Why is merging all GA's into 1 impossible?

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ►☢☣oldironsides10☣☢◄, Sep 22, 2023.

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  1. I've been wondering for a while, and so has thousands wondering the same exact question.

    The whole GA community wants all Global America's 1 through 5 to merge into a one giant GA, and staff claims that it's impossible.
    Global America 1 and 2 is located in the same building, same server room, samething with US2 and MX1, but that's a whole different story.

    Global America 1 is more dead than a Goth party and coming to a surprise that Global America 2 is somehow more active than a Church at a Sunday.
    It doesn't make any sense.

    Might as well have those servers merge into US2, or have all US related servers merge into GA1.

    But the question is Why?
  2. Really!!! Merge servers again lol the game is bug ridden and support admits they are having a real time repairing the game, and you want to merge servers again.
    I am still trying to get them to fix the bugs the first merge caused.
    If the game is that far gone they have to merge servers again I would just quit as it would be proof the game is dead and gone and they should just close it as there would only be bot's and nobody to spend money left.
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    i lost all kind of things the last merger, because of the time difference of 3 hour. have only been able to use upgrade happy twice since the merger and most events. they never ajusted thise times so those who were merged could use them. another merger is dumb, just fix the game we play now.
  4. Any other merge is going to be a big pain. last merge caused me many problems, the biggest was i could not logon for over a month
  5. That doesn't answer my question.
  6. Except that GA1 and GA2 is in the same server room with the other American servers, and amazingly, both servers are similar as in how the same it feels.

    Both servers is mostly Spanish, and both servers have the same time zone.
    However, on GA1, there's a 30 minute wait onto the auction.
    So why not merge GA1 into GA2? It'd make sense.
  7. test020

    test020 User

    data merging isn't simple and if you heard that it is, you were lied to by someone who never even attempted such effort.
    not to mention people that have multiple characters, also inactivity plays a role alongside inventory items, achievements and whatnot.
  8. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    the only thing that was nice about the last merger was, that dorning the time they put us in the test server ( something that we have not seen in a long time). We were in for about 5 days and we were all rich and had all the toys. Other than those few days, nothing good came with it. Hell they even imported the lag and all the bugs. I lost non-finished missions, gate spins, upgrade happy hour ( was at 7pm server time and now at 4 pm, If you work day shift, you lost it.) all events that are set in time spans run at times we are still working or end about the time we get home. Nah The merger was a not a good thing, didn't fix anything just caused more issues.
    test020 and .-señor_dark11-. like this.