hitak event trains

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by DEXTER-MORGAN, Aug 19, 2023.

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  1. how we meant to do this event when there is clans making trains and just sitting on the hitak? thought you banned the players who were making trains? where is the report feature for players in game? 6 players all in citadel plus ships and all from the same clan doing a train and you cant detect this?
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    This event wasn't for anyone but the autos and it wasn't for all players, it would run and even amout of time over 24 hours. the game is open 24/7 but the event isn't.

  3. from what I heard, like 20 ships on the Spain server got detected and banned doing this. Maybe its just a matter of time before these get caught
  4. Good lord they are in the maps doing the small hitak ships and bosses. Its wild.
    I guess the DDOS attacks were them adjusting the apps that dont exist according to support.