minus the HP one. I have 1 or 2 minor ones for Goliath Plus that the Goli could use. I'm waiting for the new event to get some patches so I can do the new gate for the BP and roll the unstable modules.

    I do agree the pusat+ is good, but its no better than the G+ or Solace+ let alone the Citadel+ which is currently the best one due to its skills being too quick to come off CD and it being practically invincible for a solid minute. But I don't care to focus on that right now. At some point I will get them all, just debating on which one at the moment. But this BP will solidify my decision depending on the modules I acquire.
  6. SOLACE+
    so the translator writes)))
    R.I.P_BSGO_InFlames_ likes this.
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