Bots and Cheats ...

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Think about premium etc, the only ones that get full advantage for the £$ spent is bots, real players' have to sleep, go to work etc...........prem should be free
  2. 50% boosters all that is unfair advantage to players who do not use a bot!!!
  3. Kellerkind

    Kellerkind User

    lol you think they ll keep spending money ? nope most are up and gone or will quit soon , I got banned for whatever reason even though I've been asking of them to remove the bots for ages but yet I got banned for? now they are without another player spending at least 200 monthly on this game across all my acc. followed by a bunch of others. it's over bruh this game is gonna be dead
  4. TermiteFan

    TermiteFan User

    @[PΛЯΛĐΘX]™ Incredibly and stupendously WELL said!!! I could not agree more with your post!!
  5. Excessive

    Excessive User

    Out of curiousity why do YOU think players use 3rd party tools. Exclude those who use trains, they just suck.

    My take on it;
    It takes roughly 40 minutes to craft 1 QZ cpu in X-7, 15 minutes to run said QZ for 1 or 2 oil. You need 300 oil for 1 Hydra, so at best you are needing 150 QZ cpu's to craft a single launcher. (done 135 QZ, over time with my little account - I have 196 oil and some of that was from daily logins)
    That works out to roughly 138 hours, just for the oil.
    Tetrathin, 40 per day from dailies, 4800 needed. Roughly 35 minutes per daily (if you're strong enough to do them solo) there's another 70 odd hours
    So we have 200 hours give or take for a launcher - So far.
    On top of that you have to gamble with dispatches to get the Hydra alloy, that costs uri to do for the most part. You need Schism, so more grinding more uri spent - All for a single Launcher.

    Including grinding uri for dispatches and gates to get Schism, you're adding another what 30, 40 hours of play time + the time taken to actually do the gates..
    End of the day, it's taken close to 300 hours to get a single launcher.

    Then we have your first + ship, Promi lasers, Upgrade modules - Just so you can stand a chance of getting away/survive being attacked by the guys who already have the best of everything and like to use new/er players for risk free target practice

    I'm not defending bots but when you look at it in context, the game is 20 years old and has evolved into a "GrindFest"- The big well developed accounts, many who have no missions left so pvp and high end PVE is all they have, they run the servers. Everyone else is playing catch up.
    +- 300 hours for a launcher
    4 hours (grinding Impulses) + 2 Zetas (90 minutes if your not strong) for a Promi Laser - You need 35 of those just for a standard ship, more if you're lucky enough to have a + ship to start.

    All that so you can be on a reasonably even standing with others at your level. You're still not competing with the big boys without the millions of URI, IAC and ABR to upgrade equipment.

    I love the game, been around since 2011 but there is no way I would start a new account these days and I would NEVER recommend DarkOrbit to any of my gaming friends...

    Yes I do keep track of what I do in the game and how long it takes for X rewards...
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  6. By the time everyone has posted their comments either pro or con for the current "ban wave" the coders for the train bot programs have already beat the detection or are about to. For every $100.00 spent on defeating the bots the bot programmers spend $.10 changing a few lines of code to get it up and running again. Let's all play "Wack-a-mole" instead.
  7. Then BP should have made their own bot to sell with premium then they would make all the money bot company's would be out and the T&C could have been changed to allow them instead of only players who don't care if they got ban as they never spent money on the game to begin with!!
  8. If the bans were not a short 'time out' and there was an actual punishment the bots would be lower. No one wants to build a ship and have it vanish for T&C violations.

    The amount of bots on maps is indicative of the lack of game moderation. You cannot say the wrong thing in chat but lord you can run your ship 24x7 for 6 months to get high rank with not a blip.

    That needs to change.
  9. AVIT

    AVIT User


    lmao ,you spend 200 a month ? i seriously doubt that ! .sounds more like sour grapes you speaking
    Last edited by moderator: May 2, 2023
  10. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    I know you have a hard time with others opinions and ideas and the truth is something you put away when it suits but.. That announcement is totally DIFFERENT to the one it directs you to - your language forums - The OFFICIAL announcement does not match the Discord announcement.
    The Disord announcement actually tells you to go to your language forums for more information - Sadly as with most "official" announcements, the forums and discord are different.

    But hey, you win.. Some botters got temp banned, Some train users got temp banned. A few got perma banned. Oh and a lot who never used trains or bots also got temp banned.

    I'm stuck shooting Invokes and Barstroke alone as there just isn't anyone in the map but thats ok - I can now win a game where all competition was removed along with 80 to 90% of all active accounts and never have to spend a $ to do it..
    Don't know how I'll finish the 10k kill quest, unless they remove pushing rule - There just isn't enough ships in the maps.
    Getting rid of bots is bad for the bottom line for the company And as it turns out pretty bad for those left too.

    Maybe time for the next server merge - One world wide server, there might just be enough accounts left to make it work for a few months.
  11. There are players and they will return when the game is supported and moderated.
    The issue at hand is why should I a *LEGIT* player get charged for things others steal for free?

    Thats why people left. They can fix up the game and advertise the space mmo.
  12. the wave of account bans using banned programs also affected my legitimate account
    i have never used such programs and i don't even know what they are because i was
    not interested in them this carelessness if it continues and in the future they
    will start burning the accounts of honest players i lost my life 6591 the hour to
    support my favorite game in the hope that it will please and support the people
    for which it exists the players who donate their time in the game I know the rules
    and I have always followed them now for the first time I have been banned for no
    reason for seven months now I have a bug in the honor I have written to you
    countless times and you didn't fix the bug my honor dropped by a billion and a
    hundred million now i'm minus five hundred thirty two million i can never get it
    back i have no rank anymore and the game is now pointless players play for honor
    and rank that's the point of the game the rest is pointless I wrote to support and they said they can't help me, they have to reward us and remove us from the blacklist, it's for bots and not for honest players
    VortexOfError likes this.
  13. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    That would mean the company taking an interest and being willing to invest both time and money in the game.
    For a start;
    * Ditching Flash.
    * Reducing the never ending grind to a reasonable level.
    * Rebalancing everything RNG related.

    The time to address issues with DO was roughly 9 years ago - It's way too late now
    End of the day, DarkOrbit is staying in the Dark and its Orbit is getting smaller and smaller
  14. Ban wave was pointless. Bots are back as usual. No cubes available as bots on them as usual. Ranks are slowly creeping back to where they were pre ban wave so what was it all for lol?
    jayherbo likes this.
  15. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Maybe it was to trick "legitimate" players' to spend again, as you say "Ranks are slowly creeping back, so what was it all for".
  16. Yeah i lost over 100 rank in 1 day since they all got accounts back lol, waste of time giving temp bans.
    -TACKO-[H.E] and jayherbo like this.
  17. AVIT

    AVIT User

    have faith mate ,,you know or should do ,that HON was removed only, hall of fame rank points is mainly about experience points and what else in game ie kills amount of npc killed etc etc .. only hon was removed which is mainly for badge .i had always thought ..
    IF they carry on botting ,slowly they will be terminated too

    I have no complaints ,and welcome the bans and hpe they catch them all eventually or stop botting which is what is intended

    the screenshot tells you the truth i dont understand what you are getting at all. by the way i don't use discord ! and they are not going to endorse a script in the forums like they allow to be done on discord are they .

    i was banned perm form darkorbit discord a month after it was launched for voicing my disgust .i knew what was going on there and thats when the rampant botting started .

    PS: you also say a server merge would be needed for you to do your 10k mission .
    NO sever merge should happen until the bots have either stopped doing it or are banned perm if they will not .at the moment untill then it would only bring more botters onto a server which we are trying to stop .
    the whole point of the 10k misson is supposed to be hard but you seem to be saying you like it the easy way just as a botter does .by shooting people afk .
    Last edited by moderator: May 4, 2023
  18. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    So where did you find that announcement, it certainly isn't the "official" one from the forums.
    Oh I see it's a FB announcement, has less credibility than DO discord and the forums combined

    Funny actually. 3 announcements on 3 different social media sites - 3 different versions of an announcement that goes from "banning trains" to "banning bots" to just plain "banning".
    And what makes it even funnier - They didn't do any thing except the 3rd option and then only selectively. They didn't ban ALL bots, they selectively banned and punished "some" accounts while others had no repercussions.

    And DO wonder why there is so few real players left in the game - I wonder could it be because DO do not communicate well, even between themselves - No wonder players get confused..

    Avit, you hold onto that dream of a game without bots. Personally I think it will be a game without players but hold on to that dream bud.

    *The 10k quest is meant to take time, not be impossible to do without pushing. I don't know anyone, even you, who wants to spend a year or more to get 10k kills without breaking the eula.
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
  19. will i think if do is to ban a cheat not just _ honors but shds,lasers.all the stuff they have to 0 it not a big thing just 0 honors all the stuff to o all upgrades to 0
    jayherbo likes this.
  20. Every time I come back to the game after a year or two away I am surprised the game still exists. If it wasn't for the die hard players this game would/should have been dead like at least 8 years back. Bots started to take over probably 10-11 years ago now, and DarkOrbit has done nothing about them. I had hope for the first 1, 2, 3 years but that hope faded away and I'm not sure there is even 1 actual player playing every time I get on.

    In making changes to "fight against the bots" all they end up doing is making the experience worse for the real legit player. This is before you even consider the stupid amount of things they add that makes a free player fall further and further behind almost every day. I read that Global Europe 1 server was the most active, so I started a ship on there few days back, and while it is more active than the US West server that I have a good ship on, it is still littered with botters. So what is the point in playing if you just want to have fun? Where is the fun? Every event that they come out with only appeals to the botters and people who spend a crap ton of money. There is no place for a free player in this game anymore, and it is sad.

    Furthermore, Does this game even have support anymore? It feels like there might be 1 person out there "working" on this game, and that has been the case for years. Last time I played consistently was around 3 years ago. The same issues that I had back then still exist now. It is pathetic.
    Last edited: May 4, 2023